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King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s Historic First Provincial Visit: A Momentous Day in Krabi

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His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua brightened the southern province of Krabi with his esteemed presence on December 9, 2016. This monumental visit was particularly special, marking his inaugural visit to a province since ascending to the throne on December 1. The air was filled with jubilation as thousands of people cascaded into the streets to welcome their new King with open arms and beaming smiles.

Krabi carved its name into the annals of history as the first province graced by the King after his accession. The excitement was palpable not only among Krabi residents but also for throngs of people from neighboring provinces like Phuket, Phangnga, and Surat Thani. They all united for a momentary glimpse of the monarch who they hailed with immense admiration and respect.

The quaint coastal town, renowned for its picturesque shores along the Andaman Sea, was transformed into a festive haven. Welcoming signs proclaiming “Long Live the King” adorned the streets, with houses and buildings flaunting national flags alongside flags beaming the royal insignia of His Majesty. The atmosphere was magical, as if the entire province had dressed up in its finest to greet royalty.

The eagerness to see the King was so intense that some enthusiastic well-wishers camped out around the provincial hall on the night preceding December 8, 2016. This dedication bore witness to their profound respect and adulation for the King. As hundreds of police, soldiers, and officers from the provincial explosive ordnance disposal unit ensured the security, the joyous anticipation was electric.

Fostering a sense of unity, local Thai Muslims donned traditional attire for the occasion, joining the swarms of well-wishers lining the streets with photos of His Majesty. The royal motorcade was met with waves of heartfelt enthusiasm and boundless joy.

Krabi governor Phinit Boonlert articulated that the Department of Public Works, Town, and Country Planning had meticulously built and decorated a resplendent royal pavilion for the King’s ceremonial unveiling of the new provincial hall. The celebratory atmosphere was amplified by a musical band of 45 students from Ammat Phanit Nukul School. Their melodic rendition of the Royal Anthem in honor of the King added a harmonious charm to the historic event, with each note resonating the pride they felt in participating.

The five-storey provincial hall, perched on Uttarakit Road in central Krabi, stands as a testament to modern development, housing multiple local agency offices. Governor Boonlert revealed that the construction, concluded in 2014, demanded an investment of about 113 million baht. This magnificently constructed provincial hall was the heart of the royal visit, embodying both tradition and progress.

Adding a personal touch to the occasion, a model of a “rua hua thong,” a traditional local fishing boat symbolic of Krabi’s rich cultural heritage, was presented to the King. Accompanied by cherished local products like succulent lobsters and an array of delicious local fruits, these tokens of regional pride underscored Krabi’s unique identity.

Ekkaraj Mukem, the editor of Alami Magazine Thailand, a publication focused on Muslim readers, alongside his wife, journeyed from Bangkok to bear witness to this momentous day. Expressing his joy, Ekkaraj shared his elation in joining the local Muslims and other residents to commemorate this historic royal visit.

Among the throng was Rojana Nuea-orn, a spirited 32-year-old resident of Krabi. Rising at the crack of dawn, she eagerly awaited the King’s arrival, her heart brimming with happiness. She voiced her pride in Krabi being selected as the very first destination for the King’s provincial visitation.

The King’s visit to Krabi on that day was more than a ceremonial duty; it was a gesture of unity and hope, which knitted the hearts of the people with threads of respect, admiration, and national pride. It was a chapter of joy, honor, and unforgettable memories etched into the history books of Krabi and cherished by all who witnessed it.


  1. Samantha Rossi July 23, 2024

    It’s amazing to see a new monarch start their reign with such a powerful gesture of unity. The description of Krabi’s preparation for the King’s visit shows how deeply beloved he is by the people.

    • thai_traveler23 July 23, 2024

      I completely agree, but don’t you think it was a bit extravagant? All that money could have been spent on more pressing needs.

      • CJSmith July 23, 2024

        While it’s true that there are many other needs, these kinds of events can boost national morale and bring communities together. It’s about more than just the cost.

      • Samantha Rossi July 24, 2024

        True, CJSmith. National pride and morale are invaluable. Plus, it showcased Krabi’s culture beautifully. Not everything can be measured in dollars and cents.

