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Sustainable Tourism Takes Center Stage: Amazing Green Fest 2024 and The Hotelier 2024 in Bangkok

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The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) in partnership with The Cloud, is gearing up to host two enlightening events: the Amazing Green Fest 2024 and The Hotelier 2024 forum. These initiatives aim to champion sustainable tourism by inviting travelers to embark on responsible journeys. The mission is clear: support tourism organizations in enhancing their societal and environmental responsibilities, thereby fostering a deeper connection with nature and promoting balanced well-being. Both events are scheduled from 15-18 August 2024 at Paragon Hall, Siam Paragon in the heart of Bangkok.

Thapanee Kiatphaibool, the Governor of TAT, emphasized, “Sustainable tourism is no longer a niche trend or exclusive to specific groups. It has become the cornerstone of success and offers long-term resilience for the tourism industry—a goal TAT is steadfastly pursuing. Our vision is to develop ‘Amazing Thailand’ into a tourism brand synonymous with sustainability, underpinned by Thailand’s unique charm. These aspirations are in line with the 20-year national strategy to enhance competitiveness and the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan, which aims to position Thailand as a quality tourism destination with a focus on sustainability.”

In order to realize these ambitious goals, Thailand aims to drive growth within the tourism supply chain through a rebranding strategy that highlights High Value and Sustainability. This strategy involves targeting quality tourists who have a high purchasing power, preference for long stays, and a commitment to environmental responsibility. Furthermore, it requires elevating standards for sustainability, promoting cities worth visiting, and ensuring fair income distribution. Achieving these objectives will enable the Thai tourism industry to grow sustainably and maintain balance.

The Amazing Green Fest 2024 aims to inspire organizations, both within and outside the tourism sector, as well as tourists, to actively preserve tourism resources and recognize the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.

“TAT views this event as the beginning of an era of responsible tourism towards society and the environment. Our operations are geared towards meeting sustainable goals, marked by the introduction of a heart-shaped leaf in the Amazing Thailand logo. This symbol signifies our care within the triangle of sustainability focusing on society, economy, culture, and environment,” explained Thapanee Kiatphaibool. “This initiative is part of TAT’s pioneering campaign—TAT Carbon Neutral Event—which aims to take responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions, accredited by Carbon Neutral Event certification or a carbon-free event from the TGO.”

Changnoi Kunchorn Na Ayutthaya, Managing Director of Cloud and Ground, shared, “The Amazing Green Fest 2024 aims to forge a community for sustainable tourism enthusiasts, providing a platform for exchanging new experiences and stories. This will help people discover new, straightforward ways to integrate sustainable tourism into their everyday lives.”

The event, bursting with special activities, includes:

  • Green Tourism Zone: Showcasing the narrative of sustainable tourism through various TAT-initiated projects, illustrating how it has become the global tourism mainstream.
  • Green Business Zone: A convergence of socially and environmentally responsible businesses, including hotels, DIY activities, restaurants, travel supplies, and culturally thoughtful travel packages.
  • Green Learning Zone: An area dedicated to exchanging knowledge on nature, travel, and innovative business ideas through engaging seminars and workshops over four days.
  • Green Food Zone: Delight your palate with food crafted from wholesome ingredients by visionary chefs promoting sustainability from top restaurants across Thailand.
  • Green Playground Zone: A fun-filled area curated by Rain Tree Resident Hotel, inviting children to learn about nature through selected activities including telescopes, books, and storytellers.
  • The Cloud Sharing Space Zone: A tranquil corner for sharing travel dreams.

Similarly, The Hotelier 2024 forum aims to disseminate knowledge on sustainable hotel management and tourism from leading experts from notable organizations like Dusit Thani, Chiva-Som, CROSSROADS Maldives, Eastin Grand Hotel Phayathai, THANN Wellness, Trisara, Sela, and Thai Fight Hotel. The forum is designed to inspire and empower budding and small entrepreneurs to enhance their services, creating memorable experiences for tourists and fostering loyalty.

An exciting workshop featuring the creation of a sustainability-focused hotel by Sivatel Hotel—a luxurious establishment on Wireless Road—will also be a highlight. Sivatel Hotel is renowned for its commitment to balanced happiness and sustainable sharing.

For those passionate about driving sustainable tourism, mark your calendars and stay tuned for further updates. Join us at the Amazing Green Fest 2024 and The Hotelier 2024 from 15-18 August 2024 at Paragon Hall, Siam Paragon. For more details, visit


  1. Sophia James July 26, 2024

    I’m excited about this! Sustainability in tourism is so important, and it’s great to see Thailand taking this seriously.

