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Thailand’s Top Mobile Apps of 2024: Fintech Leads the Digital Revolution

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Picture this: It’s been a whopping fifteen years since the Apple chariot rolled out its App Store, and little did we know just how monumental that pixelated playground would become. Fast forward to now, 24 years into the 21st century, and those humble beginnings have blossomed into digital ecosystems so intertwined with our lives that they turn our phones into Swiss Army knives of modern existence. From gaming to gabbing, shopping to streaming, apps have revolutionized our human-device interactions, drawing us closer to the epicenters of commerce and community – and it’s nothing short of magical.

In a vibrant celebration of 2024’s arrival, Appsynth, the digital juggernaut and Thailand’s very own mastermind of mobile apps, comes together with the stats wizardry of to unveil the 20 most downloaded Thai corporate concoctions. This report doesn’t just rank these apps; it dives deep into the secret sauces and trendsetting spices that have catapulted them into the downloads stratosphere.

Financial Services Apps Come Top of the List

The mobile app showdown in Thailand is a thriller, with financial powerhouses stealing nine of the top 20 spots. Yep, we’ve got digital wallets and banking apps rubbing shoulders with payments platforms, but here’s the kicker: Seven of these are from the banking big leagues, with two fintech mavericks stirring the pot.

Amidst the financial fray, TrueMoney waves the non-bank banner the highest. Once a nugget in the sixth spot, it now reigns supreme, a testament to the disruptive might of fintech. It’s not just an app; it’s a wallet, a bill payer, a phone topper-upper, and a smooth financial friend with perks aplenty.

Monsinee Nakapanant, Ascend Money’s co-president and TrueMoney’s guiding star, beams, “We’re thrilled to pieces our users trust us with their dough. This download crown shines bright on our quest to deliver top-notch, inclusive financial services. Here’s to innovation and security, with a user experience so slick it’ll make you giddy!”

But let’s not forget the old guard. Apps from Kasikorn Bank, Krungthai Bank, and Siam Commercial Bank have kept their noses at the forefront. These apps aren’t just about money in and out; we’re talking insurance, loans, and client pampering galore.

Kasikorn Bank’s Nithiruj holds the torch for their KPLUS app, boasting a commitment to innovation and stakeholder-centric service that’s second to none. “We aim to merge financial brilliance with a digital lifestyle, giving our users a frictionless way to engage with our services. And we’re just getting started,” says Jirapreechasit.

These developments are a rallying cry for apps to broaden horizons, go beyond utility, and craft unforgettable user experiences. In the tech-tuned heart of Southeast Asia, it’s all about delivering a unified digital experience, one app to rule them all.

Food Delivery and Convenience Store Apps Secure Two Highflying Positions

And then we’ve got our food champions. 7-Eleven TH catapults from the backseat to the fifth spot, thanks to the birth of 7-Delivery during the pandemic. It’s a convenience powerhouse that delivers more than snacks and slushies; it delivers comfort, familiarity, and truckloads of joy.

Supattra Jinlert from CP All spills the beans, “We see ourselves as purveyors of convenience at every turn. 7-Delivery brought ease to the forefront, capturing the hearts of over 10 million folks with its delightful store-to-door approach.”

However, it’s not just 7-Eleven taking the express lane in your digital food journey. LINEMAN Wongnai, chaperoned by the sagely Yod Chinsupakul, flings open the doors to food heaven with an eye-popping selection of over a million eating establishments. “We’re feeding the hungry, bolstering businesses and connecting meals with wheels across the nation,” declares Yod with gustatory gusto.

Entertainment and OTT Apps Hit a High Note

Lights, camera, streaming! The entertainment and OTT streaming arena comes in a close second, with Thai viewers lapping up every pixel of TRUE ID, AIS Play, Ch7HD, and many more. It’s all the proof you need that whether it’s online or on-air, the Thais have an insatiable appetite for a well-told story.

And wouldn’t you know, Major Cineplex waltzes right into the fray. That’s right, the silver screen still enchants with its siren call, promising a spectacle that thumb-scrolling just can’t match.

Telco Apps Shift from Functional to Engaging

The telco trio, True, AIS, and DTAC, join the mix with apps that have morphed from utilitarian to downright captivating. They have laced their platforms with entertainment and rewards so deliciously engaging that app users are clicking ‘update’ with glee.

From a modest start of 500 apps in 2008, the App Store now boasts a treasure trove of 1.96 million apps. Google Play followed suit, tipping 3.7 million apps by the end of 2023. With a quarter of users dropping apps at the first hurdle, it’s clear that the app race is fierce, and only the strongest features survive.

Bob Gallagher of Appsynth paints the picture of the future: “We’re honored to work with these digital pioneers. They’re morphing into digital empires, ‘super apps’ if you will, stretching their capabilities to offer unparalleled value. It’s all about open platforms and innovation as we peer into the looking glass of 2024 and beyond.”

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