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Pathumwan Institute of Technology Rivalry: Emergency Shift to Online Learning After Student Attack

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In an unexpected turn of events reminiscent of a scene plucked from a cyberpunk novel, esteemed Faculty Dean Assoc Prof Thongpoon Thasiphet, emanated echoes of caution across the digital learning landscape. As of Saturday’s eve, an edict was unfurled, mandating that the halls of learning would momentarily transition to the pixelated realms of cyberspace – from Sunday’s dawn to Tuesday’s twilight, students were to be voyagers of virtual classrooms.

“,Learning must go on,” – the decree stated, buttressing the immediacy of its implementation. “For the love of learning and the safety of our scholarly family, we retreat to our digital sanctuaries”, it seemed to whisper. The catalyst? A gruesome tableau that unfolded on Friday where the cold steel of a blade quashed the warm aspirations of a youth from the Pathumwan Institute of Technology, his dreams hemorrhaging away on a hospital bed.

This young apprentice of innovation, a scholar amidst the bright minds at PIT, fell victim to a brutal assault led by a faction of young men, ominously revealed to be alumni of Uthenthawai – a sinister plot twist painting a bleak picture of brothers-turned-adversaries.

With a stroke of his pen, the Dean drew an invisible barrier around the academy’s ground – none shall pass without the express consent of the advisory oracle, a safeguarding measure akin to drawing a mystical circle of protection.

As the virtual gavels of webcams sounded across the digital courtrooms of education, lecturers were enlisted as sentries, tasked to take roll call in this impromptu theater of pixels. Any absence was to be documented, an affirmation of commitment to the commune of academia.

Meanwhile, in the bustling metropolis beyond the ivory towers, Pol Maj-General Samart Promchart, an orchestrator of justice and chief of the Metropolitan Police Division 6, announced a quickening in the pace of the sleuthing chariot.

“Nine culprits, shrouded in the mist of our investigation,” he proclaimed. Their apparitions formed from the testimonies and evidence gathered as the authorities meticulously wove a tapestry of their identities.

Samart stood guard over details like a dragon over its hoard; only the whisper of a name, “Nattaporn”, fluttered forth, a hint of one who’s healing within Chulalongkorn’s healing sanctums.

Yet, beneath this dramatic surface, a darker narrative broils – a bitter feud betwixt PIT and Uthenthawai, institutions locked in a tango of scholastic rivalry and rancor. Each a bastion of vocational prowess, they stand as titans, jousting with the lances of competitive spirit.

Such embroilment has previously spilled into the streets – with a tragedy on the 11th of November where innocence and life were scythed down by the leaden harbinger of death. A PIT scholar fell, and an innocent educator, claimed by a stray bullet, each embraced by the unyielding silence of the grave.

Vigilante retribution marred history books as PIT’s response – a cadre formed to mete out a dark form of justice against those draped in Uthenthawai’s colors, with several shackled by law’s unprejudiced grasp in the aftermath.

Not long past – on January’s 8th sun cycle, tempests of fists raged on skywalks, the very air crackling with ferocity and dread, a spectacle that injected fear into the hearts of unsuspecting mall-goers and forced Uthaithawai’s hand to seal its engineering faculty for a triduum.

Digital or not, the spirit of education endures through strife and sorrow. Within the hearts and minds of students and lecturers alike, knowledge continues its relentless march – unbounded by the trials that test its resolve, echoing the resilience that defines the very essence of learning.

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