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Walailak University Achieves Top Global Rankings for Sustainable Development Goals in 2024

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Walailak University is truly setting the stage and leading by example in championing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The university has proudly clinched the third spot globally for stewardship and an impressive fourth place for outreach, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2024 report.

The THE Impact Rankings, crafted in collaboration with Elsevier, a renowned scientific publishing entity, provides an in-depth evaluation of universities across four critical dimensions: research, teaching, stewardship (how well universities advance the SDGs), and outreach (engagement with local and global communities). Notably, Walailak University stands as the sole institution in Southeast Asia gracing the top 10 globally, snagging third in stewardship and fourth in outreach.

Professor Dr. Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, President of Walailak University, shared his elation, saying, “Walailak University places great importance on sustainable development in alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and continues to make significant progress in this area. The results are highly satisfactory, providing concrete evidence of the university’s outstanding performance. This demonstrates Walailak University’s standing as a globally responsible institution committed to social responsibility and sustainable development, serving as a leading advocate for the betterment of the world.”

Delving deeper into the THE Impact Rankings, universities are typically assessed based on their top three SDG scores (accounting for 26% each) alongside their score for SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals) at 22%, culminating in an overall score of 100. The 2024 report shines a spotlight on how universities manage their organizations and influence communities to adopt sustainable living practices.

Zooming into the stewardship category, Afe Babalola University in Nigeria took the throne with an impressive score of 98.2 out of 100, edging Walailak University by 2.6 points. RMIT University in Australia secured the second spot with 96.1, just a whisker ahead of Walailak University, which clinched third place with a commendable 95.6. The University of Exeter in the UK (95.1) and the University of Tasmania in Australia (95.0) rounded out the top five.

In the outreach domain, Afe Babalola University again emerged triumphant with a score of 98.0, a 2.2-point lead over Walailak University. The University of Minnesota in the United States took second place with 97.0, closely followed by Arizona State University (Tempe) at 96.2. Walailak University grabbed a well-deserved fourth spot with 95.8, with KIIT University in India completing the top five with 95.0.

The THE Impact Rankings 2024 evaluated a staggering 2,152 universities spanning 125 countries, employing meticulously calibrated indicators across the four principal areas. Excelling in stewardship involves high marks in metrics like tracking food waste and offering sustainable food choices (SDG 2), maintaining a robust proportion of senior female academics (SDG 5), implementing water reuse policies (SDG 6), ensuring energy efficiency through building renovations (SDG 7), and guaranteeing a living wage (SDG 8). For outreach, top-performing universities flaunted their prowess in areas such as developing comprehensive policies to tackle poverty (SDG 1), partnering with health institutions (SDG 3), educating local communities about energy efficiency (SDG 7), engaging in cooperative climate change disaster planning (SDG 13), and providing expert advice to government bodies (SDG 16).

Walailak University’s achievements are a testament to its unwavering dedication to sustainable development and social responsibility. By continually pushing the envelope and fostering innovative strategies, the university not only embodies the spirit of the SDGs but also inspires other institutions to follow suit, advocating for a better, more sustainable future for all.


  1. Joe September 16, 2024

    Wow, it’s amazing to see an institution from Southeast Asia ranking so highly! Kudos to Walailak University for their efforts!

    • Larry Davis September 16, 2024

      Definitely. It’s a great accomplishment, but I wonder how other universities in the region can replicate their success.

      • Samantha K. September 16, 2024

        I think it’s all about prioritizing the SDGs and having a committed leadership. Not many universities are ready to make that kind of effort.

      • Joe September 16, 2024

        Exactly, commitment from leadership is key. There has to be a genuine desire to improve and make sustainable changes.

    • Tony September 16, 2024

      While this is impressive, let’s not get carried away. Rankings can be very arbitrary. How much do they really reflect the on-ground reality?

  2. grower134 September 16, 2024

    I’m skeptical. How do we know these rankings aren’t influenced by some form of bias?

    • Patricia September 16, 2024

      Every ranking system has its biases, but the methodology here seems thorough, looking at multiple dimensions.

