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Ramate Rattanachaweng Fires Back at Paetongtarn Shinawatra Amid Democrat-Pheu Thai Tensions

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Paetongtarn Shinawatra visits Sukhothai province last Friday. (Photo: Pheu Thai Party)

Ramate Rattanachaweng, the former spokesman for the Democrat Party, issued a fiery retort on Saturday to Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra’s recent comments. She had remarked that she could never accept the wrongful actions of some former Democrat executives against her party. “Has there ever been a former Democrat Party leader who was jailed for corruption?” Ramate questioned. “Have any of them fled the country to dodge a corruption sentence?”

The Prime Minister’s comments came in response to discontent among political allies of the Pheu Thai Party, particularly the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), over Pheu Thai’s decision to form an alliance with the Democrat Party. Ms. Paetongtarn emphasized that while the parties might be political bedfellows now, Pheu Thai could never truly forgive what the Democrats had done in the past.

She was referring to the notorious dispersal of political protesters, mostly UDD supporters, by a Democrat-led regime following the ousting of the Yingluck Shinawatra administration in a military coup on May 22, 2014. The use of force by the then-regime remains a sore point among Pheu Thai supporters.

Ramate retaliated, arguing that the Pheu Thai Party often spread false narratives about Abhisit Vejjajiva, the former Democrat leader and prime minister, implying his role in the dispersal was exaggerated. “In reality, those protest gatherings were far from peaceful and legal as they claim,” he stated.

Ms. Paetongtarn pointed out that the executive lineup of the Democrat Party has significantly evolved over the past decade. She signaled that the current Pheu Thai-led government needs stability and the Democrat Party could contribute positively with its MP support.

To illustrate her point, she compared the alliance to a country that resumes trading with another after it shifts from a dictatorship to a democracy. “That’s a way of looking forward to a new future,” she added energetically.

However, Ramate didn’t pull any punches. He remarked that although most Democrat executives had backed the decision to partner with Pheu Thai, there was a faction—including many former MPs and cabinet ministers—who were staunchly opposed. “These supporters remain loyal to the party because they have faith in the integrity and the virtues that the party has upheld throughout its history,” he passionately declared.


  1. Jules32 August 31, 2024

    Ramate has a point. Can we really forget how Pheu Thai treated the Democrats?

    • Sara K. August 31, 2024

      True, but politics is about moving forward. Holding grudges doesn’t build a country.

      • PolFocus August 31, 2024

        But ignoring the past can be equally dangerous. The UDD dispersal was a serious issue.

      • Jules32 August 31, 2024

        Agreed, both sides have blood on their hands. But that doesn’t excuse current hypocrisy.

  2. Alice P. August 31, 2024

    Ms. Paetongtarn is right. Trust in the Democrat Party is crucial now more than ever.

    • DragonHeart89 August 31, 2024

      Trust? They flip-flop for power. How is that trustworthy?

    • Liam T. August 31, 2024

      Not all Democrat leaders are the same, some have genuinely good intentions.

      • Alice P. August 31, 2024

        Exactly, it’s the people who change, not just the party label.

  3. Grower134 August 31, 2024

    Pheu Thai and Democrats together? Ridiculous! They’re like oil and water.

    • ModernMind August 31, 2024

      But isn’t pragmatism necessary in politics? Sometimes you have to partner with old enemies.

    • Surin F. August 31, 2024

      Pragmatic perhaps, but at what cost? What principles are being sacrificed here?

      • Grower134 August 31, 2024

        Exactly. You can’t just gloss over years of conflict and betrayal!

  4. Goldie August 31, 2024

    Is it just me or does Ramate sound like he’s living in the past?

    • Mark V. August 31, 2024

      Living in the past or not, history has a way of repeating itself if ignored.

    • Katy D. August 31, 2024

      Sure, history matters, but so does the present need for collaboration.

  5. NightOwl August 31, 2024

    Ramate’s right! The dispersal of UDD was justified.

  6. Sunshine August 31, 2024

    Paetongtarn talking about forgiveness while holding a grudge is so ironic.

  7. Toby H. September 1, 2024

    I think Pheu Thai supporters have every right to be skeptical about this alliance.

    • Klang September 1, 2024

      Skepticism is natural, but let’s give this a chance to work first.

      • Toby H. September 1, 2024

        Fair enough. Time will tell if this alliance is genuine or just for convenience.

  8. DetectiveC September 1, 2024

    Ramate asking about Democrat leaders fleeing the country is a low blow.

    • Ashley M. September 1, 2024

      Low blow or not, it’s a valid question. Accountability matters.

      • DetectiveC September 1, 2024

        It does, but airing dirty laundry in public doesn’t help.

  9. Phrao September 1, 2024

    Are we all forgetting why Democrat leaders had to disperse the protestors in the first place?

  10. HawkEye September 1, 2024

    If Pheu Thai wants stability, they need strong partners. Democrat Party might be it.

    • Zenith September 1, 2024

      Strong partners? More like opportunists looking for power.

  11. Lisa B. September 1, 2024

    Looks like Ramate and Paetongtarn are just two sides of the same coin.

    • Eduardo September 1, 2024

      Agreed. Both are just playing to their respective audiences.

    • GreenThumb September 1, 2024

      But we need leaders who can rise above petty politics.

  12. PapayaKing September 1, 2024

    Are we surprised Pheu Thai and Democrats are fighting? Old habits die hard.

  13. Rio G. September 1, 2024

    Democrat Party has evolved? Please, it’s the same club with different faces.

    • Charlie M. September 1, 2024

      Maybe, but fresh perspectives can still emerge even within old organizations.

  14. Jane D. September 1, 2024

    The past is prologue. We can’t just ignore the history between these parties.

    • Hope September 1, 2024

      Ignoring the past is impossible, but using it to justify endless conflict is pointless.

  15. Lionel H. September 1, 2024

    Political alliances are all about survival, not ideology.

  16. Traveler1 September 1, 2024

    I feel like both parties are just putting on a show for their voters.

  17. Energizer September 1, 2024

    Ramate just doesn’t want to admit that the Democrats are no saints either.

  18. Cynthia September 1, 2024

    Can we really believe anything either side says in this political circus?

    • DeepThinker September 1, 2024

      Skepticism is healthy, but so is hope for a change.

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