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Warathaphon ‘Boss Paul’ Waratyaworrakul and Associates Apprehended in iCon Group Fraud Scandal

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In a dramatic turn of events that could rival any blockbuster thriller, all 18 suspects allegedly embroiled in the iCon Group fraud case have now been apprehended by the police. Topping the list is the founder and CEO Warathaphon “Boss Paul” Waratyaworrakul, whose flourishing empire is now under intense scrutiny. On a seemingly regular Wednesday, the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) confirmed the high-profile arrests, sending ripples through the business world and beyond.

The curtain fell on Mr. Warathaphon, a businessman aged 41, during an unexpected visit to the Consumer Protection Board office at around 4 p.m. Although initially there to discuss his company’s operations, the meeting swiftly morphed into an arrest scene as allegations of pyramid selling and fraud loomed ominously over him.

As the Criminal Court issued warrants earlier that day, Mr. Warathaphon wasn’t the only familiar face in the spotlight. Among those charged with public fraud and the unlawful input of deceptive information into computer systems were 17 other individuals, some of whom enjoy celebrity status. Officers soon escorted him for a search of his abode and business premises post-arrest, before taking him to the CIB headquarters located in bustling Bangkok.

Adding another twist to this unfolding drama, Kan Kantathavorn, a TV host and actor with ties to The iCon Group, was seen at the CIB later that evening, around 7:30 p.m. His arrest was closely followed by those of Jirawat Saengpakdee and Kanokthorn Puranasukhon. But this captivating saga didn’t end there. The final trio to face justice consisted of Saowapha Wongsakha, Songkrot “Boss Peter” Sretthanan, and Chetnaphat “Boss Tommy” Apiwattanakarn.

Earlier apprehensions included a medley of characters, each with their own intriguing aliases: Ms. Panjarat “Boss Tan” Kanokrakthanaphorn; Tananont “Boss Mor Ek” Hiranchaiwan (involved in a failed manhunt at the iCon Wellness center); Ms. Natpasorn “Boss Suay” Chatthanasor; Ms. Yasikan “Boss Soda” Ekchisanuphong; Nantharat “Boss Om” Chaowanapreecha; Thawinphas “Boss Win” Phupattanarin; Hassayanont “Boss Pop” Ekchisanuphong, and the famous Yuranunt “Sam” Pamornmontri.

The arrest of Mr. Tananont stirred additional intrigue. Known as a medical technician, his act of impersonating a doctor dragged him deeper into this web of deception. Also swept into custody were three more affiliates: actress Pechaya “Boss Min” Wattanamontree, Ms. Wilailak “Boss Oil” Jengsuwan, and Thanarot “Boss Off” Thitijariyawat.

The project to interrogate these numerous suspects assumed a sizable dimension. Pol Maj Gen Montree Theskhan, commander of the Crime Suppression Division, tasked building management with preparing interrogation chambers and whipped cleaning staff into action to ensure the detention rooms sparkled as if welcoming royalty.

In total, over 1,100 individuals have filed fraud charges against The iCon Group. The firm, known for vending health and dietary supplements, lured scores of unwary people with tempting online sales courses. Alas, a deeper plot unraveled — initial enrollments simply became a gateway to demands for more funds, urging participants to purchase products and invest in expansive advertisement endeavors to root for new recruits.

In this tale of ambition, celebrity allure, and financial schemes, the pursuit of truth and justice unravels layer by layer, leaving onlookers eager for the next chapter in this high-stakes drama.


  1. Charlie Writer October 16, 2024

    This is a massive scandal! I’m shocked that celebrities are involved in such a deceitful operation. Makes you wonder how many more skeletons are in the closet…

    • Amanda G October 16, 2024

      I think it just goes to show you can’t trust people just because they’re famous. Money makes people do crazy things.

      • Charlie Writer October 16, 2024

        Absolutely. It’s a real wake-up call about where we place our trust.

      • Skeptic341 October 16, 2024

        Fame shouldn’t be equated with integrity. Celebrities being involved makes the story sensational, but fraud is fraud.

    • truthSeeker98 October 16, 2024

      The real question is how many of these celebrities actually knew what they were involved in. They might have been clueless.

  2. TonyB October 16, 2024

    I’ve been saying for years that these multi-level marketing companies are nothing but scams. Too many people getting roped into useless schemes.

    • GapToothGamer October 16, 2024

      I had a friend who got caught up in something similar. Lost a ton of money.

    • Riley S October 16, 2024

      Yeah, they’re all about exploiting vulnerability and greed. Sad to see so many people fall for it.

      • TonyB October 16, 2024

        It’s basically preying on dreams of quick wealth. We need better education around these scams.

  3. Lorelei October 16, 2024

    I actually feel bad for some of these influencers. They probably just saw a chance to make money and didn’t ask enough questions.

    • PhilosopherKing October 16, 2024

      Ignorance is no excuse, especially when you have a public platform. They’re complicit whether they realized it or not.

  4. greenmind October 16, 2024

    This is a modern-day crime drama! I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  5. Nancy October 16, 2024

    The iCon Group victims deserve justice. Law enforcement needs to step up and set an example that this kind of fraud won’t be tolerated.

    • PolicyEnforcer October 16, 2024

      Totally agree! The system must clamp down hard on these crimes to protect the public.

  6. DoctorKnow October 16, 2024

    Interesting to note how they used a ‘medical technician’ pretending to be a doctor to add credibility. Clever but vile.

    • VivaciousVera October 16, 2024

      Medical claims in these scams should always be a red flag!

  7. DebateMaster777 October 16, 2024

    I wonder how these arrests will affect the MLM business model globally. Potentially changing the landscape entirely if more fraud cases come to light.

    • Rachel Z October 16, 2024

      Could be a watershed moment if governments globally crack down on pyramid schemes disguised as legitimate businesses.

    • Logan Pierce October 16, 2024

      This might be wishful thinking. People have been falling for these tricks for decades. Human nature is tough to change.

  8. CuriousKaren October 16, 2024

    How were they able to lure in over 1,100 individuals? Were their sales courses that convincing?

  9. Marcus L October 16, 2024

    Warathaphon should have known that building a business on deceit would eventually come crashing down. Greed clouded his judgment.

    • PennyL October 16, 2024

      Greed or desperation? Sometimes people get in too deep before they realize the extent of the fraud.

  10. cynicalSam October 16, 2024

    Sounds like Hollywood should get the screenplay rights. This saga has everything—drama, crime, betrayal!

  11. Ben October 16, 2024

    I’d love to see the cleaning staff’s reaction to ‘detention rooms for royalty’. Not the usual mop up, I bet!

  12. Emily W. October 16, 2024

    Just shows you can dress up a scam any way you want, but eventually the truth prevails.

    • Michael J October 16, 2024

      Hope this brings some justice and closure to the victims.

  13. Annie Bass October 16, 2024

    This must be a real blow to the Thai celebrity scene. I wonder how this will affect their public personas.

    • FlamingPhoenix October 16, 2024

      It must be causing a lot of fear among other celebrities who might have similar skeletons in their closets.

  14. WhistleBlower89 October 16, 2024

    People need to start questioning more instead of blindly following ‘leaders’ who promise the moon.

    • SmartCookie October 16, 2024

      Critical thinking is a lost art these days. Too much emphasis on instant gratification.

    • WhistleBlower89 October 16, 2024

      Agreed. It’s all about awareness and making informed decisions.

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