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Yala Car Bomb Attack Sparks Major Police Reshuffle: Pol Col Ranon Surawit Reassigned

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The remnants of the pickup truck used in the devastating bombing lie forlorn and twisted outside the Bannang Sata police station flats in Yala, a somber testament to the tragic events of Sunday. (Photo: Abdullah Benjakat)

In a swift response to the car bomb attack that rocked the Bannang Sata police station in Yala province, there have been significant personnel changes announced. The attack, which tragically claimed one life and injured 34 individuals on June 30, has prompted the reassignment of Pol Col Ranon Surawit. He will be transferred to the Southern Border Provinces Investigation Division to serve as its acting superintendent. Stepping into his shoes at the Bannang Sata station will be Pol Col Phrompat Sanitsri as the new acting superintendent.

This reshuffling was part of a broader initiative revealed on Friday by Pol Lt Gen Piyawat Chaloemsi, the diligent commissioner of Provincial Police Region 9, an area encompassing the volatile southern border provinces. The tragic explosion resulted in the death of Rokiyoh Sarana, a 45-year-old female Islamic religious teacher. In addition, the blast left 34 others wounded, including police officers, innocent women, and children.

In the wake of this horrendous act, the police have swiftly extended financial support to the bereaved family of Sarana. The authorities have also made progress in their investigation, apprehending two suspects: Mustafa Malae, a 27-year-old assistant civil engineer with the Than To Subdistrict Administrative Organisation, and Maropee Hama, a 45-year-old local resident of Than To.

Initial police investigations suggest that as many as 10 individuals may have been involved in orchestrating this heinous crime. Law enforcement agencies are vigorously hunting down the remaining suspects to bring them to justice.

The reshuffle did not stop with Pol Col Ranon Surawit. Other significant changes include the transfer of Deputy Superintendent (suppression) Pol Lt Col Kittathat Chanchai and Inspector (suppression) Pol Lt Col Somchit Hinpetch. They will now serve at the Royal Thai Police Forward Post command center. Replacing them in Bannang Sata will be Lt Col Prayut Pojeen, currently the Deputy Superintendent (inquiry) at Bannang Sata, and Pol Capt Akkarawas Suksomboon, the Deputy Inspector (suppression) from the Betong station.


  1. Maria Jefferson July 5, 2024

    I can’t believe such a tragic event happened. These attacks are becoming too frequent!

    • Timothy P July 5, 2024

      It’s a reflection of the ongoing unrest in the south. More needs to be done to address the root causes.

      • Reagan2001 July 5, 2024

        But honestly, what can the police do differently? These problems are deeply rooted in the region’s history.

        • Maria Jefferson July 5, 2024

          I agree, Reagan. But maybe that’s why the reshuffle is happening – fresh perspectives might help?

        • archaeo_guy22 July 5, 2024

          Could be, but sometimes reshuffles are just window dressing. Real change needs more than moving people around.

  2. DeepThinker July 5, 2024

    Reshuffling police officials is a typical bureaucratic response. We need strategic changes, not superficial ones.

    • Lana Drew July 5, 2024

      I couldn’t agree more. The structural issues in the police force won’t be fixed by just changing leaders.

      • DeepThinker July 5, 2024

        Exactly. It’s about resources, training, and community trust. And those take time to build.

      • Jazz7 July 5, 2024

        But isn’t this a step in the right direction? New leadership could bring new ideas.

    • historybuff65 July 5, 2024

      Don’t forget the political context. Sometimes these changes are motivated by political pressure.

      • DeepThinker July 5, 2024

        True, historybuff65. Political moves can be a double-edged sword.

      • Lana Drew July 5, 2024

        If only politicians would focus more on effective long-term solutions rather than just trying to look good.

  3. SportsFan23 July 5, 2024

    I’m just sad that innocent people got hurt again. When will this stop?

    • Reignstorm July 5, 2024

      It’s heartbreaking. It seems like everyday people have to pay the price for these conflicts.

      • Carlos M. July 5, 2024

        Sadly, that’s the nature of these ongoing insurgencies. We need more effective conflict resolution.

  4. Emily Young July 5, 2024

    Interesting how they caught two suspects so quickly. Makes you wonder how much they knew beforehand.

    • Ben C. July 5, 2024

      Good point, Emily. Sometimes I feel like they could prevent these attacks if they are that quick to respond afterwards.

      • Emily Young July 5, 2024

        Exactly! It just seems like they’re always one step behind.

      • doubtful_thomas July 5, 2024

        Or maybe they just want to show they’re doing something, even if it’s too late.

  5. SoccerKid_9 July 5, 2024

    Can someone explain why they moved those specific officers? Are the new guys better?

    • Oldman57 July 5, 2024

      It’s hard to tell. Sometimes it’s about who you know rather than competence.

      • SoccerKid_9 July 5, 2024

        That doesn’t seem fair. Shouldn’t they pick the best people?

        • Oldman57 July 5, 2024

          In an ideal world, yes. But politics often gets in the way of merit.

        • Sarah Jones July 5, 2024

          Unfortunately, SocccerKid, meritocracy isn’t always the rule in bureaucracies.

  6. Larry D. July 5, 2024

    A tragic reminder of the dangers faced by our law enforcement officers every day.

  7. Felicia July 5, 2024

    Prayers for the family of Rokiyoh Sarana. Such a senseless loss of life.

  8. FutureStar July 5, 2024

    They should put more money into community programs to help prevent these kinds of attacks.

    • CuriousGeorge July 5, 2024

      How would that work, though? You really think community programs can stop terrorism?

      • FutureStar July 5, 2024

        Maybe not entirely, but it could address some of the grievances and help with long-term stability.

      • CuriousGeorge July 5, 2024

        I’m skeptical, but I guess it’s worth a try.

  9. bigbrother123 July 5, 2024

    Why don’t they use more advanced technology to monitor these areas? Feels like we’re always playing catch-up.

  10. JustMe July 5, 2024

    Changing personnel is always the first step, but they need to make sure the new leaders are properly supported.

  11. RB781 July 5, 2024

    Do these restructuring efforts even make a difference? Or is it all just for show to appease public outrage?

  12. PeaceLover July 5, 2024

    It’s exhausting seeing repeated cycles of violence. When will we learn from history and truly work towards peace?

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