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Thai Oil Triumphs with Sustainability Award: Leading Corporate Transparency 2023

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For an illustrious span of five years, Thai Oil Public Company Limited has navigated the waves of sustainability with such finesse and dedication that it has, yet again, been crowned with the “Sustainability Disclosure Award 2023 – Award of Honor.” This enviable accolade was presented during a prestigious event by the Thaipat Institute, an event that serves as a beacon of excellence in corporate transparency.

The sparkling ceremony took place within the cultural heartbeat of the city, none other than the Bangkok Art and Culture Center. Here, nestled in the grand Auditorium room on the esteemed 5th floor, individuals from various sectors gathered in anticipation, their eyes reflecting the importance of sustainability in today’s corporate narratives.

Enter Miss Korapat Limpaphayom, the embodiment of Thai Oil’s commitment to sustainable endeavors, approaching the stage with a grace born of conviction. She holds the title of Vice President of Group Company Secretary and Sustainability—a role she inhabits with both honor and responsibility. As she stepped into the light to receive the award, the air brimmed with admiration.

The handover of the award was none other than by Miss Veraya Preeyapan, the Director of Sustainability Disclosure Community (SDC) at the Thaipat Institute. Her role is pivotal, for it involves shining a light on corporations that are not just paying lip service but are earnestly integrating sustainability into their business operations.

The “Sustainability Disclosure Award” isn’t simply a trophy on the shelf; it’s a testament to Thai Oil’s unwavering commitment to crystal-clear reporting on its sustainability performance. This disclosure isn’t boxed into a singular aspect; it’s a triad of environmental, social, and governance dimensions—an integrated approach that sets the bar significantly high for other industry players.

What makes this recognition utterly delectable is the consistency—it’s not a fleeting moment of brilliance, but a perennial spotlight on Thai Oil’s dedication. Five years, five times—they’ve proven that their fervor for sustainable development isn’t just a seasonal trend; it’s embedded in their corporate DNA.

The award stands as a beacon, guiding stakeholders through the mist of corporate jargon and into the clarity of actionable and tangible sustainable practices. Thai Oil’s narrative is engaging, not because it’s told with a flourish, but because it is woven with the threads of authenticity and the will to make a palpable positive impact.

As the applause echoed in the auditorium, reverberating off masterful artworks and through the hearts of those present, it was clear that Thai Oil is painting its own masterpiece—one that doesn’t just hang on a wall but resonates through the hallways of their operations and into the broader community’s consciousness. Bravo to Thai Oil Public Company Limited, the maestro of sustainability disclosure, whose orchestra of efforts plays a symphony that resonates well beyond the confines of their industry.

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