    • Prof. Andrews September 16, 2024

      Indeed, more transparency and open data would help mitigate skepticism. Universities themselves should also publish detailed reports.

    • grower134 September 16, 2024

      Fair point. More data would definitely help, but for now, I’ll take these rankings with a grain of salt.

  3. Natasha L. September 16, 2024

    What an incredible milestone for Walailak University! They’re setting an example for the entire global academic community.

  4. Skeptic22 September 16, 2024

    Incredible milestone? There are bigger issues at hand. How about tackling global poverty first?

    • Aliyah September 16, 2024

      Yes, but universities play a crucial role in addressing such issues through education and innovative research.

    • SamW September 16, 2024

      Exactly, Aliyah. Education can be the foundation for addressing all major global challenges, including poverty.

    • Skeptic22 September 16, 2024

      I get that, but real change on poverty needs ground-level action, not just academic research.

  5. Larry D September 16, 2024

    How can we ensure that this momentum continues and more institutions follow suit?

    • Steph September 16, 2024

      By creating more partnerships and sharing best practices. Collaboration is key.

    • grower134 September 16, 2024

      But aren’t these partnerships mostly beneficial for the bigger, wealthier universities?

    • Larry D September 16, 2024

      True, which is why there should be a focus on inclusive partnerships that uplift smaller institutions as well.

  6. Martha September 16, 2024

    It’s really inspiring to see universities step up like this. Changes in policies and community outreach are so important!

    • Tony September 16, 2024

      Yes, but let’s be realistic. Policies without proper implementation often fall flat. Who’s ensuring these policies are actually effective?

    • Martha September 16, 2024

      Good point, Tony. Effective oversight and regular assessments are necessary to truly make a difference.

  7. Evelyn September 16, 2024

    I wonder how much of the success is due to genuine commitment versus just trying to boost rankings.

  8. John Fisher September 16, 2024

    Involvement in SDGs should be more widespread. Why don’t we see more universities taking similar steps?

    • Kate September 16, 2024

      Probably because it’s a significant investment and not all institutions have the resources to make such commitments.

    • John Fisher September 16, 2024

      That’s true. Maybe there should be more funding and support from governments and NGOs for such initiatives.

  9. greenfuture September 16, 2024

    Sustainable development is the future. The more universities get on board, the better off we’ll all be!

  10. Eduardo September 16, 2024

    How can smaller universities with limited budgets compete with these top-ranking institutions? They’re at such a disadvantage.

    • Rosie September 16, 2024

      That’s a tough one. Maybe collaborative projects and sharing resources could be a solution.

    • Eduardo September 16, 2024

      True, Rosie. Collaborative efforts might help, but there needs to be more systemic support for smaller universities.

  11. scholar_t September 16, 2024

    What metrics does THE Impact Rankings use to evaluate outreach efforts?

  12. Casey September 16, 2024

    It’s great that Walailak University is being recognized! They’ve obviously put in a lot of hard work and it’s paying off.

  13. Jane O. September 16, 2024

    This report is telling us that academia is moving in the right direction. Hopefully, this sets a trend for future academic policies.

  14. Jeremy September 16, 2024

    Even with high rankings, let’s not forget that real-world problems need real-world solutions and not just theoretical exercises from universities.

  15. Florence September 16, 2024

    I wonder what specific projects Walailak University has undertaken to achieve such high ratings in stewardship and outreach.

    • Emma T. September 16, 2024

      Exactly. More details on their projects could provide valuable lessons for other institutions.

    • Florence September 16, 2024

      I’ve read about some of their initiatives on sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. Seems they’re making practical changes on multiple fronts.

  16. Simon September 16, 2024

    Recognition is important, but the ultimate goal should be global sustainable development. Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture.

  17. Dave September 16, 2024

    While it’s great to see these accomplishments, it would be better if there was more focus on innovation and tech in sustainable development.

  18. Allison P. September 16, 2024

    These rankings are a step in the right direction. Sustainable development should be a key priority for all universities.

    • Bob September 16, 2024

      Absolutely, sustainability isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity for our future.

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