In the past eight months, there has been a noticeable upward trend in expenses related to public transportation, vehicle purchases, fuel, and mobile phones. Concurrently, household spending also showed a rise, with a 1.82% increase registered.
The Commerce Ministry’s recent report revealed that inflation in September came in at 0.30%, a substantial drop from the 0.88% witnessed in August. This decline can be mostly attributed to the observed reductions in diesel and electricity prices. Another significant factor was the dwindling food prices, marking their first descent in 23 months.
A comprehensive breakdown of the spending revealed that non-alcoholic drinks and non-food products made up the lion’s share of costs, coming in at 58.58%. In contrast, the combination of food and non-alcoholic beverages made up 41.42% of the total. Interestingly, these figures showed a slight shift from those seen in August, where the non-food items and non-alcoholic drinks took a marginally larger slice at 58.66%, with food and non-alcoholic beverages making up the remaining 41.34%.
When we delve deeper into the spending and categorize it into 14 components, it becomes evident that most of these saw reductions in September compared to August. Topping the list of these categories was the combined costs of public transportation, vehicle purchase, fuel, and mobile phone services, coming roughly to 4,285 baht. This was followed closely by a diverse group comprising rent, construction materials, electricity, gas, and home appliances at 3,988 baht. Other notable categories included meat, poultry, and seafood at 1,658 baht; household consumption and dairy at 1,640 baht; dining out, vegetables, and fruits at 1,027 baht; medical expenses, medicines, and personal services at 986 baht; books, hobbies, and religious activities at 764 baht; rice, flour, and flour products at 698 baht; condiments at 427 baht; eggs and dairy products at 415 baht; clothing, bedding, and shoes at 376 baht, followed finally by cigarettes, alcohol, and beer at 242 baht.
If we launch into a month-on-month breakdown of household expenses from the beginning till the end of September this year, we get January at 18,190 baht; February at 18,168 baht; March at 18,120 baht; April at 18,153 baht; May at 18,023 baht; June at 18,132 baht; July at 18,130 baht; August at 18,229 baht, and finally September at 18,163 baht.
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