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Thanyaburi Officer Accused of Extortion and Coercion: Young Woman’s Brave Fight for Justice

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A young woman has recently made serious allegations against a Thanyaburi police officer, accusing him of both money extortion and sexual coercion. This unfolding drama began when the 22-year-old senior-year college student, whose name has been withheld for privacy reasons, took her claims to Pavena Hongsakula, the chairwoman of the Pavena Foundation for Women and Children.

The incident reportedly started on the night of August 30, around 11 PM. The woman, while driving in the Khlong Si area, collided with another car. The aftermath saw the other party rushing to the hospital for medical care. In a bid to sort things out, our protagonist marched to the Thanyaburi police station, insurance documents in hand, ready to take a breathalyzer test. The test was carried out by the very officer she would later accuse, and it showed her having an alcohol level of 103 milligrams per cent.

Now, here’s where the story takes a dark turn. According to her, the officer led her to the station’s restroom, conveniently out of the CCTV camera’s watchful eye. Here, he allegedly proposed an unsavory deal: pay 10,000 baht for a falsified zero-percent alcohol test report, which she could then use for her insurance claim. The alternative? A hefty 20,000 baht fine and detainment. Faced with what seemed like no other option, she shelled out the money. However, the officer went back on his promise and withheld the fake document.

As if things could not get worse, the officer allegedly upped his demands on September 2, suggesting that she sleep with him in exchange for the faux report. Despite the unthinkable betrayal, she ultimately gave in, only to find herself empty-handed once again—no document, just a broken trust.

“I was so depressed that I ended up in the hospital for three days,” she recounted, her voice trembling. Upon her discharge, she received yet another call from the officer, who told her to meet at her condo at 8 PM that same day. It was the final straw. Desperate and cornered, she turned to the Pavena Foundation for help.

Pol Col Jirawat Piampinset, the superintendent at Thanyaburi Station, has since announced an internal investigation into the allegations against the officer in question. Whether justice will be served remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: this brave young woman isn’t giving up without a fight.

The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but the pursuit of the truth has already begun. Stay tuned for more updates as this case unfolds.


  1. Jane Doe September 9, 2024

    This is absolutely sickening. How can someone trust the system when those who are meant to protect us are abusing their power like this?

    • Tom H. September 9, 2024

      Totally agree, Jane. It’s situations like this that erode public trust in law enforcement.

      • Sarah W. September 9, 2024

        But you can’t judge all police officers based on the actions of a few bad apples. The system isn’t perfect, but most officers are good people trying to do their jobs.

    • mAlex68 September 9, 2024

      Yet another reason why police reform is necessary. This isn’t just a few bad apples, it’s a systemic issue.

      • Jane Doe September 9, 2024

        Exactly, Alex! This officer was comfortable enough to ask for money AND sexual favors. That’s a level of corruption that must be rooted out.

      • corruptionHunter September 9, 2024

        Can’t help but wonder how many other people have been manipulated by this officer.

  2. Kenny September 9, 2024

    I feel so sad for the young woman. She must have been terrified. I hope she gets the justice she deserves.

  3. Larry Davis September 9, 2024

    Unfortunate story, but why was she drinking and driving to begin with? This part seems to be conveniently glossed over.

    • Michelle R. September 9, 2024

      Are you serious, Larry? No one deserves to be extorted or coerced, regardless of their mistakes. Focus on the real issue here!

      • Larry Davis September 9, 2024

        I agree extortion is terrible, but personal accountability still matters. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

      • Jake P September 9, 2024

        This is victim blaming. Drunk driving is a crime, but it doesn’t justify the officer’s behavior. Smarten up.

  4. david100 September 9, 2024

    This just highlights the need for more stringent oversight on police activities. Internal investigations often end up just protecting their own.

  5. Kim September 9, 2024

    Why is this still happening in 2024? Haven’t we learned anything from the past cases of police misconduct?

  6. Sonia Patel September 9, 2024

    You can’t always blame the entire police force for one individual’s actions. Yes, there has to be justice, but let’s not paint everyone with the same brush.

    • miamiHeatFan13 September 9, 2024

      Agreed, not all police officers are bad. But the seriousness of this crime requires significant consequences to set an example.

      • Sonia Patel September 9, 2024

        Absolutely. He should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We just need a balanced perspective.

  7. Liam G. September 9, 2024

    The young woman is amazingly brave to speak out. It’s people like her who can bring real change.

    • Crys23 September 9, 2024

      True, but she’s lucky to have a platform and support. Imagine the countless others who suffer in silence.

      • Liam G. September 9, 2024

        Right. It’s terrifying to think how many are out there, unable to speak up.

  8. Ben R. September 9, 2024

    But what if the woman’s accusations are false? We should wait for the investigation results before making conclusions.

    • Hannah S. September 9, 2024

      While false accusations can happen, the details provided here are disturbingly specific. Plus, she went to a reputable foundation for help.

      • Ben R. September 9, 2024

        True, but it’s still wise to reserve judgment until all the facts are in. Innocent until proven guilty.

  9. grower134 September 9, 2024

    Corruption in the police force is nothing new. Just glad she had the courage to stand up.

    • Zane K. September 9, 2024

      It’s a sad reality, but you’re right. We need more people like her to come forward if anything is going to change.

      • grower134 September 9, 2024

        Exactly. It’s the only way to slowly weed out the corruption.

  10. sharman September 9, 2024

    Just imagine if there were no independent bodies like the Pavena Foundation. Where would victims like this go?

  11. Tim J. September 9, 2024

    Can’t help but wonder how this will impact the police station’s reputation. Heads should roll over this.

    • karebear September 9, 2024

      I agree. A thorough house-cleaning might be necessary.

  12. Pavel L. September 9, 2024

    We ought to invest in technology that makes such misconduct impossible—more CCTV coverage, body cams, and the like.

    • Zane K. September 9, 2024

      Technology helps, but human nature will always find a way to bypass it. Long-term cultural change is also crucial.

  13. Samantha V. September 9, 2024

    I just hope this young woman finds justice and peace after this ordeal.

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