    • Mark_the_Journey July 26, 2024

      Absolutely, Sophia! This could set a new standard for other countries. Sustainability isn’t just a trend, it’s essential for preserving our world.

      • Anna July 26, 2024

        I agree, but I hope it’s not just a marketing gimmick. We’ve seen plenty of ‘greenwashing’ in the past.

      • Sophia James July 26, 2024

        That’s a valid concern, Anna. It’s easy to slap a ‘green’ label on things, but I’m optimistic because Thailand’s 20-year strategy shows commitment.

  2. Thomas H. July 26, 2024

    It’s a good initiative, but I worry it’s only targeting high-paying tourists. What about the average traveler?

    • eco_traveler July 26, 2024

      Thomas, focusing on high-value tourists might mean less mass tourism, which could be better for the environment overall. Quality over quantity, right?

      • Thomas H. July 26, 2024

        I get that, but it seems exclusionary. Sustainable tourism should be accessible to everyone, not just the wealthy.

      • Maya Green July 26, 2024

        Maybe they could implement different tiers of sustainable tourism packages so everyone can participate. Inclusivity is key.

  3. Liz D July 26, 2024

    The Green Food Zone sounds amazing! I love the idea of eating sustainably. Does anyone know which restaurants are participating?

  4. eco_traveler July 26, 2024

    This sounds like a really comprehensive approach to sustainable tourism. I wish more countries would adopt similar strategies.

  5. Jake July 26, 2024

    Why is there a need for a ‘Green Playground Zone’? Isn’t this overdoing it?

    • Nina July 26, 2024

      Not really, Jake. Kids need to learn about nature and sustainability early on. It’s a great way to engage the younger generation.

    • family_adventure July 26, 2024

      As a parent, I think it’s a fantastic idea. Teaching kids through play is very effective.

    • Jake July 26, 2024

      I see your points, but I still think it’s a bit excessive. Just my two cents.

  6. Linda M. July 26, 2024

    Can someone explain what ‘TAT Carbon Neutral Event’ means? Is it really feasible?

    • green_enthusiast July 26, 2024

      Great question, Linda! It means that they aim to offset the carbon emissions from the event through various initiatives. It’s challenging but possible with commitment.

    • Linda M. July 26, 2024

      I wonder how they measure and ensure it’s genuinely carbon neutral. Hope it’s not just a buzzword.

    • Jasper July 26, 2024

      There are certifications for these kinds of things. If they get certified, it means they’ve met stringent criteria.

  7. Olivia July 26, 2024

    I think this initiative is overdue. Tourism impacts the environment significantly, and it’s high time we adopted more sustainable practices.

  8. travelfanatic47 July 26, 2024

    I’m curious about the workshops at The Hotelier 2024. Sounds like a great opportunity for small businesses.

    • Jack Wilson July 26, 2024

      Indeed! Learning from established players like Dusit Thani and Chiva-Som could be invaluable for new hotel businesses.

    • Sophia James July 26, 2024

      Absolutely, Jack. Networking and learning from industry leaders can really elevate the standards and services of smaller hotels.

    • travelfanatic47 July 26, 2024

      I hope they provide some online resources too, for those who can’t attend in person.

  9. Ravi July 26, 2024

    Is this focus on sustainability going to make travel to Thailand more expensive? I’m planning a trip next year.

  10. eco_mama July 26, 2024

    Ravi, it’s possible, but it could also mean a better quality experience. Think of it as an investment in preserving the beauty you’re traveling to see.

  11. Danny July 26, 2024

    I hope this plan works out. If it does, it could be a model for other countries. Start small, think big!

  12. Ava July 26, 2024

    The Green Learning Zone looks perfect for anyone passionate about understanding the intersection of business and sustainability. I’ll definitely check it out.

  13. BradleyS July 26, 2024

    I’m skeptical. How many businesses are really going to go green if it means cutting into their profits?

    • eco_traveler July 26, 2024

      Good point, Bradley. It’s a tough balance, but consumer demand for sustainability can drive companies to adapt.

    • Sophia James July 26, 2024

      And let’s not forget, sustainable practices can also reduce long-term costs. It’s not always about immediate profit.

    • BradleyS July 26, 2024

      True, I just hope it’s more than lip service. Time will tell, I suppose.

  14. Kurt July 26, 2024

    I went to a similar event last year, and it was eye-opening. Hope this year is even better!

  15. Isabella123 July 26, 2024

    The ‘Cloud Sharing Space Zone’ sounds so calming. Would love to see what it’s all about.

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