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Rogue Wave Wreaks Havoc in Trat: 20 Boats Swept Away in Khlong Yai Canal

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Trat province witnessed a dramatic and unexpected incident on a serene Friday night, as about 20 boats got swept into a local canal by a rogue wave measuring over two meters high. As the sun set over the picturesque landscape, residents of tambon Hat Lek in Khlong Yai district found themselves amidst an unsettling chaos, hastily reaching out to local authorities for emergency assistance around 7:40 pm.

Around 15 long-tail boats, known for their reliance on the tranquil waters for daily livelihood, and three larger fishing vessels were mercilessly carried away by the towering wave into Ban Khlong Makham canal. The scene was straight out of an action movie, as the wave seemed to emerge from nowhere, causing pandemonium and anxiety among the community.

Upon receiving the frantic calls for help, law enforcement and military personnel sprung into action. Their mission: to retrieve the misfortunate boats, assess the damage, and restore some semblance of calm to the night. The combined forces faced a challenging two-hour operation under the dimming light, meticulously working to salvage the vessels. Fortunately, after an unwavering effort, they managed to pull the boats back from their watery misadventure. The majority of the boats sustained only light damage, although some equipment was reported missing, likely victims of the wave’s unruly force.

Eyewitnesses’ accounts paint a vivid picture of the incident. They narrated how the rogue wave suddenly spawned within the canal, catching everyone off guard. The ferocious surge didn’t just stop at displacing boats; it orchestrated a series of collisions that saw three of the larger fishing boats crash into smaller vessels. These collisions amplified the chaos, causing further damage and bewilderment among onlookers.

The wrath of the wave didn’t end there. Its powerful force rammed the boats into the supports of a nearby bridge, leaving behind structural damage that would require immediate attention. The bridge, usually bustling with pedestrian and vehicular traffic, stood as a silent testament to the night’s extraordinary events.

In the aftermath of the rogue wave’s surprise visit, Khlong Yai district chief, Cherdsak Chumnaseow, stepped forward to reassure the community. On Saturday, he announced that a thorough assessment of the damages was underway. Authorities aimed to evaluate the extent of destruction and figure out the best course of action to provide further assistance to those affected. The district’s residents are hopeful for prompt support and eager to rebuild what a single wave threatened to take away.

The incident, captured and widely shared in a gripping video by Trat Post News, serves as a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictable temperament. It also underscores the unity and prompt collaboration between the local authorities and residents in the face of unforeseen challenges. As the community of Hat Lek picks up the pieces, they exhibit resilience and optimism, bolstered by the prospect of restoration and recovery.

Indeed, the image of long-tail boats and fishing vessels carried into the canal by an unexpected wave will linger in the memory of Trat’s inhabitants, serving as a tale of survival against the odds and the unyielding spirit of a close-knit community.


  1. Steve July 27, 2024

    This is crazy! How could a rogue wave just appear out of nowhere? Somebody needs to investigate this thoroughly.

    • Emily K. July 27, 2024

      Steve, rogue waves are known to be sudden and unpredictable. They’re not something you can just see coming!

      • Steve July 27, 2024

        I get that, Emily, but isn’t there technology to detect these things before they hit populated areas? Seems like a huge oversight.

      • Ben12 July 27, 2024

        Right, Emily. Nature isn’t something we can always predict. We’ve got to stay humble.

    • Ravi Patel July 27, 2024

      Steve, have you ever heard of wind waves and how they form? Sometimes it’s just the perfect storm of conditions.

  2. Karen M. July 27, 2024

    My heart goes out to the community. I hope everyone is okay!

    • Anna July 27, 2024

      Karen, it’s good to hear that there were no fatalities this time. But the loss of livelihood is huge for these fishermen.

    • Max D. July 27, 2024

      Agreed, Anna. This could disrupt their income severely. How will they recover from this?

  3. Jayden July 27, 2024

    How are we still unprepared for such disasters? We need better systems in place!

    • OldSalty78 July 27, 2024

      Jayden, we’ve come a long way in predicting and dealing with natural disasters, but some events are still beyond our control.

    • Dr. Grace Liu July 27, 2024

      Jayden, the unpredictability of rogue waves makes it difficult to always be prepared. It’s a matter of probability and luck.

    • Jayden July 27, 2024

      I understand that, but it feels like there’s always more that can be done, especially for vulnerable communities.

  4. Sophia July 27, 2024

    The collaboration between the community and the authorities is inspiring. Makes me believe in humanity again.

    • Gwen T. July 27, 2024

      Absolutely, Sophia. It shows the strength and unity of people when disaster strikes.

  5. Tony July 27, 2024

    This is a significant event but let’s not overreact. These things happen throughout history.

  6. Lara Jones July 27, 2024

    Tony, minimizing the issue won’t help. These fishermen have lost a lot and need support.

    • CaptainMark July 27, 2024

      True, but Tony has a point. Natural disasters are a part of life. We need resilient communities.

  7. Olivia July 27, 2024

    What exactly causes a rogue wave anyway? Can someone explain?

    • ScienceLover July 27, 2024

      Rogue waves are usually caused by wind and wave patterns converging, creating an unusually large wave.

    • Expert99 July 27, 2024

      Olivia, adding to what ScienceLover said, it’s often about the right combination of wind strength, water depth, and currents that create these giant waves unexpectedly.

    • Olivia July 27, 2024

      Thanks for explaining! Didn’t realize it was so complex.

  8. Erik M. July 27, 2024

    Will insurance cover the damages? These boats aren’t cheap!

    • InsuranceGuru July 27, 2024

      Erik, it depends on whether they had coverage for natural disasters. Many small fishermen might not.

    • David Le July 27, 2024

      And even if they do, insurance claims can be a nightmare. These folks need immediate help, not red tape.

    • Erik M. July 27, 2024

      That’s a good point, David. Immediate support is crucial in times like this.

  9. nature_lover July 27, 2024

    As tragic as this event is, it also highlights the sheer power and beauty of nature. It demands respect.

  10. Hana B. July 27, 2024

    We need more efficient early warning systems for such events. It’s 2023, after all!

    • TechieTom July 27, 2024

      Hana, rogue waves are notoriously difficult to predict. Investing in better tech is key, but some phenomena are just unpredictable.

      • Hana B. July 27, 2024

        True, but isn’t it worth trying? These lives and livelihoods are precious.

      • Dr. Elaine Wu July 27, 2024

        Indeed, Hana. The perfect balance between advancement in technology and understanding nature is the way forward.

  11. John July 27, 2024

    How can we help the affected families? Is there a donation drive or something?

    • CommunityActivist98 July 27, 2024

      John, there should be some local initiatives. Best to check with local news or community organizations.

      • John July 27, 2024

        Thanks for the tip! We should all chip in.

  12. Leo W. July 27, 2024

    The real lesson here is preparedness. We can’t prevent such events, but we can be better prepared.

  13. Ellen July 27, 2024

    Such a shocking event! It’s a reminder that we’re at the mercy of nature.

  14. CaptainAsia July 27, 2024

    This could easily happen again. Coastal communities need serious support to adapt to these risks.

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