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Scholastic Titans Unveiled: Meet St. Stephen’s Trio Who Outsmarted the Globe in International Academia!

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Ah, the sweet scent of success is in the air, and we’re not just talking about the delectable street food wafting through the vibrant streets of Bangkok. At the illustrious St. Stephen’s International School, feats of academic brilliance have positioned three of its brightest stars at the very pinnacle of the Cambridge Assessment International Education firmament. These are the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards, a collection of accolades that shine a spotlight on the crème de la crème of academic champions from across the globe.

Let’s roll out the red carpet for our trio of geniuses who’ve soared to the zenith of their subjects in Thailand! Picture the applause and gasps of amazement as we introduce Jie Hua, the A-Level Further Mathematics wizard whose numbers game is so strong, even calculators bow down in respect. Next up, we have the insightful Rainna, whose exploration of the mind in A-Level Psychology earned her the top mark—a truly cerebral achievement. And last but not least, witness Mos sweeping the category of AS Literature, whose pen is mightier than the sword in the November 2022 series.

These accolades are not just shimmering medals or certificates to hang on the wall. No, they are a loud and clear testament to the unyielding perseverance and intellectual heavy lifting these students have pulled off. But behind every great learner is a cadre of mentors and educators, the unsung heroes nurturing fledgling minds from the starting blocks of primary school to the grand finale of Year 13.

Here’s where Mr. Neil, the esteemed Head of Secondary, dons his cap of pride. Having been a cornerstone of the school for many robust years, he has witnessed the sprouting and flourishing of these remarkable scholars. “Their journey of growth at St. Stephen’s fills me with immense pride,” he beams. “And it’s especially sweet to see Jie Hua triumph in Further Mathematics—a subject dear to both my heart and Mr. Gareth’s, who co-piloted his journey to this well-earned glory.”

A standing ovation is in order for our consummate Outstanding Learner award recipients! Their achievements are the bright beacons that inspire us all.

Fancy a taste of this educational elixir? St. Stephen’s International School is more than happy to roll out its red carpet to you. Discover why the British curriculum served up here is tantamount to a banquet of opportunity for every young mind. To book your passage into this haven of learning, swivel your compass in the direction of our admissions team and anchor your queries via telephone at Tel. 02-5130270-1 / 084-676-0616, or cast your message into the virtual seas of communication through [email protected]. Don’t just take our word for it—come and witness the scholastic spectacle that is St. Stephen’s for yourself!


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