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Tragic Murder of Benjarat Choeijan: Lover Anuwat Pimmat Arrested After Shocking Discovery

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Police take Anuwat Pimmat for a re-enactment of the crime in Khao Yoi district of Phetchaburi on Monday. (Photo: Chaiwat Satyaem)
In a dramatic turn of events that unfolded in Prachuap Khiri Khan, a young man was apprehended following the grisly discovery of his 21-year-old lover’s lifeless body. The tragic tale began on a dating app where 22-year-old Anuwat Pimmat met his ill-fated lover, Benjarat Choeijan. Their relationship, which initially blossomed during the festive Songkran in April, was abruptly crushed by deceit and fury.

Police nabbed Anuwat at a local eatery in tambon Thongchai of Bang Saphan district around 10 PM on Sunday, after obtaining an arrest warrant from the Phetchaburi Criminal Court. The charges? Murder and the concealment of a body.

The discovery of Benjarat’s body sent shockwaves through the community. Her body was found amidst the dense weeds beside the Phetkasem Highway in tambon Nong Prong of Khao Yoi district on a gloomy Friday. The identification of the 22-year-old from Phuket province was heartbreaking. She was dressed casually in a T-shirt and shorts, but notably carried no identification that might hint towards her tragic identity.

On Monday, in a grim reenactment, Anuwat recounted his morbid tale to the police. He explained how their seemingly innocent meeting on a dating app quickly spiraled into a serious romantic liaison. Their meetings weren’t confined to the digital realm; in fact, Anuwat flew from Bangkok to Phuket specially to see her. It was Benjarat who picked him up from his hotel, setting the wheels in motion for a fatal journey.

The pair was traveling to Prachuap Khiri Khan to retrieve a pickup truck meant to be returned to Benjarat’s former boyfriend in Bangkok. That ill-fated drive on June 3 through the scenic Sam Roi Yot district took a dark turn after Anuwat received a phone call from his wife. Yes, his wife. As the truth unraveled, Benjarat erupted in anger, slapping him across the face. In a fit of blind rage, Anuwat strangled her.

What followed was a desperate attempt to cover up the crime. Anuwat drove aimlessly with Benjarat’s body, seeking a place to discard the evidence of his fury. He finally abandoned her by the side of the highway in Khao Yoi district. This grim scene was unveiled four days later, leaving a community in mourning and a young man in police custody.

As the case continues to develop, it stands as a chilling reminder of how quickly tempers can flare and lives can be senselessly lost. The digital age of dating, while filled with promises of love and connection, also harbors the potential for secrecy and deception. One can only hope for justice to be served and for the memory of Benjarat Choeijan to bring about change in the way we approach relationships in this interconnected world.


  1. Alex M June 10, 2024

    This is such a tragic story. How could someone be so heartless?

    • Linda Davis June 10, 2024

      It’s always shocking to hear about such brutality. It seems like the digital age only makes it easier for these horrors to occur.

      • Sarah June 10, 2024

        I agree. Online dating can be very risky. You never really know who you’re meeting.

      • Alex M June 10, 2024

        Absolutely. It’s terrifying to think love can end in something so terrible.

  2. Jake June 10, 2024

    This is why people should be more careful about who they meet online.

    • Eliza June 10, 2024

      Yeah, but you can’t always predict how someone will behave. It’s not entirely the dating app’s fault.

      • Jake June 10, 2024

        True, but surely there should be more stringent checks or something in place.

      • Kevin L June 10, 2024

        That’s idealistic. People lie and deceive, no system can be foolproof.

    • Angela June 10, 2024

      Perhaps a bit more background checking might help. Just a thought.

  3. Travis J June 10, 2024

    I think the real issue here is anger management. How can someone lose control to that extent?

  4. Nina June 10, 2024

    It’s truly horrifying. But I also wonder about his wife. Did she know he was meeting other women?

    • Opal June 10, 2024

      That’s a good point. Infidelity probably played a part in this tragic event.

      • Zara P June 10, 2024

        Infidelity can cause heartbreak, but murder? That’s just unimaginable.

      • Nina June 10, 2024

        Absolutely. No matter the situation, taking a life is indefensible.

  5. Riley18 June 10, 2024

    When will people learn that violence solves nothing?

    • Vince June 10, 2024

      Unfortunately, tempers can flare and lead to irreversible actions.

    • Sara Kawashima June 10, 2024

      Education on conflict resolution should start early. Maybe then tragedies like this can be avoided.

  6. Marcus L June 10, 2024

    We need to address mental health crises more seriously.

  7. Beth June 10, 2024

    This poor girl didn’t deserve this. It’s so heartbreaking.

  8. Timmy June 10, 2024

    I don’t understand how someone can become this violent over a relationship revelation.

    • Hank June 10, 2024

      Sometimes, people have hidden issues that can be triggered suddenly.

  9. Tina June 10, 2024

    Will justice really be served? Seems like the legal system often lets such criminals off too easily.

  10. David S June 10, 2024

    It’s important to remember that gender-based violence is a significant issue worldwide.

  11. Lara June 10, 2024

    But what measures can really prevent this from happening again?

  12. Connor June 10, 2024

    The law needs to come down hard on such crimes to deter others.

    • Joseph June 10, 2024

      Harsh penalties may help, but we also need more community awareness and education.

      • Connor June 10, 2024

        Agreed. A multi-faceted approach is needed.

  13. Emily June 10, 2024

    This scares me. I’m never going to trust anyone I meet online again.

  14. Daniel K June 10, 2024

    One tragic incident shouldn’t make us lose faith in humanity. But yes, we should be cautious.

  15. Zoe W June 10, 2024

    That’s easy to say, but how do you stay cautious without becoming paranoid?

  16. Hunter June 10, 2024

    The digital age makes dating more accessible, but also more dangerous it seems.

  17. John June 10, 2024

    We need to teach respect and empathy from a young age.

  18. Amber June 10, 2024

    What a twisted story. This guy is a monster.

  19. Maxwell June 10, 2024

    This event makes me question how safe it is to meet strangers nowadays.

  20. Layla June 10, 2024

    Rest in peace, Benjarat. Such a senseless loss of life.

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