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Unseen Carnage in Thai Politics: Will PM Failure by ‘Move Forward’ Spark Unprecedented Protests? Brace For Impact!

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Recently, a nationwide survey was conducted by the Nida poll. The respondents included 1,310 individuals aged 18 and above. The survey which ran from the 24th through the 26th of July, took place over the phone. The results indicated that Move Forward, a political party, faced significant criticism for its inability to establish the next government. Furthermore, a considerable share of participants predicted large-scale protests due to the current political deadlock.

A noteworthy part of the survey asked the respondents the reasons they thought Move Forward couldn’t gather adequate backing for their prime minister candidate. The resulting responses were:

  • 42.98% of participants pointed out that Move Forward didn’t backpedal from contentious plans to gain increased backing.
  • About 30.46% of respondents believed that the party didn’t make any blunders.
  • Approximately 27.56% of people underscored the party’s inability to win political jousting in the Parliament.
  • 11.68% of individuals thought that the party lacks open-mindedness and rarely made political allies.
  • 10.23% were of the opinion that Move Forward didn’t grasp the essence of Thai political culture and politics as a whole.
  • 9.54% said the party was negligent in scrutinizing the qualifications of its PM candidate.
  • 7.94% of people indicated that the party had accumulated several political adversaries.
  • 7.86% thought the demeanor of Move Forward supporters lost its favour in the Parliament.
  • 7.56% maintained that the party followed its supporters’ advice excessively.
  • 6.11% complained that the party places too much weight on the 14 million votes and 151 MPs it had secured.
  • 5.88% indicated that Move Forward’s advisors misjudged the political scenario.

In Thailand’s first round of PM voting on 13th July, Pita Limjaroenrat, the candidate from Move Forward, couldn’t amass sufficient support from senators to claim victory. The senators who declined to vote for him highlighted Move Forward’s commitment to modify the Article 112 of the Criminal Code, also known as “lese majeste law.” Despite Pita claiming this was a mere excuse not to vote for him.

The second round of voting saw Pita barred from being re-nominated, leading to no vote being cast. These two successive failures pushed Move Forward to pass the responsibility to its alliance partner, the Pheu Thai Party, to try and form the forthcoming government.

When questioned if they foresaw protests if Move Forward ends up as an opposition party, respondents shared the following opinions:

  • 35.19% predicted major demonstrations, but with authorities maintaining control.
  • 24.81% anticipated minor protests under the supervision of authorities.
  • 23.66% foresaw the eruption of uncontrollable mass protests.
  • 11.99% believed there wouldn’t be any protests.
  • 2.90% believed only minor protests may occur.
  • And finally, 1.45% refrained from commenting.

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