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Unmasked: The Future of Public Health? Shocking New Mobile App RooTun Alerts You to Health Threats in Real-Time!

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In an innovative synergy aimed at advancing public health and disease control, the eminent National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) has joined forces with the influential National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC). Their trusted collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and the Department of Disease Control has unlocked a pioneering development: a mobile application aptly named “RooTun”, established to back proactive surveillance and control.

Living up to its ‘Know Now’ ethos, RooTun steps into the future by actively collecting critical data on the contemporary dengue situation. But it’s not just a static data collection tool. It’s a responsive, interactive platform that promptly alerts users and the wider public to the imminent risks in their current locales. It’s your on-the-go health advisor offering valuable advice on disease prevention strategies and health management, says Dr. Naina Sahavejchaphan, Head of Simulation and Data-Driven Research Team.

The application’s reach extends beyond early warnings of dengue fever risk zones. It’s robust programming includes built-in capability for sounding the alarm on various other health complications. Empowered by this technology, users now won’t be caught off guard by unforeseen health threats:

  • Updates on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Be informed of the virus’s prevalence in your area, and stay safe.
  • Reports on PM 2.5 fine dust levels – Protect your respiratory health by being aware of the atmospheric conditions.
  • Indicators for the heat index – Know when the temperatures are too high and take proper precautions to prevent heat-induced illness.
  • An overview of the weather conditions – Make informed decisions to protect your health and safety.

Navigating health has never been simpler or more accessible. The user-friendly RooTun mobile app is available for immediate download from the Android Play Store and the Apple App Store. Take your personal healthcare to the next level, have RooTun in your pocket and be in the know, now!

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