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Royal Phuket Marina’s Green Legacy: Sustainable Luxury Leads the Eco-Friendly Yachting Wave in Asia

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Embarking on a journey where sustainability and opulence coalesce, Royal Phuket Marina (RPM) has triumphantly ascended to the pinnacle of eco-friendly marina developments. Obtaining the coveted carbon-neutral status isn’t just an achievement; it’s a revolutionary stride towards redefining the essence of aquatic luxury across the Asian continent.

RPM isn’t just a marina. It’s a symphony of eco-innovation harmonizing with the rhythmic waves of luxury by the serene Phuket shores. Here, the air is as pure as ambition, as this waterfront sanctuary exemplifies a lifestyle that’s both high-end and hearteningly sustainable.

Positioned majestically as the threshold to the majestic Phang Nga Bay and the enchanting Andaman Sea, RPM is the epitome of refined waterfront living. Its diverse residential offerings are nothing short of a lavishly penned sonnet, featuring plush apartments, regal penthouses, serene villas, and even enchanting aquariums – all tied together with the luxury of private moorings.

But the marvels of RPM do not merely end with its dwellings. Venture further and you’ll encounter an infrastructure that caters to every seafarer’s needs – from state-of-the-art hardstands and sheltered dry-stack facilities to the spectacle of a boardwalk decked in opulence. It’s waterfront elegance reinterpreted.

RPM isn’t content with just being a residential haven; it’s also a pulsing vein of commerce and festivity, conveniently located near key amenities, providing a strategic nodal point for enterprising offices, eclectic retail, or galvanizing events – each space a testament to innovation and efficiency.

For over two decades, RPM has sailed at the helm of marina innovation, charting its course through unchartered waters with unwavering dedication to service, safety, and cutting-edge sustainably driven solutions.

Since 2016, the sun has fueled our resolve as solar panels meet 40% of our energy needs, embodying our commitment to keeping our skies clear and ambitions high. Recognized by Thailand’s TGO, our low-emission odyssey is a relentless pursuit. Additionally, our concerted crusade against single-use plastic is set to see an eradication of 4 million plastic bottles annually.

Our zeal for eco-excellence is a clarion call to all, inspiring a wave of green revolution across industries. RPM’s unwavering pledge to sustainability walks in lockstep with Thailand’s ESG mandates and global greening goals, radiating commitment louder than the sea’s roar.

Thailand eyes a greener horizon, with ambitions of carbon neutrality by 2050 and a net-zero greenhouse gas existence by 2065. At RPM, we’re not just on board; we’re piloting this green ship, steering towards a conscientious and synergistic industrial ecosystem, fostering bonds with residents, investors, and the entire global community.

Our vision serves to bolster Thailand’s reputation as a flagbearer of sustainable tourism, answering the siren calls for environmentally mindful destinations and casting a new archetype for responsible tourism in Asia and beyond.

Mr. Gulu Lalvani, Chairman of RPM, articulates, “We’re charting more than seaways here at RPM; we’re curating a destination where indulgence meets environmental stewardship. Our haven offers more than a dock for yachts; it’s a confluence where luxury and sustainability are in a perpetual embrace, sculpting a lifestyle that resonates with the untouched allure of Phuket.”

Lalvani continues, “Last month marked a milestone as Phuket’s first carbon-neutral mixed-use realm. Now, we’re weaving new phases into our success tapestry – posh hotels, deluxe villas, trendy condos, all while sailing towards a greener tomorrow. At RPM, every quest for the luxurious or entrepreneurial finds its harmonious sanctuary where visionary values are our collective anchor.”

Step aboard the Royal Phuket Marina, and let your senses set sail in a haven where the extravagance is evergreen and your paradise awaits with open arms.

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