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Thaicom and Hughes Communications Expand Satellite Capacity in India with New Strategic Agreement

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Thaicom Public Company Limited, a renowned leader in satellite and space technology across Asia, has made a significant announcement today. Its subsidiary, IPSTAR (India) Private Limited (IPSTAR), has forged a strategic agreement with Hughes Communications India Private Limited (HCI), a top-tier provider of broadband satellite and managed network services. This collaboration focuses on bolstering satellite capacity over India via Thaicom’s advanced satellite fleet.

Through this agreement, IPSTAR India will supply satellite capacity services to Hughes in India, leveraging Thaicom’s robust satellite network. This enhancement will allow HCI to significantly upgrade its satellite broadband, mobile backhaul, maritime, and satellite IoT services, catering to the escalating and diverse demands for satellite services across India.

This landmark partnership marks a pivotal step in the evolution of satellite communications, amplifying the capacity dedicated to India for satellite broadband and associated services. Thaicom is steadfast in its commitment to addressing India’s surging need for satellite broadband, backed by additional capacity from both its current and forthcoming next-generation satellite fleet. The process is already underway to secure regulatory approval under India’s new space policy.

Shivaji Chatterjee, President & Managing Director of Hughes Communications India, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Our long-standing engagement with Thaicom has been very successful, and we are excited to further enhance our collaboration through this agreement. This new capacity expansion will significantly boost broadband connectivity in India. Thaicom’s satellite platform is a crucial component in advancing broadband satellite services throughout the country. We look forward to a continued, successful partnership with Thaicom.”

Echoing this sentiment, Patompob (Nile) Suwansiri, Thaicom’s CEO, noted, “We are very honored to sign this agreement with Hughes Communications India, the leading satellite service provider in India, starting with the use of our existing powerful THAICOM 8 satellite with dedicated Indian coverage. Furthermore, Thaicom remains committed to continuously serving the Indian market into the future with new investments in state-of-the-art next-generation satellites. Thaicom has been providing the Indian market with satellite capacity since 1997, and combined with Hughes’ extensive experience and expertise in managed services, I am confident we will be able to meet the insatiable demand for broadband services throughout India.”


  1. tech_guru88 September 25, 2024

    This is exciting news! Expanding satellite capacity in India is exactly what the country needs right now.

    • Sanjay September 25, 2024

      Totally agree! With more broadband availability, rural areas can finally have better internet access.

      • Nancy D. September 25, 2024

        I hope this actually happens. Promises are made all the time, but where’s the follow-through?

      • tech_guru88 September 25, 2024

        That’s a fair point, Nancy. But Thaicom and Hughes have a strong track record, so I’m optimistic.

    • Zara September 25, 2024

      But how about the pricing? Will rural folks even afford it?

  2. Anand Kumar September 25, 2024

    Great initiative! But I wonder how this will comply with India’s new space policy.

  3. Vikram September 25, 2024

    I think satellite broadband is overrated. Fiber optics are the future.

    • tata_tiger September 25, 2024

      Fiber optics are awesome, but in remote areas, satellites are the only viable option.

      • Vikram September 25, 2024

        True, but fiber should still be prioritized for urban areas. Satellites for the rest.

    • Grace Lynne September 25, 2024

      Combining both technologies could be the best approach.

  4. Esha K. September 25, 2024

    Ipstar and Hughes partnership = better connectivity. Simple math.

    • Ravi Mishra September 25, 2024

      Hopefully it means better speeds and reliability too.

  5. Bhavin September 25, 2024

    When will this expanded satellite capacity actually be available for consumers?

  6. adventure_guy September 25, 2024

    This could be great for maritime services, especially for shipping companies in India!

  7. Sneha Rao September 25, 2024

    Just hope they don’t price it too high for average consumers.

  8. GeekMaster September 25, 2024

    New satellites are all well and good, but what about cybersecurity? More satellites mean more vulnerabilities.

  9. Raj September 25, 2024

    Thaicom has been in India since 1997? Why isn’t their service more well-known?

    • SleekSeek September 25, 2024

      Probably because they’ve been more focused on commercial clients than individual consumers.

  10. Amelie September 25, 2024

    This could mean huge progress for satellite IoT in India!

    • Rahul September 25, 2024

      IoT is important, but the real game-changer will be in education and telemedicine.

    • Amelie September 25, 2024

      True, those sectors will benefit immensely from better internet access.

  11. DigVIP September 25, 2024

    Thaicom + Hughes = internet boom in India? Only time will tell.

    • Karan September 25, 2024

      I have my doubts, but here’s hoping for the best.

  12. Shreya P. September 25, 2024

    How will this impact the competition in the satellite broadband market in India?

    • Robin September 25, 2024

      I think it might force other providers to improve their services or lower their prices.

  13. Neil_D September 25, 2024

    I’m glad to see more investments in India’s tech infrastructure. It’s long overdue.

  14. Manisha S. September 25, 2024

    Can this new capacity from Thaicom and Hughes handle peak internet usage times?

  15. Trapper September 25, 2024

    This news is incredibly promising for India’s digital future.

    • Sarah September 25, 2024

      Yes, but let’s not forget the digital divide persists, and it’s going to take more than satellites to bridge it.

    • Trapper September 25, 2024

      You’re right, Sarah. But this is a step in the right direction.

  16. Rajeev September 25, 2024

    Reliability is key. I hope these new satellites don’t just add more capacity but also better service quality.

    • Santosh September 25, 2024

      Absolutely! What use is extra bandwidth if it isn’t reliable?

  17. Elena September 25, 2024

    Let’s hope this results in less network congestion during peak hours.

  18. Ali R. September 25, 2024

    Satellite upgrades are cool and all, but what about supporting the existing ground infrastructure?

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