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Trend Micro’s Risk to Resilience World Tour 2024: Dhanya Thakkar on AI-Driven Cybersecurity Innovations

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Trend Micro’s Risk to Resilience World Tour 2024 has made a grand return this year under the electrifying theme of “Innovation Meets Adrenaline.” This global cybersecurity extravaganza, with an exciting stop in Thailand, showcases developers flexing their skills in a daring “Race Against Threats.” In today’s high-stakes business arena, threats are as common as coffee cups in a boardroom, pushing leaders to adopt a proactive stance in risk reduction. With cybercriminals increasingly wielding AI like a double-edged sword, Trend Micro has taken the bull by the horns with its vision of AI for Security. It’s integrated Generative AI into its Vision One platform to counter threats swiftly and effectively, catering to the ever-evolving landscape of businesses in the GenAI era.

Dhanya Thakkar, the Senior VP of Global Sales & Marketing at Trend Micro, highlighted the company’s impressive 35-year legacy of evolving its cybersecurity platforms to tackle two critical dimensions: shifts in consumer behavior and changes in infrastructure. Take the smartphone revolution, for example; it transformed consumer habits, just as cloud technology has turned infrastructure on its head. Each of these seismic shifts has necessitated innovative solutions to meet new demands head-on.

Today, AI is rewriting the rules of both consumer behavior and infrastructure, shaking up businesses worldwide. The surge in AI-driven tools is accelerating productivity across sectors, with big players embracing Private Large Language Models (LLMs). Cybercriminals have caught on too, employing AI to carve out new attack vectors and challenges for defenders to tackle.

Partnering with NVIDIA to Develop AI for Security

Given the complexities introduced by novel attack methods, Trend Micro has teamed up with NVIDIA, the juggernaut of AI innovation and GPUs, to co-invest in crafting AI-powered cybersecurity systems. Dhanya expressed palpable excitement about this collaboration, which aims to supercharge the NVIDIA Morpheus platform for rapid threat detection and weave security technology seamlessly into NVIDIA NIM. These solutions primarily target businesses using public cloud services and private entities, including government agencies needing to shield domestic databases.

“We believe organizations are seeking security systems that help them survive threats instead of just tolerating the risks,” Dhanya added with a sense of urgency.

AI Solutions for Thai Businesses

Piyatida Tantrakul, Managing Director at Trend Micro, outlined how the AI-powered Vision One platform is game-changing for Thai organizations. As businesses in Thailand harness AI to turbocharge operations, robust security becomes non-negotiable. Trend Micro (Thailand) leads the charge with AI-powered platforms tailored to current business needs. Modern organizational attack surfaces are as varied as they are numerous, spanning smartphones, remote conferencing tools, emails, and applications in everything from finance to HR. Consequently, evolving cybersecurity into a versatile, intelligent defense platform is crucial—exactly what Trend Micro (Thailand) delivers.

Beyond deploying AI-powered platforms, the company invests heavily in training its team in cybersecurity, transforming employees into trusted advisors adept in technical consultations and strategic 3- to 5-year planning.

“We have a team capable of customizing various techniques to suit Thailand, vigilantly analyzing customers’ issues, and ensuring they always feel secure and stable,” Piyatida shared.

“Trend Micro has over 500,000 customers worldwide who trust our security solutions. Despite attacks from diverse channels, our vigilance remains paramount. We’re heavily investing in R&D yearly to develop platforms addressing customers’ needs across all dimensions. Our real competitors aren’t just cybersecurity companies but cybercriminals,” Dhanya concluded.

At the Risk to Resilience World Tour 2024, themed “Innovation Meets Adrenaline,” Dhanya Thakkar illuminated the “AI-Powered Future: A New World Order,” emphasizing the rapid AI evolution. Businesses need to harness AI for growth and safeguard data from attacks, he elaborated. He also shed light on Trend Micro’s Vision One platform, a unified cybersecurity operations center focused on protection, detection, and advanced threat response, auditing pathways including Zero Trust network access.

Piyatida Tantrakul addressed “Resilience in the Modern Era,” delving into AI’s role in maintaining organizational security. She noted ransomware as the top threat affecting sectors like finance, banking, government, and technology. Trend Micro’s holistic AI deployment targets four critical areas: 1. Protecting AI users from attacks and misuse. 2. Safeguarding the AI systems organizations rely on. 3. Securing AI data centers. 4. AI-powered cybersecurity systems.

