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Thailand Steals the Spotlight in Global Security Conference: Rolls out Radical Proposals to Revolutionize Cybersecurity and Climate Change Measures!

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The recent convention saw discussions centred around the topic, “Europe and Asia: Addressing common challenges in a changing global security environment through multilateral co-operation” which was graced by esteemed delegates from a variety of countries. Among the attendees of the conference was Somrudee Poopornanake, Deputy Director-General of the Department of European Affairs, and Ambassadors from the 57 OSCE-operating states along with the five Asian Partners, one amongst whom was Thailand.

The conference hosted elaborate discussion sessions, providing a platform to the Thai delegation to express their views and proposals to several issues of combined interest. The focus of their address was the enhancement of constructive cooperation between Asia and Europe, specifically bridging ASEAN and the OSCE. Non-traditional security issues such as cybersecurity and climate change were brought into the light.

Furthermore, Thailand seized this opportunity to encourage an inclusive engagement with civil society in the promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Thailand and ASEAN have been proponents of these areas of concern. This is reflected in their pursuit of the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economic Model, supporting public-private-people partnerships in Thailand and ASEAN’s mission in countering misuse of information technology for illegal activities.

The Thai delegation emphasised the importance of fostering more direct engagement and collective activities in the future with an aim to provide comprehensive security for people of both regions. In addition to the valuable discussions, Thailand held bilateral discussions with the OSCE Secretariat and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The OSCE serves as a forum for discussion and concentrates on enhancing preventive diplomacy and early warning systems to resolve and prevent conflicts and crises in Europe. Their mandate is to endorse a comprehensive approach to security, incorporating the political-military realm, economics and environment, in conjunction with human aspects. Thailand cherishes the OSCE as an open policy space that allows for an exchange of experiences and effective practices related to security, which in turn are beneficial in promoting confidence and security-building measures (CSBMs) between nations.

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