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Thailand’s Future Sizzle: Prof Seree Predicts Soaring 50C Temps by 2084

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Welcome to the tropics, where the warmth of the sun is always more indulgent! Thailand, the jewel of Southeast Asia, may soon redefine what it means to be “sun-soaked”. Imagine, if you will, stepping into a world where temperatures could sizzle up to a blistering 50C in the next six decades. Yes, you read that right! Assoc Prof Seree Supratid, a maestro of climate science from Rangsit University’s Center for Climate Change and Disasters, has turned the thermostat up with his predictions.

In a series of posts that lit up his Facebook page like a mid-summer sun, Assoc Prof Seree shared insights that could make even the most seasoned sun worshipper break a sweat. Picture this: the number of days where the mercury boldly dares to tip over 40C is expected to leap from a mere nine to a staggering seventy-five each year. This isn’t your typical tropical tango; it’s an environmental foxtrot that’s quickening its pace.

Now, let’s whirl our weather vane towards Sukhothai. Known for its historical ruins and serene beauty, this province is predicted to be the hottest hotspot, with temperatures potentially soaring to an almost mythical 49C by 2084. The current record? A mere 44.5C set back in the cooler days of 2016. Following Sukhothai, a cadre of provinces including Phichit, Chai Nat, Nakhon Sawan, and several others are slated for a meteorological makeover, with temperatures flirting with the high 40s. Bangkok, the bustling capital, isn’t spared either, with a forecast of a steamy 44.9C.

At the heart of these fiery forecasts is a stark reminder of the shores we’re drifting away from – the promises etched in the Paris Agreement of 2016. This pact among planetside caretakers aimed to anchor the global thermostat to a rise of less than 2C above yesteryears’ climate. It was a pledge to curtail the carbon and other mischievous molecules that fan the flames of global warming, spurring extreme weather episodes.

Should our collective course correct towards the benchmarks set in Paris, Thailand could breathe a little easier at a peak of 44.75C. Meet the Paris targets halfway, and we’re looking at a compromise of 46C. But as things stand, it’s gearing up to be a scorcher, with day counts where the thermometer teases 40C skyrocketing.

The Meteorological Department, amidst this simmering speculation, assures us that the heat will hit its zenith from today until next Monday. Yet, there’s a silver lining or, more accurately, a downpour expected around the Songkran holiday. The past record setters like Kanchanaburi and Lampang have already shown us the mercury’s might, making the mid-40s their playground.

So, as we venture into the future, Thailand’s weather tapestry seems set to be woven with warmer threads. Whether this forecasted heatwave becomes our new reality or a motivator for global action remains in our hands. Until then, stock up on sunscreen, hydrate like there’s no tomorrow, and maybe, just maybe, invest in a good parasol. Let’s brace ourselves for Thailand’s fiery dance with the sun!


  1. EcoWarrior22 April 3, 2024

    This is a wake-up call for everyone! The predictions by Prof Seree are alarming. It’s clear that climate change is no longer a distant threat but a looming reality. We need to act now to prevent such extreme temperatures.

    • SunnyDaze April 3, 2024

      Honestly, people have been talking about climate change forever. Yet, here we are, still going about our lives. Is it really as bad as they say, or is it just more scare tactics?

      • EcoWarrior22 April 3, 2024

        It’s definitely not scare tactics. The science is clear, and we’re already seeing the effects of climate change globally. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away; it’ll only get worse.

      • GreenThumb April 3, 2024

        Absolutely, @EcoWarrior22! The evidence is overwhelming. We’re witnessing more extreme weather events each year. Denying the problem is dangerous.

    • Techie4Change April 3, 2024

      I think technology will be our savior. We’re already seeing innovations in renewable energy and sustainable practices that could reduce our carbon footprint significantly.

      • EcoWarrior22 April 3, 2024

        Tech is part of the solution, but we also need drastic policy changes and individual actions. It’s a collective effort.

  2. TravelLover April 3, 2024

    50C in Thailand sounds unbearable. Tourist destinations might suffer greatly. Imagine trying to enjoy the beautiful beaches under such extreme conditions. It could devastate the local economy.

    • LocalYocal April 3, 2024

      Not just tourists, we locals will have to bear the brunt of it. Our livelihoods, agriculture, and daily living will be affected the most. It’s a scary future.

      • MarketMan April 3, 2024

        True. The heat will hit us hard, but it’s also a call for innovation in living, agriculture, and business practices. We might see a rise in night markets or indoor farming.

  3. Skeptic101 April 3, 2024

    Predictions are just that – predictions. Who says it’ll actually reach 50C? Seems like a stretch to cause panic.

    • ScienceBuff April 3, 2024

      While predictions have a margin of error, climate models have become increasingly accurate. And it’s not about causing panic; it’s about raising awareness and motivating action.

      • Skeptic101 April 3, 2024

        Raising awareness is one thing, but it feels like fear-mongering. We need to focus on adapting to change, not just trying to prevent it.

  4. FutureFarmer April 3, 2024

    As a farmer, the thought of dealing with 40C+ days on a regular basis is terrifying. We need to start adapting our practices now to survive the upcoming challenges in agriculture.

  5. CityDweller April 3, 2024

    Living in Bangkok, I can’t even imagine temperatures hitting 44.9C. We’re already struggling with the heat as it is. This could seriously affect the health of millions living in urban areas.

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