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The iCon Group Scandal: Celebrity Endorsements and the Unraveling Pyramid Scheme in Bangkok

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A large billboard in Bangkok displaying celebrities promoting The iCon Group products

In the bustling streets of Bangkok, an eye-catching billboard stands tall, showcasing a lineup of celebrities who have lit up Asian screens for years. From the charming Pakorn “Boy” Chatborirak to the vivacious Pechaya “Min” Wattanamontree, and not forgetting the charismatic Kan “Fluke” Kantathavorn, Yuranunt “Sam” Pamornmontri, and Pakorn “Dome” Lam, each graces the advertisement for The iCon Group. However, behind the glamour, a scandal of epic proportions is unraveling.

Recently, shrouded in controversy, The iCon Group has been thrust under the spotlight with claims of a deceptive pyramid scheme, catching its famous endorsers in the crossfire. The alleged scheme has reportedly inflicted financial damage surpassing a staggering 118 million baht as over 300 victims have emerged from the shadows to tell their tales.

Pol Col Uthane Nuipin, articulating the gravity of the situation, stated that the investigation, which kicked off on a recent Thursday, had already amassed 306 statements from individuals allegedly enticed into investing by the group. With the financial quagmire deepening each day, the stakes have never been higher for the renowned online business promoter.

In an attempt to navigate the turbulent waves, Waratphon “Boss Paul” Waratvorakul, The iCon Group’s CEO, reached out to the public via Facebook, a move echoing the digital ethos of the company. He announced his intention to set up a relief center, positioning the company as willing to face the music and fulfill its social responsibilities.

In his heartfelt post, Waratphon expressed, “This establishment is to provide assistance and indicate our social responsibility, and the company is seeking to discuss the direction of its aid with individuals trusted by society.” While the sincerity of this gesture remains under scrutiny, it signals the company’s awareness of the gravity of allegations it faces.

Fueling the fire, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently investigated the company’s product lines, unveiling unsettling revelations. Alarmingly, one of their touted products, the multi-vitamin supplement Boom D-Nax, was found unregistered, compounding skepticism about The iCon Group’s business integrity.

If you thought the plot couldn’t thicken further, think again. The courtroom drama escalated when renowned lawyer Sittra Biabungkerd, alongside Tankhun Jitt-itsara—a former Democratic Party MP and now an activist—lodged a formal complaint against Waratphon and the five radiant celebrities. Charges leveled include public fraud, deceitful loan acquisition, and money laundering.

Yet, beneath the polished pandemonium lies a shrewd scheme. Crafty online marketing courses, tempting at less than 100 baht, ensnared eager individuals, gradually escalating their financial commitments to sell company products. Furthermore, participation in glitzy events with celebrity appearances demanded a monetary tribute, a testament to the irresistible allure of fame.

One woman courageously stepped forward, recounting how she was encouraged to purchase social media ads, urging others to join as dealers or customers, earning recruitment fees in return. An intriguing strategy indeed, and one pivotal in unraveling The iCon Group’s financial tapestry.

With authorities now sifting through the financial entrails of The iCon Group—whose reported revenues reached a jaw-dropping 5 billion baht, despite marketing just 15 products—the spotlight shines on whether sales figures match the explosive earnings claimed, and if these products truly reached the public’s grasp. As this intricate tale unfolds, only time will tell how the cards will fall for The iCon Group and its high-profile endorsers.


  1. Jane Doe October 12, 2024

    I can’t believe these celebrities would endorse such a scam. Shows you how much they’ll do for money.

    • Chris P. October 12, 2024

      Don’t blame the celebs without proof. They might not have known about the scam.

      • SmartAlex October 12, 2024

        Ignorance isn’t an excuse. They should have done their homework.

      • Jane Doe October 12, 2024

        Exactly, looking pretty on a billboard isn’t enough. They have a responsibility!

  2. Larry D October 12, 2024

    Pyramid schemes are thriving because people are greedy and want quick money.

    • Anna1978 October 12, 2024

      It’s not just greed, it’s desperation too. Many people are struggling.

    • Larry D October 12, 2024

      True, but it’s sad people fall for these scams instead of seeking safer alternatives.

  3. Sammy_123 October 12, 2024

    I think the government should do more to regulate these companies. It’s ridiculous how many get away with scams!

    • PolicyGeek October 12, 2024

      Regulation can help, but education is key. People need to be aware of these traps!

  4. Jin W. October 12, 2024

    I never understood why people trust these online businesses so easily.

    • Ellen October 12, 2024

      It’s usually because they see others getting quick success. So enticing…

  5. Grower134 October 12, 2024

    This reminds me of a similar scandal in the past. Why don’t people learn from history?

    • Alana B October 12, 2024

      We tend to repeat mistakes when profits overshadow ethics.

    • Grower134 October 12, 2024

      Sad but true. I hope this scandal opens more eyes.

  6. Vee October 12, 2024

    Celebrities should face penalties if proven guilty. They aren’t above the law.

    • Tom B October 12, 2024

      They’re part of the problem but let’s not forget the CEO and other enablers.

  7. Katherine H. October 12, 2024

    The role of social media is huge here. It’s a powerful tool for scams and genuine business alike.

    • Influence_Key October 12, 2024

      Social media should implement stricter controls on business advertisements.

  8. Ray V October 12, 2024

    I attended one of their events once, glad I didn’t buy into it. So flashy, but something felt off.

    • SkepticalSarah October 12, 2024

      Living proof that trusting your gut can save you. Good call!

  9. Joe October 12, 2024

    Are these celebrities even competent enough to understand financial schemes?

    • Laura S. October 12, 2024

      You’d be surprised. Some are much savvier than they appear.

  10. DisappointedFan October 12, 2024

    As a fan of these celebrities, it’s disheartening to see them caught up in this mess.

    • RealistSteve October 12, 2024

      It’s healthy to remember they’re public figures, not role models.

    • DisappointedFan October 12, 2024

      I guess you’re right. Time to pick better idols!

  11. CautiousK October 12, 2024

    Never trust a scheme that sounds too good to be true, especially with flashy endorsements.

  12. Eli J October 12, 2024

    Those who fell for this have my sympathy, but some responsibility lies on them too.

  13. RationalRita October 12, 2024

    Always be thorough. If something looks fishy, it probably is. Why can’t people get this?

  14. Lucy Liu October 12, 2024

    Scandals like this make it hard to trust any online entrepreneurship offers!

    • TechGuru October 12, 2024

      Yet, genuine opportunities do exist. The key is vetting them with skepticism.

  15. Rob M. October 12, 2024

    The iCon Group had influential names, but did anyone care to investigate their claims properly?

  16. EagerInvestor October 12, 2024

    I almost invested myself. Such a close call. Sometimes overly ambitious dreams blur our judgment.

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