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Samut Sakhon’s Dark Tale: Pol Maj Kiartisak Somsuk & Praween Chanklay’s Journey from Law to Lawlessness

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In a gripping turn of events that sounds straight out of a crime thriller novel, the labyrinth of law and order unfolded its complex layers in the quiet town of Samut Sakhon. The stage was set, characters introduced, and the plot thickened around Pol Maj Kiartisak Somsuk, a once-respected inspector at the Krathumban police station. Alas, this narrative was no fiction. Alongside Kiartisak, 14 other officers and seven civilians, including the infamous Praween Chanklay – or as the locals whispered, Kamnan Nok – were ensnared in a web of malfeasance tied to a high-profile murder case that shook the core of Nakhon Pathom’s societal pillars.

The saga began unraveling at a seemingly innocuous gathering at Praween’s abode on a day that would etch itself in infamy – September 6 of the previous year. The festive atmosphere turned into a grim tableau when Pol Maj Siwakorn Saibua, an inspector known for his unwavering integrity, found his life brutally cut short over dinner. The assailant, Thananchai Munmak, an aide of Praween’s with loyalty as deadly as his aim, executed the act that would later haunt the attendees. In a dramatic twist, Thananchai’s own tale met a violent end, allegedly while resisting arrest, under the watch of the same officers who failed to protect Siwakorn.

This heinous act was not born out of random violence but stemmed from a vile yet straightforward request: Praween desired unhindered passage for his fleet, laden beyond legal capacity, through the checkpoints safeguarded by Siwakorn’s honor. A refusal by Siwakorn to stain his morals set the stage for his tragic demise, witnessed by party-goers and those sworn to protect.

The aftermath was a judiciary spectacle, with the court stepping in to untangle the webs of complicity, negligence, and outright criminality. The outcome? Varied jail terms painting a stark picture of justice served in varying shades. At the heart of the conviction stood Kiartisak, the highest-ranking officer, whose fall from grace was sealed with a two-year sentence. But justice did not discriminate, as it roped in both enforcers and civilians, handing down sentences ranging from a couple of years to suspended terms, delineating a grim tableau of misdeeds punished.

Yet, amid the legal rubble, one officer, Pol Sgt Maj Apirak, emerged acquitted, a solitary figure of untainted integrity amidst the tarnish. Meanwhile, Praween, the mastermind of this dark dance, found his freedom curtailed by the cold bars of a cell for two years, a penalty seemingly light yet heavy with the burden of his actions.

As the curtain falls on this tragic real-life drama, the echoes of the gunshot at Praween’s party continue to reverberate. It’s a stark reminder of the thin line between law and lawlessness, the enduring battle between right and wrong, and the undeniable truth that justice, albeit delayed, is never denied. In the end, the saga of Kiartisak, Praween, and their cohorts serves as a grim tableau, a lesson inked in the annals of Samut Sakhon’s history, whispered by the winds and mourned by the river, a testament to the price of integrity in the face of corruption.


  1. TrueCrimeFan45 April 9, 2024

    This story reads like a movie script! It’s hard to believe such corruption exists, but I guess power corrupts. Sad to see so many involved.

    • JohnDoe April 9, 2024

      Exactly, power does corrupt. But two years for orchestrating a murder? That sentence seems way too lenient.

      • LegalEagle101 April 9, 2024

        Lenient, yes, but remember the legal system in every country operates differently. The conviction itself might have been a herculean effort.

      • Skeptical April 9, 2024

        A herculean effort for just a slap on the wrist? Sounds like the system is broken.

    • Optimist April 9, 2024

      It’s a step in the right direction though. At least there was some accountability!

  2. Jenny_M April 9, 2024

    My heart goes out to the victims and their families. The judicial outcome feels like a mixed bag of justice and compromise.

    • RealistRaj April 9, 2024

      That’s the sad reality of the justice system worldwide. It’s all about compromises and negotiations.

      • Jenny_M April 9, 2024

        True, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating. Especially when lives are lost.

  3. BookwormBrenda April 9, 2024

    Would make a gripping novel. Any authors up for the challenge? The moral and ethical dilemmas are ripe for exploration.

    • InspiredWriter22 April 9, 2024

      Challenge accepted! The layers and complexities of this case are intriguing indeed.

      • CritiqueMaster April 9, 2024

        Make sure to do it justice. Real lives and tragedies aren’t just plot twists.

  4. HonestOpinion April 9, 2024

    Seems like these officials were only a small part of a larger, more corrupt system. This story is just the tip of the iceberg.

  5. CuriousCat April 9, 2024

    I wonder what led them down this path? No one starts their career aiming to become corrupt.

    • Philosopher April 9, 2024

      The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say. Perhaps it was a series of small compromises that snowballed.

    • Sociologist April 9, 2024

      It’s often an environment that fosters corruption that leads good people to bad actions. The system itself needs a redesign.

  6. Policymaker April 9, 2024

    This is a wakeup call for a systemic overhaul. Stringent checks and balances are the need of the hour to prevent such tragedies.

    • CynicalSid April 9, 2024

      Easier said than done. Corruption has deep roots; removing it completely is nearly impossible.

      • Policymaker April 9, 2024

        Nearly impossible isn’t the same as impossible. With incremental changes, we can make a difference.

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