  2. Joe Thompson July 23, 2024

    The King’s visit is certainly a significant event, but it’s also a reminder of the importance of the monarchy in Thailand’s political and cultural identity.

    • Ravi_88 July 23, 2024

      I agree, Joe. The monarchy has a unique role in Thailand, and events like these reinforce its symbolic importance.

    • Janice July 24, 2024

      But in the modern world, shouldn’t we move beyond such medieval concepts? Monarchies are outdated.

    • Joe Thompson July 24, 2024

      That’s a valid point, Janice. Every political system has its pros and cons. However, in Thailand, the monarchy intertwines deeply with cultural and historical traditions.

  3. sunflower_girl July 23, 2024

    I think the local participation was the best part. It shows how inclusive the celebration was with Thai Muslims also taking part in their traditional attire.

    • Mei Lee July 23, 2024

      Yes, it was a beautiful sight. Inclusion and respect for all cultures is crucial in these events.

    • history_buff July 24, 2024

      It certainly was a poignant reminder of the rich tapestry of Thai society. This inclusivity strengthens national unity.

  4. peter_jameson July 23, 2024

    I wonder if this visit will have any long-term impact on the local economy of Krabi. Tourism must skyrocket after such publicity.

    • traveldiaries July 23, 2024

      Definitely! Royal visits always bring a surge in tourism. Krabi’s picturesque nature combined with this event makes it a top destination.

    • Karla July 24, 2024

      But is it sustainable? Once the initial hype dies down, what then? We should consider long-term benefits over short-lived glory.

  5. vitaminD July 24, 2024

    Camped out just to see the King? That’s dedication! Shows how much the people love and respect him. Heartwarming!

  6. Alex_P July 24, 2024

    It’s also a reflection of the people’s hope for a better future under his reign. Such events are symbolic and carry deep meanings.

  7. Tony Clark July 24, 2024

    Imagine being one of those students playing the Royal Anthem. What an honor!

    • Mariposa July 24, 2024

      Oh, absolutely! They must have been so proud. Moments like these are once in a lifetime.

    • Tony Clark July 24, 2024

      For sure. I can only imagine the intense rehearsals and the feeling of finally performing. A memory they will cherish forever.

  8. Laura White July 24, 2024

    I found the presentation of the traditional fishing boat model particularly touching. It symbolizes so much of Krabi’s cultural heritage.

    • Indi.D July 24, 2024

      Models like these are wonderful mementos, honoring both the past and the present. A beautiful gesture.

    • Laura White July 24, 2024

      Indeed. They encapsulate the soul of the place, connecting the King and his people in a very tangible way.

  9. Javier D July 24, 2024

    All this pomp and celebration, yet there are so many poor people still suffering. Where’s the focus on real issues?

    • Grace H July 24, 2024

      It’s a valid concern, Javier. Balancing celebrations with addressing underlying issues is crucial for any leadership.

    • PositiveThinking July 24, 2024

      Javier, these events also uplift people’s spirits which is important for societal well-being. The balance is key, as Grace H mentioned.

  10. johnQpublic July 24, 2024

    Seeing people from neighboring provinces also join the celebration just demonstrates the wide-reaching respect and admiration for the King.

  11. widowmaker43 July 24, 2024

    I think it’s all just a show. What about freedom and democracy? How can a monarch truly represent the people in this day and age?

    • Thai_Pride July 24, 2024

      Our monarchy is symbol of unity and history. It’s part of our identity. Not everything about leadership is about modern political systems.

  12. Maria July 24, 2024

    Decorating the entire town and the new provincial hall must have been a sight to behold!

    • green_views July 24, 2024

      Yes, it makes one wonder about the planning and effort behind such an event. Kudos to all involved!

  13. Philadelphia Mike July 24, 2024

    The detailed description of Krabi’s transformation for the King’s visit really paints a picture of a community celebrating with heart and soul. I wish I could have been there!

  14. Lucas Arts July 24, 2024

    Just a thought – wouldn’t it be more progressive if such events also focused on the King’s plans and policies for the future of Thailand?

    • Hannah P July 24, 2024

      Agreed. Celebrations are great, but concrete plans and policies for the nation’s future make a lasting impact.

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