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Revealed: The Unexpected Move by French President to Support Buddhism! Paris Gains a Thai Spiritual Landmark!

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In the heart of France’s cosmopolitan capital city, Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron has declared his keen support for the establishment of Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaram, a cultural cornerstone and a spiritual lighthouse for Thai Buddhists. On a regular Thursday, Emmanuel Macron’s presidential abode, the Elysée Palace, saw a revered visitor, Somdet Phra Maha Theerajarn, the abbot of Wat Phra Chetuphon, colloquially known as Wat Pho.

This official visit wasn’t just any ordinary diplomatic meeting; it came with the goal of initiating the Wat Pho Paris, a socio-religious landmark set to echo the spiritual teachings of Buddhism right in the heart of France. This monumental inauguration ceremony is slated for tomorrow with the respected Somdet Phra Maha Theerajarn leading the ceremonial proceedings.

Joining the high-level assembly were additional vital characters. Phra Sri Wichira Thamwithet, the Sangha chairman of Wat Pho Paris, and Boonyarit Vichienpuntu, the acting ambassador of the Royal Thai Embassy in Paris, were both present. Their animated discussion, lasting close to 45 enlightening minutes, revolved around the evolution of Buddhism in Thailand, and the potential of these teachings to foster global harmony and peace.

The exchange of beliefs and visions set a positive tone for their discussion. The abbot expressed his admiration for Macron’s administrative initiatives and projections. His words found a receptive ear in the French President, who voiced his support for the establishment of Wat Pho Paris. Leaning back into his memories, Mr. Macron recalled his personal visit to Wat Pho during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok late last year.

Wat Pho Paris is nestled in the tranquil environs of Rue de Rimoron, 91650 Breux-Jouy. It carries the mission to preside as a beacon of Buddhism in France, promoting its practices and teachings. This establishment is a monumental notch in the lengthy belt of diplomacy, marking 333 years of Thai-French fellowship.

Apart from paying homage to Buddhism, this holy sanctuary will serve as a teaching center focusing on Dhamma, a Buddhist doctrine, thereby paving a new path towards global unity and peace. The doors of Wat Pho Paris are set to open, promising a peaceful spiritual refuge amid the buzzing city of Paris – all under the watchful eyes of Somdet Phra Maha Theerajarn and the supportive French President, Emmanuel Macron.

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