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Tragic Double Murder at Banoo Iranian Restaurant: Mojtaba Ghanbariazad and Thai Wife Killed

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Police arrive at Banoo Iranian Restaurant in South Pattaya

PATTAYA – A baffling mystery unraveled at the Banoo Iranian Restaurant in South Pattaya on a balmy Tuesday. The restaurant, once a bustling hub, was cast into silence as police discovered the bodies of its Iranian owner, Mojtaba Ghanbariazad, 64, and his Thai wife, Thanaporn Poonprakhon, 49. The grim discovery was made in their second-floor bedroom, leaving the local community in shock and mourning.

The suspects in this chilling case, a Myanmar couple identified as Kyaw Myint Oo, 23, and Ei December, 19, have turned themselves in to police in Nakhon Pathom, seeking repatriation to their homeland. According to Pol Maj Gen Thawatkiat Jindakhuansanong, commander of Chon Buri police, arrest warrants were imminent for the couple believed to have targeted the victims for their valuables. As the investigation continues, authorities are working tirelessly to determine what exactly was stolen.

The couple’s entrance into Thailand was far from clandestine; they crossed through Tak with legitimate border passes. However, their actions led them down a dark path that ended in tragedy on Soi Day-Night, where the victims’ lives were brutally taken. The restaurant’s ground floor stands eerily empty now, echoing memories of lively conversations and the aroma of Iranian cuisine.

The scene in the bedroom was nothing less than ghastly. Ghanbariazad was discovered half-naked, his body suggesting he had been strangled with trousers. His wife’s lifeless form, bound with plastic rope and a charger wire, was a gruesome sight. A hammer, believed to be the murder weapon, lay nearby, casting a sinister shadow over the room.

The narrative takes a twist when police learn that the Myanmar couple made a quick escape on the victims’ motorcycle on July 11, following a heated argument. The motorcycle was later abandoned, and they fled to Bangkok via taxi before finally reaching Nakhon Pathom. Their surrender for illegal immigration seemed a desperate attempt to escape the tightening noose of justice.

Upon surrendering, they expressed a fervent desire to return to Myanmar. Despite being fined for immigration violations, they were transferred to Mae Sot district in Tak, near the Myanmar border. It is suspected they might have crossed over, prompting Thai authorities to seek assistance from their Myanmar counterparts in apprehending them.

Amidst the investigation, a poignant account emerged from the late Thanaporn’s 29-year-old daughter. She revealed that her mother had graciously allowed the Myanmar couple to reside in the building’s upper floors. Trust was shattered when incidents of missing money led to heated altercations, particularly with Ghanbariazad, who had sternly rebuked the employee.

As the dust settles over this unspeakable crime, the community is left grappling with the loss. The Banoo Iranian Restaurant, once filled with flavorsome dishes and heartfelt laughter, now stands as a somber reminder of a vibrant couple whose lives were tragically cut short.

The investigation continues, and with it, hopes for justice and closure for the bereaved families and a community in mourning. In the light of such a shocking event, one can only hope that peace and solace find their way back to South Pattaya.


  1. Jake Woods July 18, 2024

    This is absolutely tragic. I can’t believe this happened in such a vibrant community.

    • Diana F. July 18, 2024

      It’s horrifying! I used to eat at that restaurant all the time. How could someone do this?

      • Natasha P July 18, 2024

        Sadly, no place is immune to crime. It’s terrifying, but it’s the reality we live in.

    • Alex Thompson July 18, 2024

      It’s a reminder that you never truly know people, even those you think you can help. So tragic.

  2. grower134 July 18, 2024

    I feel like this wouldn’t have happened if the couple had been more cautious about who they allowed to stay with them.

    • Karen B. July 18, 2024

      You really can’t blame the victims here! They were trying to help people in need!

    • Mark L. July 18, 2024

      It’s a tough situation, but people need to be more vigilant nowadays. Sad but true.

  3. Chen Yu July 18, 2024

    Do we know for sure that the Myanmar couple did it? Could there be more to this story?

    • David Wright July 18, 2024

      The evidence seems pretty damning, but I agree, more investigation is needed.

    • Jake Woods July 18, 2024

      You’re right, there’s always a possibility of a deeper conspiracy. Hopefully, justice will be served.

      • grower134 July 18, 2024

        Definitely need to wait for all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

  4. Linda H. July 18, 2024

    I can’t imagine the pain the families must be going through. Such a senseless act of violence.

    • Sam D. July 18, 2024

      This crime has deeply impacted not just the families but the entire community.

    • Diana F. July 18, 2024

      I hope the community can come together and support each other in this difficult time.

  5. Rahul S. July 18, 2024

    The escalation of this argument to such extreme violence is baffling. Why didn’t they just leave if they were unhappy?

    • Natasha P July 18, 2024

      Some people just aren’t rational and take drastic measures. It’s tragic.

    • Kylie M. July 18, 2024

      There could have been a buildup of tensions we don’t know about. Still no excuse for murder.

  6. Joe July 18, 2024

    This story is a grim reminder of how quickly things can turn disastrous. Life is so fragile.

  7. Tina L. July 18, 2024

    As much as we want justice, let’s hope it doesn’t result in unfair treatment of other immigrants.

  8. Larry D July 18, 2024

    Scenarios like this make you question the integrity of background checks and immigration processes.

    • grower134 July 18, 2024

      True, but can anyone really predict such heinous acts? It’s a tough balance to find.

    • Mark L. July 18, 2024

      There should be measures in place, but unfortunately, we can’t always foresee these tragic outcomes.

    • Natasha P July 18, 2024

      Increased background checks might help, but nothing is foolproof.

  9. Ana P. July 18, 2024

    I really feel for Thanaporn’s daughter. Losing a parent in such a violent way must be devastating.

    • Jake Woods July 18, 2024

      Absolutely, no one should have to go through that kind of loss.

    • Rahul S. July 18, 2024

      The emotional trauma is unimaginable. I hope she has the support she needs.

  10. Samantha J. July 18, 2024

    This entire incident is a dark stain on what is usually a beautiful and peaceful city.

  11. Chen Yu July 18, 2024

    Any updates on what exactly was stolen? This detail might provide more clues.

  12. John91 July 18, 2024

    The authorities need to work closely with Myanmar to ensure these criminals are brought to justice.

    • David Wright July 18, 2024

      Definitely. International cooperation is crucial in cases like this to prevent suspects from slipping away.

  13. Kylie M. July 18, 2024

    The use of a hammer as the murder weapon is particularly gruesome. How can anyone do that to another human being?

  14. Sam D. July 18, 2024

    This heinous act shows just how dark some people’s hearts can be.

    • David Wright July 18, 2024

      It’s a grim reminder of the evil that exists in the world.

  15. Anna T. July 18, 2024

    How did the couple manage to flee so easily? There must have been gaps in the security around the area.

  16. Tina L. July 18, 2024

    Hopefully, the authorities can tighten these gaps to prevent future tragedies like this.

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