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Senate Chaos: Minority Senators Revolt Against Blue Bloc’s Dominance in Attorney-General Evaluation Committee

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In a recent spectacle that unfolded in the Senate, minority faction senators raised an uproar as senators from the majority bloc voted themselves into dominant positions on the committee assigned to evaluate the new Attorney-General’s qualifications. Monday’s Senate meeting devolved into chaos as members grappled over committee slots, replacing those from the previous Senate.

Three camps—dubbed the “New Breed” and “White” groups—found themselves at loggerheads with the majority “Blue” bloc. The New Breed and White camps, representing minority factions, insisted that their members should be included in the committee mix. As the squabble over panelist selection heated up, Sen. Niran Yupakdi proposed that 15 senators, presumably from the Blue bloc, be appointed to the committee.

The New Breed faction promptly nominated 10 of its own senators, while the White camp also forwarded its candidates into the fray. This led to a total of 33 candidates vying for seats on the committee. When all was said and done, Deputy Senate Speaker Gen. Kriangkrai Srirak announced that 14 senators, likely affiliated with the Blue bloc, had secured their spots — each amassing between 134 and 142 of the 200 votes.

Interestingly, Pol Maj. Gen. Sunthorn Kwanpet, a candidate from the Blue camp, failed to make the cut, garnering just 36 votes. The lone non-Blue senator to earn a committee seat was Sunthorn Chaokijka, who managed to collect 109 votes.

A source from within the Senate suggested that the Blue senators accidentally voted for Mr. Chaokijka, mistaking him for Pol. Maj. Gen. Sunthorn. However, this source also hinted that the Blue bloc might have strategically voted for Mr. Chaokijka to appear cooperative and placate their minority colleagues.

The source added that more seats on future committees might be extended to senators from non-Blue camps. Sen. Premsak Piayura, a prominent voice from the “White” independent senators, lambasted Monday’s vote, denouncing it as “disgusting” and a black mark on the new Senate’s reputation.

“Controlling a vote to decide the formation of a Senate committee tasked with scrutinizing an independent organization is a disgusting habit in democracy,” Sen. Premsak declared, urging those masterminding this control to desist or face unforeseen repercussions. He left his ominous warning hanging in the air without further elaboration.

Sen. Premsak accused the Blue senators of cronyism, claiming they overlooked merit-based selection for committee members. He also highlighted that apart from assessing the new Attorney-General’s credentials, the new panel would also be responsible for scrutinizing nominees for the new Supreme Court President.

Echoing Sen. Premsak’s sentiments, Sen. Nantana Nantavaropas, from the New Breed group, revealed that some senators staged a walkout during Monday’s meeting in a dramatic show of dissatisfaction with the selection process.


  1. Ava Jones August 6, 2024

    This blatant power grab by the Blue bloc is truly disgusting. How can we trust this Senate when they rig the committee selections?

    • Tom August 6, 2024

      The Blue bloc has the majority, so they should have the majority on the committee. It’s simple math. Democracy means majority rule.

      • Sophia M. August 6, 2024

        True, but democracy also means fair representation. The minority groups’ perspectives are essential in making balanced decisions.

      • Jake D. August 6, 2024

        Yeah, but the minority always cries foul when they don’t get their way. It’s just politics as usual.

    • Marilyn August 6, 2024

      I agree with Ava. This is more than just politics; it’s about integrity and fairness in our democratic process.

  2. Derek72 August 6, 2024

    Typical political drama. They’re all corrupt, so what’s the difference who is on the committee?

    • Ella Thompson August 6, 2024

      That’s a very cynical take, Derek. We need to hold our leaders accountable, regardless of party lines.

    • Mike G. August 6, 2024

      Exactly. Just because politics can be dirty doesn’t mean we should stop caring about transparency and accountability.

  3. Joe K. August 6, 2024

    Interesting how Sunthorn Chaokijka got mistakenly voted in. Makes you wonder if there’s more strategy at play here than meets the eye.

    • Riley August 6, 2024

      Or maybe the Blue bloc actually intended to look fair by letting one non-Blue senator in. It’s all a game.

    • Sarah V. August 7, 2024

      If that’s the case, it’s a pretty savvy move. Adds a veneer of legitimacy to a fundamentally biased process.

  4. grower134 August 6, 2024

    Sen. Premsak has a point. This manipulation of votes to control committee seats is a slap in the face to democracy.

  5. Jackson L. August 7, 2024

    What did the New Breed and White camps expect? The majority rules. If they wanted power, they should have campaigned harder.

    • Nina August 7, 2024

      But it’s not just about winning elections. It’s also about ensuring fair representation and balanced scrutiny.

    • David B. August 7, 2024

      Jackson, that’s such a narrow view. Even majorities shouldn’t abuse their power.

  6. Michael August 7, 2024

    Why not just disband the minority factions if they can’t play by the rules? They only cause chaos.

    • Emma August 7, 2024

      Unbelievable! Dissent and diversity of opinion are key to a functioning democracy.

    • Liz August 7, 2024

      Right. Silencing minority voices would be the end of fair democratic representation.

  7. touchthesky August 7, 2024

    Nobody’s talking about the real issue here: the new Attorney-General’s qualifications. That’s what matters most!

    • Chris August 7, 2024

      Good point. This whole committee thing has overshadowed the actual task at hand.

    • Olivia J. August 7, 2024

      Exactly. The focus should be on ensuring that the new Attorney-General is the best candidate for the job, politics aside.

  8. Larry Davis August 7, 2024

    A walkout isn’t going to solve anything. The minority factions should focus on forming alliances and negotiating better.

  9. Adrian August 7, 2024

    The Senate is turning into a circus. How can we expect them to make serious decisions at this rate?

  10. Carla_K August 7, 2024

    Senate meetings like these are why so many people lose faith in our political system.

  11. Helen August 7, 2024

    Disgusting manipulation! What else are these Blue bloc senators hiding?

  12. OfficerRay August 7, 2024

    Pol Maj. Gen. Sunthorn Kwanpet only getting 36 votes is hilarious. Shows that bloc politics isn’t always foolproof.

  13. Tommy L. August 7, 2024

    Senator Premsak’s ominous warning sounds like a plot for a political thriller. Real action needed, not vague threats.

  14. SimpleSam August 7, 2024

    What’s the big deal? Let the majority select the committee and get on with it. Stop wasting time and taxpayer money.

  15. Eva M. August 7, 2024

    The Blue bloc senators shouldn’t be so dominant. It undermines the credibility of the entire process.

  16. Joe K. August 7, 2024

    Eva, exactly! We need a balanced representation to ensure fair scrutiny and meritocracy.

  17. Tom August 7, 2024

    It’s hilarious how many people don’t understand the concept of majority rule. This isn’t elementary school.

  18. Sophia M. August 7, 2024

    Tom, majority rule with no accountability is a recipe for disaster. We need checks and balances.

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