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Sindhorn Offices Achieve LEED Gold and Fitwel 2-Star Certification: Leading the Green Building Revolution

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Siam Sindhorn has taken a monumental leap in its sustainability journey by elevating Sindhorn Offices to a world-class stature, bagging not one but two prestigious certifications: LEED (O+M) GOLD and 2-Star FITWEL. This elite office complex stands out through its unwavering dedication to health, well-being, energy efficiency, and green operations, all underpinned by rigorous ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. Perfectly aligned with the Net Zero objective for sustainable business growth, Sindhorn Offices cater to the modern worker’s needs, ensuring a harmonious work-life balance, health focus, and environmental stewardship.

Mr. Serbpong Kiattivisanchai, Deputy Managing Director at Siam Sindhorn Co., Ltd., highlighted that Sindhorn Offices, run by Siam Sindhorn, place a premium on the quality of life for everyone within its walls, consistently adhering to ESG principles. “This focus,” Mr. Serbpong noted, “has not only turned our real estate business green but also sustainable,” meriting the building acclaimed accolades like LEED GOLD and the 2-Star FITWEL certification.

Securing these endorsements marks a significant milestone in progressive building practices. The US Green Building Council’s LEED GOLD certification honors buildings that excel in sustainable operations and maintenance (O+M). This commendation reflects Sindhorn Offices’ ambitious goals in sustainability, emphasizing high-performance operations and meticulous maintenance strategies.

The second accolade, the 2-Star FITWEL certification, represents an international standard initially conceived by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and managed by the Center for Active Design (CfAD). FITWEL evaluates how well buildings promote occupant health and well-being, reduce disease risks, and minimize economic impacts stemming from poor performance and healthcare costs.

“We’re committed to the Net Zero goal,” Mr. Serbpong affirmed. “Our adherence to ESG principles and our achievements in securing LEED (O+M) GOLD and FITWEL certifications reflect our dedication to developing green buildings. These distinctions fill us with immense pride.”

Achieving World-Class Standards Through ESG

Mr. Serbpong underscored that Sindhorn Offices, driven by ESG principles, meticulously cater to every detail to ensure convenience, business efficiency, and sustainability. In tackling climate change and promoting societal and environmental well-being, the offices strive to offer solutions that benefit everyone.

In the Environmental (E) category, Sindhorn Offices adhere strictly to LEED standards, positioning themselves as a “Sustainable Workplace for Life.” Efforts include boosting air quality, controlling humidity, preventing mold, reducing disease transmission, alleviating work-related stress, and maintaining a comprehensive waste management system grounded in Reduce-Reuse-Recycle principles. This includes separating recyclables, minimizing plastic usage, converting food waste to compost, and holding regular “2nd HAND MARKET” events to involve employees in sustainability endeavors.

To promote clean energy, Sindhorn Offices have installed solar panels to generate electricity. They also offer electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and support carbon-free commuting via EV ride-sharing services. Free indoor bicycle parking is another perk for building users.

In the Social (S) category, Sindhorn Offices consistently organize health and recreational activities for tenants and employees, provide relaxation zones to enhance work-life quality, manage a spacious 900-seat food court, offer clean drinking water to ease living costs, and sponsor community activities to uplift local health and well-being.

Sindhorn Offices have also upgraded health standards to align with FITWEL certification, enhancing building structure and facilities to promote health and safety. Improvements include better access pathways, sufficient lighting, and emergency equipment with safety personnel stationed throughout the complex.

Furthermore, the food court and restaurants within Sindhorn Offices provide healthy food choices, emphasizing quality ingredients free of harmful additives. These options not only support better health but also offer nutritionally balanced meals for all building occupants.

These initiatives contribute to a safer and more supportive work environment that prioritizes both physical and mental well-being for everyone in Sindhorn Offices.

In the Governance (G) domain, Sindhorn Offices operate under principles of responsibility, transparency, and accountability. The LEED (O+M) GOLD and 2-Star FITWEL certifications affirm the complex’s sustainable maintenance and operational practices, establishing it as a paragon for developing efficient and sustainable real estate projects.

“We are devoted to creating sustainable and user-friendly buildings not just in Thailand but across the region,” Mr. Serbpong remarked. “Our goal is to slash greenhouse gas emissions, boost energy efficiency, and pave the way for a sustainable, green future for all.”

The Rise of Green Office Buildings

The modern office market is increasingly gravitating towards sustainability and ESG principles. Both local and international tenants are becoming more interested in buildings that extend beyond prime locations and aesthetics to focus on energy efficiency, waste management through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and green relaxation spaces.

This shift also underscores the importance of innovations that elevate employee quality of life and performance while maintaining a sustainable ethos. Today’s professionals are more attuned to pollution and health issues, both at home and during their 8-10 hours at work daily. Enhanced office spaces that promote happiness, quality of life, and employee well-being are becoming the go-to choice for modern tenants.

Sindhorn Offices, a premium office complex on Wireless Road, comprises three buildings: the 12-storey Sindhorn Tower 1, and Sindhorn Towers 2 and 3, with 15 and 29 floors respectively, along with the Glass House. The entire complex spans 140,000 square meters. Aside from its central location and ease of access, the standout features of the Sindhorn buildings are their energy efficiency and well-being attributes, mirroring the Siam Sindhorn Group’s firm commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, addressing climate change, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  1. green_warrior September 25, 2024

    This is fantastic news! It’s about time companies start taking sustainability seriously. Kudos to Sindhorn Offices for achieving these certifications.

