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Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi Champions Local Economic Growth at Sustainability Expo 2024

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Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi, the dynamic president and CEO of Thai Beverage Plc, was all smiles as he joined in the festivities for the pha khao ma promotion project, a remarkable initiative that’s part of a grand local economic development programme. This event took place at the Sustainability Expo 2024, nestled in the impressive Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok, last Saturday. It was a day brimming with promise and progress, brilliantly captured by photographer Apichart Jinakul.

Local development initiatives are not just flourishing—they are blossoming into a full-fledged success story. Backed by the unwavering support of Thai Beverage Plc, these projects have achieved the astonishing feat of generating 2.6 billion baht in revenue for 136,000 households across Thailand over the past nine years. Thapana, the visionary at the helm, shared insights on these extraordinary achievements and the ambitious goals yet to be reached during a crucial meeting of the private sector team for local economic development at SX2024.

Wearing multiple hats with ease, Thapana’s pride in the team’s persistent efforts since 2016 was palpable. He praised the local pha khao ma (a traditional Thai loincloth) project, which has become a beacon of hope and prosperity for local communities. The initiative is anchored on three pivotal areas: agriculture, processing, and community-based tourism. The overarching aim? To bolster local incomes and enhance the well-being of communities, a noble cause indeed.

To turn this vision into reality, the focus has been razor-sharp. Strategies have centered on improving access to essential production factors, fostering the spread of knowledge, devising effective marketing strategies, boosting communication efforts, and ensuring robust project management. This meticulous approach has become the backbone of the project’s ongoing success as it strides confidently into the future.

Support for this initiative has been broad and deep, with the Department of Community Development at the Ministry of Interior playing a pivotal role. The project has also enjoyed the backing of numerous other governmental agencies, private sector entities, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. Their collective efforts have led to the launch of more than 1,690 sub-projects under this local economy umbrella. In the year 2023 alone, these initiatives have generated over 460 million baht in revenue for communities nationwide—a testament to the project’s resounding success.

The delights of the Sustainability Expo 2024 don’t end there. The Market Place Zone is a must-visit, featuring an engaging exhibition that chronicles the journey of the Pha Khao Ma production promotion. Visitors can marvel at the variety of stunning products crafted by talented hands from communities all across the country. Running from September 27 to October 6, from 10 AM to 8 PM, this event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees.

In conclusion, the commitment of Thai Beverage Plc and its partners to fostering local development is not just reshaping communities but transforming lives. As the journey continues, their story serves as an inspiring blueprint for sustainable economic growth, highlighting the extraordinary things that can be achieved when vision, dedication, and community spirit converge.


  1. JoeMomma September 28, 2024

    Yeah, but isn’t this just corporate PR? It’s not like the big companies care about the local communities.

    • Elaine V. September 28, 2024

      I disagree. Look at the 2.6 billion baht in revenue generated for 136,000 households. That’s some real impact!

      • Ethan34 September 28, 2024

        Numbers can be manipulated though. Maybe they make a lot more and just give crumbs to the locals.

      • JoeMomma September 28, 2024

        Exactly, Ethan34! We need to ask how much profit Thai Beverage is making in comparison. Bet it’s way more.

  2. Samantha September 28, 2024

    The traditional pha khao ma project is amazing! It’s great to see cultural heritage being preserved while supporting local economies.

    • Grower134 September 28, 2024

      I agree! It’s rare to see culture and commerce blend so well.

      • Aditya P. September 28, 2024

        Isn’t it just another way for companies to exploit cultural symbols for profit?

      • Samantha September 28, 2024

        There’s a fine line, Aditya, but if done right, it can benefit everyone involved. The revenue numbers speak for themselves.

      • Grower134 September 28, 2024

        True, it could easily go either way. The key is ethical management and genuine intent.

    • BillD September 28, 2024

      Cultural preservation isn’t a priority for corporations; they’re just looking for a good press op.

  3. LunaFaye September 28, 2024

    Pha khao ma promotion looks so colorful and vibrant. I’d love to visit the exhibition!

  4. Matt J. September 28, 2024

    Any large-scale project like this inevitably has its flaws. How sustainable is this really?

    • David September 28, 2024

      Sustainability seems to be a buzzword lately. Actual consultation with local stakeholders often gets sidelined.

      • Matt J. September 28, 2024

        Exactly, David. The term ‘sustainability’ can be so vague. It needs precise definitions and actions.

  5. Kimberly T. September 28, 2024

    It’s impressive to see governmental, private, and academic institutions collaborating. More countries should follow suit.

    • JeffR September 28, 2024

      Collaboration is great, but it can also lead to bureaucracy and inefficiency.

      • Kimberly T. September 28, 2024

        True, Jeff. But with solid project management, they can achieve great synergy.

  6. Dana September 28, 2024

    Boosting local incomes should always be a priority. Every bit helps!

    • Liam D. September 28, 2024

      Yes, but at what cost? Sometimes these initiatives harm the environment or local cultures.

  7. Brett September 28, 2024

    I hope we see more initiatives like this spreading globally. Local economies need more support.

    • Jenna September 28, 2024

      Absolutely. Globalization has often been a double-edged sword; more local focus is needed.

  8. JerryK September 28, 2024

    What about labor rights? Are these communities being treated fairly?

    • Rick S. September 28, 2024

      Good point, labor rights should never be overlooked, even in local projects.

      • JerryK September 28, 2024

        Exactly, Rick. If workers are exploited, the project’s all for naught.

  9. Alex September 28, 2024

    Amazing leadership from Thapana! He’s setting an example for others to follow.

    • CynicalSam September 28, 2024

      Let’s not deify CEOs. They often have ulterior motives.

      • Alex September 28, 2024

        True, but when results are this positive, some credit is deserved.

  10. EllaG. September 28, 2024

    The expo’s Market Place Zone sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to see all the unique products.

    • Thomas W. September 28, 2024

      It’s always intriguing to see handmade products. Shows the talent of the local artisans.

  11. Sophie September 28, 2024

    How do we know the reported success isn’t exaggerated for publicity’s sake?

    • Henry123 September 28, 2024

      Transparency in such projects is crucial. Detailed reports should be made public.

  12. Liam September 28, 2024

    This is a model other nations should emulate. Proactive local support can lead to national growth.

  13. Nancy September 28, 2024

    The involvement of the Ministry of Interior and other agencies is reassuring. Shows that there’s oversight.

    • Peter D. September 28, 2024

      Oversight is great, but let’s hope it’s thorough and not just a formality.

  14. Frank September 28, 2024

    Critics always find something to complain about. Let’s celebrate the achievements for once!

    • Rebecca September 28, 2024

      Celebration is important, but so is constructive criticism. It ensures continuous improvement.

  15. GinaM September 28, 2024

    Generating revenue and preserving heritage at the same time is a win-win.

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