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Suspended Deputy Police Chief Surachate Hakparn Threatens Legal Action Against Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin for Reinstatement

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Suspended Deputy National Police Chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn addressed reporters on Monday, expressing strong intentions for a comeback. If Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin does not facilitate his reinstatement, Surachate announced he would take the matter to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) for an investigation.

Pol Gen Surachate, popularly known as Big Joke, emphasized that as the chairman of the police commission, the prime minister has the authority to nullify the suspension order. “The prime minister acknowledged that the order was flawed,” he said. “If he fails to comply with the law, I will have no choice but to take legal action against him,” Surachate asserted with palpable determination.

This turbulence dates back to April when then-acting national police chief Pol Gen Kitrat Panphet signed off on the immediate suspension of Pol Gen Surachate. The allegations? A murky connection involving Surachate and four of his subordinates in a money-laundering operation linked to the infamous BNK Master gambling network.

Despite these serious accusations, Surachate remained defiant, criticizing what he described as blatant attempts to tarnish his reputation. Interestingly, Surachate also mentioned he plans to lodge a complaint with the NACC against the signatory of his suspension — though he refrained from naming Kitrat directly.

Surachate didn’t stop there. He promised, should he be reinstated, a comprehensive review of dismissal orders against 70-80 other police officers. This revelation hinted at an extensive shakeup within the police force, possibly pointing to deeper systemic issues.

Defending his controversial suspension decision, Pol Gen Kitrat said on Monday that it was based on the severity of the allegations, supported by substantial facts and relevant laws. He maintained that he was simply following protocols during his tenure as the acting national police chief.

Kitrat’s stint as acting chief concluded with the reinstatement of Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol as the national police chief. Kitrat clarified that he never aspired to succeed Torsak, who is set to retire at the end of September.

This saga continues to unfold with complexities and sharp twists, keeping the public on the edge of their seats as they await the prime minister’s next move and the potential legal battles that might ensue. Stay tuned for what promises to be a gripping conclusion to this high-stakes drama in Thailand’s law enforcement sphere.


  1. John Doe June 24, 2024

    This sounds like a classic case of power play. Surachate should wait patiently for a fair investigation instead of threatening legal action. It makes him look guilty.

    • Elena June 24, 2024

      I agree, but at the same time, if the suspension was flawed, why not correct it promptly? Leadership should be about fairness.

      • PolMan June 24, 2024

        Elena, it’s not that simple. Investigations take time. Rushing to reinstate could undermine the entire justice system.

      • John Doe June 24, 2024

        Exactly, PolMan. His threats make it seem like he’s trying to bypass the process.

      • justice4all June 24, 2024

        But what if the system itself is corrupt? Sometimes you have to push back to get real justice!

  2. Sana R. June 24, 2024

    This entire situation is sketchy. Both sides have murky intentions.

    • TrueBlue June 24, 2024

      Absolutely, Sana. It’s hard to trust either side when politics and law enforcement mix.

  3. MikeB June 24, 2024

    I think Surachate has a point. If the suspension was indeed flawed, he deserves a chance to clear his name.

    • Jane June 24, 2024

      But should that involve threatening legal action against the Prime Minister? Seems a bit extreme.

    • Oliver Tate June 24, 2024

      Sometimes extreme measures are the only way to get noticed. This might be his only option.

    • MikeB June 24, 2024

      That’s my point, Oliver. The stakes are high and he’s fighting for his career.

  4. Lisa Chen June 24, 2024

    If Surachate does get reinstated, the planned review of other officers could reveal a lot of hidden issues within the force.

    • Caleb June 24, 2024

      True, but it could also destabilize the entire police force. Careful management is crucial.

      • Rihanna_82 June 24, 2024

        Destabilization might be necessary to clean up the corruption. Sometimes you need to break things to fix them.

      • Lisa Chen June 24, 2024

        That’s if there’s corruption to begin with. It’s a risky assumption.

  5. Hannah June 24, 2024

    Kitrat is claiming he acted on substantial facts. If that’s true, then Surachate’s accusations fall flat.

    • Brian June 24, 2024

      Substantial facts according to whom? Internal investigations can be biased.

    • Hannah June 24, 2024

      Still, those facts need to be reviewed, not ignored because of personal vendettas.

  6. Skyler June 24, 2024

    This feels like a soap opera. Is this how law enforcement should operate? Threats and counter-threats?

    • Matilda June 24, 2024

      Right! It’s more drama than justice. How can people trust the police when this is the standard?

    • TrueBlue June 24, 2024

      Unfortunately, this isn’t uncommon in highly politicized environments.

    • Skyler June 24, 2024

      Exactly, Matilda. Trust is hard to earn back once it’s lost.

  7. Win.T June 24, 2024

    Big Joke has always been a controversial figure. His methods are unconventional but maybe that’s what the force needs.

    • Samantha June 24, 2024

      Unconventional doesn’t necessarily mean effective. We need rule of law, not rogue actions.

    • Win.T June 24, 2024

      True, but sometimes breaking the mold is the only way to bring change.

  8. Gamer99 June 24, 2024

    Who cares? The police are corrupt anyways. Nothing’s gonna change no matter who’s in charge.

    • Julia P. June 24, 2024

      That’s a defeatist attitude. If we don’t care, nothing will improve for sure.

  9. RobertJ June 24, 2024

    Any decision made by Srettha now will be watched closely. It’s a balancing act.

  10. Taylor R June 24, 2024

    All these legal threats make it seem like a circus. Can’t they handle this internally?

  11. Alex June 24, 2024

    The police system needs transparency and accountability. This debacle shows how far it has to go.

  12. Kelly June 24, 2024

    If Surachate was involved in money-laundering, should we really be arguing for his reinstatement?

  13. Anna P June 24, 2024

    It’s sad to see law enforcement officials fighting like school children in public. And people wonder why trust in the system is so low.

  14. Chen Li June 24, 2024

    Let’s wait for the NACC’s investigation. Rushing to conclusions could harm innocent people’s reputations.

  15. Job D June 24, 2024

    Interesting insights here. Shows how complicated the justice system really is. No easy answers.

  16. Rhea June 24, 2024

    Prime Minister Srettha’s response will set a precedent for future conflicts. It’s a critical moment.

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