    • Skeptical Sam September 25, 2024

      Yeah, but are these certifications really worth it? It seems like just another marketing gimmick to attract tenants.

      • Jill September 25, 2024

        They do have tangible benefits, Sam. Better air quality and energy efficiency can actually improve worker productivity and health.

      • green_warrior September 25, 2024

        Absolutely, Jill! Plus, these certifications hold companies accountable to higher standards. It’s not just about marketing.

      • ecoAnnie September 25, 2024

        Plus, the planet can’t wait. We need more green initiatives like this everywhere!

    • BusinessTycoon September 25, 2024

      From a business perspective, I wonder how much return on investment they actually get from going green.

      • green_warrior September 25, 2024

        There are numerous studies showing green buildings can attract higher rents and property values. It’s not just ethical; it’s smart business.

  2. MobileOfficeMom September 25, 2024

    As someone who works remotely most of the time, I’m curious how these buildings cater to part-time office users.

    • office_guru September 25, 2024

      That’s a great question. Many green buildings like Sindhorn offer flexible spaces and modern amenities tailored for both full-time and part-time workers.

    • techNina September 25, 2024

      With so many amenities such as relaxation zones and advanced health and safety features, these buildings make occasional visits much more pleasant and productive.

  3. Max September 25, 2024

    The whole solar power and EV charging stations aspect is amazing. More buildings should adopt these clean energy solutions.

  4. Frankie T September 25, 2024

    Nice, but do they really make a significant impact? It seems like a drop in the ocean compared to the vast pollution elsewhere.

    • ecoEngineer September 25, 2024

      Every little step matters, Frankie. We have to start somewhere, and initiatives like this set a precedent for others to follow.

  5. Jared September 25, 2024

    I wonder if the health benefits touted by FITWEL are truly effective or if they’re just buzzwords.

    • healthGuru September 25, 2024

      There is credible research showing that well-ventilated and well-lit workspaces can significantly improve mental health and reduce absenteeism.

    • OfficeNinja September 25, 2024

      Agreed, and as someone who suffers from allergies, I can attest that better air quality makes a huge difference in my productivity.

    • Jared September 25, 2024

      Good to know! I suppose it’s something that could substantially improve our work life.

  6. Alex September 25, 2024

    LEED certifications are a joke. It’s just a way for companies to greenwash their image without making real changes.

    • Sandra September 25, 2024

      That’s an oversimplification, Alex. LEED certification requires rigorous standards that can significantly reduce a building’s environmental impact.

    • ecoGuy September 25, 2024

      While there’s always some risk of greenwashing, any step towards sustainability is better than none. We have to push for more transparency and genuine efforts.

    • Alex September 25, 2024

      Fair point, but I still think we need a better system to judge sustainability efforts. LEED isn’t enough.

  7. Sarah L September 25, 2024

    The food court offering healthy options is a fantastic idea. More companies should focus on employee well-being this way.

    • Johnny September 25, 2024

      Yeah, but healthy usually means expensive. Are these options affordable for everyone?

    • FoodieFaye September 25, 2024

      Healthy does not always have to mean expensive. If designed well, healthy food options can be cost-effective too.

  8. TechieTim September 25, 2024

    This is all great, but I think more focus should be given to advancing remote work technologies than investing in fancy office spaces.

    • Linda September 25, 2024

      True, remote work is here to stay, but not everyone can work from home. Some industries still need physical offices.

  9. Amy M September 25, 2024

    How do the Sindhorn Offices’ sustainability practices compare to other global green buildings? Are they truly world-class?

  10. GreenDreamer September 25, 2024

    Nice to see a company taking ESG principles seriously. I hope other corporations take note!

  11. Will September 25, 2024

    Investing in green buildings can be risky. What if it doesn’t pay off financially?

    • Laura September 25, 2024

      Green investments are increasingly becoming profitable. Also, there’s societal and environmental value that goes beyond just immediate financial returns.

  12. Maggie September 25, 2024

    How do they manage waste so efficiently? The article mentions composting and recycling, but how effective is it?

    • ecoFriendlyFred September 25, 2024

      Waste management is all about systems. If they educate their employees and provide the right facilities, it can be highly effective.

  13. John D September 25, 2024

    This has piqued my interest. Are there any tours available to see these green offices in person?

  14. Larry K September 25, 2024

    What about the carbon footprint from constructing these green buildings in the first place? Does it offset the long-term benefits?

    • EngineerSam September 25, 2024

      Good point, Larry. The initial footprint can be high, but if the buildings are truly energy-efficient and sustainable, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial impact.

  15. Shane September 25, 2024

    It’s great to see the private sector taking the lead in sustainability where governments often fail. Sindhorn is setting a great example.

  16. Clara September 25, 2024

    I’d like to know more about their employee engagement programs related to sustainability. Are they truly getting staff involved?

  17. GreenQueen September 25, 2024

    Well done Sindhorn Offices! This should be an example for all other office buildings around the world. Truly inspiring!

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