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Srettha Thavisin Spearheads Koh Samui’s Cruise Terminal Venture to Elevate Thailand’s Tourism

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On a radiant Sunday, the lively shores of Koh Samui were abuzz with excited chatter, the air brimming with anticipation. There stood Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, amidst the kaleidoscopic backdrop of Surat Thani’s lush landscapes, extending warm greetings to the island’s inhabitants. This was no ordinary visit. The Prime Minister, along with a delegation of ministers from the Transport and Tourism and Sports Ministries, embarked on a pivotal journey to not only grace Koh Samui and Nakhon Si Thammarat with their presence but to unfold a vision that would transform the face of tourism in the region.

Their mission? To champion the construction of a state-of-the-art cruise terminal on the enchanting isle of Koh Samui, a move poised to catapult cruise tourism to unparalleled heights. The air was thick with promise as Mr. Srettha declared his ambition to bring the proposal before the cabinet for green lighting by the terminus of 2024. “This cruise terminal will be Surat Thani’s crowning jewel,” he proclaimed, casting a vision of prosperity and connectivity.

Indeed, the southern rims of the Gulf of Thailand, dotted with the enchantment of myriad isles, offer the perfect canvas for such a groundbreaking endeavor. Mr. Srettha’s foresight did not stop there. The proposition includes the establishment of a duty-free zone and a seaplane base at the marina terminal, envisioned to synergize with the cruise terminal, thereby molding Koh Samui into a nexus of international allure and economic vitality.

As the convoy made their way to tambon Taling Ngam, anticipation danced in the air. Here, at a site earmarked for the future Marina cruise terminal, they were met with enthusiasm by local MPs and received updates that sparked conversations of future horizons. The terminal, as outlined by Marine Department Chief Kritphet Chaichuai, promises to be a jewel in the crown of a bustling route connecting Singapore and Hong Kong, beckoning cruisers to a world of exotic adventures.

The expansive blueprint for the Samui cruise terminal spans a majestic 47 rai, designed to not only serve as a beacon for 180,000 tourists and accommodate 118 cruise ships annually but to also weave a narrative of prosperity, estimating an income of about 8.5 billion baht over three decades.

With eyes set on 2029 for construction commencement, dreams are turning into tangible plans. The horizon is alight with the glimmer of potential investments, drawing interest from notable entities like Bangkok Airways. This dynamic initiative stands not merely as an infrastructural behemoth but as a bridge to transforming Koh Samui into a sanctuary for seafarers and a bastion of Thailand’s indomitable spirit and charm.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over Koh Samui, the day’s deliberations hinted at the dawn of a new era for Surat Thani. Here, where the ocean whispers to the shores and the sky meets the sea, the future of tourism and economy beams brightly, anchored in the vision of a cruise terminal that promises to be not just a destination, but a journey into the heart of Thailand’s vibrant ethos.


  1. IslandDreamer April 7, 2024

    While the prospects of a cruise terminal in Koh Samui seem lucrative, I can’t help but worry about the environmental impact. Our islands are already struggling with plastic pollution and overtourism.

    • EcoWarrior April 7, 2024

      Absolutely agree! The beauty of Koh Samui lies in its pristine beaches and lush landscapes. Introducing a cruise terminal might just accelerate the degradation of this paradise.

      • Modernizer April 7, 2024

        I believe we can balance development and conservation. With the right regulations and sustainable practices, the cruise terminal could actually bring awareness and funds for environmental protection.

    • TravelBuff April 7, 2024

      But don’t you think this will boost the local economy significantly? More jobs and business opportunities for the locals sound promising.

      • IslandDreamer April 7, 2024

        While economic growth is important, it shouldn’t come at the cost of our natural heritage. We need a thorough assessment of the environmental impact before moving ahead.

  2. SamuiNative April 7, 2024

    It’s exciting to see Koh Samui in the spotlight. This project could really put us on the international map and showcase the beauty of Thai culture to the world.

    • HeritageKeeper April 7, 2024

      I just hope that in our rush towards modernization, we don’t lose the essence of what makes Koh Samui special—its culture and traditions. We need to find a way to preserve our heritage in the midst of all this development.

  3. GlobalTraveler April 7, 2024

    Been cruising for years and the idea of adding Koh Samui to the list of destinations is thrilling! Thailand is such a gem and this project will make it even more accessible to travelers like me.

    • OceanAdvocate April 7, 2024

      Accessibility comes at a cost, though. The influx of tourists might do more harm than good to the delicate marine ecosystem. It’s a double-edged sword.

  4. AsianInvestor April 7, 2024

    From an investment perspective, this cruise terminal project in Koh Samui is a golden opportunity. Thailand’s tourism industry is booming, and infrastructure developments like this are exactly what the country needs to sustain the growth.

    • EcoWarrior April 7, 2024

      But at what cost? Investing in projects that potentially harm the environment is short-sighted. We need to think long-term and invest in sustainable tourism.

      • InvestingInsight April 7, 2024

        Sustainable tourism and profitability aren’t mutually exclusive. With green technologies and responsible management, the cruise terminal can be both an economic and ecological win.

  5. HistoryBuff April 7, 2024

    The history of Surat Thani and the Gulf of Thailand is rich and vibrant. This terminal, while promising economic prosperity, should also respect and incorporate the area’s historical significance.

  6. SeaplanePilot April 7, 2024

    Excited about the prospects of a seaplane base! This could open up new aerial routes and offer unique perspectives of Thailand’s stunning landscapes. Let’s hope it’s done with safety and environmental concerns in mind.

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