About Trend Micro

Trend Micro is a global cybersecurity titan dedicated to making the digital world a safer place. With decades of security expertise, global threat research, and relentless innovation, Trend Micro’s platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. A leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, the platform offers advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, ensuring central visibility for quick, accurate detection and response. With a workforce of 7,000 across 65 countries, Trend Micro simplifies and secures the connected world. Find out more at


  1. Jane Doe July 4, 2024

    Trend Micro teaming up with NVIDIA is huge! AI-powered cybersecurity has so much potential.

    • tech_guru_91 July 4, 2024

      Absolutely, Jane! AI can definitely help predict and prevent cyber attacks better than traditional methods.

      • cyberwarrior July 4, 2024

        But aren’t we just escalating the AI arms race? Cybercriminals using AI will counter this quickly.

    • Lisa W. July 4, 2024

      I agree Jane, but the dependency on AI also has its risks. What if the AI fails?

  2. Bob42 July 4, 2024

    It feels like businesses are being pushed into this AI craze without understanding the risks.

    • Sarah July 4, 2024

      True, Bob. Many companies might not be prepared for the potential AI-related security threats.

    • Jane Doe July 4, 2024

      And that’s why training and education are so crucial. Trend Micro’s investment in staff training is a key point here.

    • Gary T. July 4, 2024

      Agreed, but we can’t ignore that some companies might not have the resources to match these giant investments.

  3. Nick July 4, 2024

    This sounds like more buzzwords and marketing than actual innovation.

    • Alice July 4, 2024

      Nick, cybersecurity is evolving rapidly, and marketing aside, these advancements are necessary.

    • Rick July 4, 2024

      I see your point, Nick. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s real progress and what’s just hype.

    • Nick July 4, 2024

      Sure, Alice, but we’ve seen how tech companies often overpromise and underdeliver.

  4. Mary Johnson July 4, 2024

    Integrating AI into cybersecurity can potentially save countless businesses from financial ruin.

    • Paul July 4, 2024

      Right, but it also means a single flaw in the AI could cause widespread vulnerabilities.

    • Mary Johnson July 4, 2024

      Which is why continuous R&D and updates are crucial, as mentioned by Dhanya Thakkar.

  5. securitybuff July 4, 2024

    Ransomware is indeed a massive threat, but how effective can AI really be against it?

    • Jane Doe July 4, 2024

      AI can detect ransomware patterns and respond faster than human intervention, which is a game-changer.

    • securitybuff July 4, 2024

      I suppose, but I’m still cautious. Over-relying on AI could be a double-edged sword.

  6. tommy July 4, 2024

    Cool, but how affordable will these AI tools be for small businesses?

    • Sophie July 4, 2024

      That’s a great point, Tommy. If these solutions only benefit large corporations, we have a problem.

    • Michael July 4, 2024

      Hopefully, economies of scale will make it accessible over time. AI in cybersecurity shouldn’t be just a big company thing.

  7. alison123 July 4, 2024

    It’s great to hear Trend Micro is making strides, but what about data privacy concerns with AI?

    • John July 4, 2024

      That’s a valid concern, Alison. AI has to be managed carefully to ensure it doesn’t overstep privacy boundaries.

    • alison123 July 4, 2024

      Absolutely, John. Transparency in how these AI systems operate is crucial.

  8. Karen Fisher July 4, 2024

    The collaboration with NVIDIA does make me hopeful about the future of cybersecurity.

  9. red_panda July 4, 2024

    AI for Security sounds promising, but isn’t there a risk it will be used for mass surveillance?

  10. nate_dog July 4, 2024

    The technology sounds impressive, but I’m skeptical we’ll see true resilience. Hackers always find a way.

  11. Samantha P. July 4, 2024

    If companies don’t invest in AI for security now, they will be left behind, especially with how fast cyber threats are evolving.

  12. Ellen T July 4, 2024

    AI is the future of cybersecurity, but we need to ensure we maintain ethical standards.

  13. Greg July 4, 2024

    What about the accountability if an AI-driven system fails? Who is responsible then?

  14. Judy July 4, 2024

    It’s good to see big companies like Trend Micro actively working to stay ahead of cybercriminals.

  15. Jason July 4, 2024

    So much focus on AI, but are we neglecting the human factor in cybersecurity?

  16. Peter J. July 4, 2024

    I wonder if small businesses in Thailand can really benefit from these advanced systems.

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