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Sasin School’s Bangkok Business Challenge 2024: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Entrepreneurship

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Imagine a stage where ambition meets innovation, where the brightest minds from across the globe converge with one goal in mind: to take the leap from aspiring entrepreneurs to the champions of sustainable enterprise. This is not just any competition; it’s the Bangkok Business Challenge (BBC) – the arena for the future tycoons of the business world, hosted by the prestigious Sasin School of Management and supercharged by the visionary support of SCG Chemicals (SCGC), a titan in the realm of chemical innovation and a herald of sustainability.

This year’s theme, “Growing Impactful Ventures,” isn’t just a catchy tagline—it’s a clarion call for budding entrepreneurs from the world over, irrespective of their academic discipline. Whether you’re an undergraduate wizard, a master’s magician, or a doctoral sage, if you’ve got the entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, and the innovative foresight to propel your startup from the drawing board to the global stage, the BBC 2024 is your battleground. The Sasin School of Management is set to transform into a melting pot of ideas from June 20-22, 2024, during the much-anticipated Sasin Impact Entrepreneurship Week.

Dibyendu Bose, the Deputy Director of Strategy, Impact & Innovation at Sasin, puts it perfectly, “The Bangkok Business Challenge acts as a springboard for aspiring entrepreneurs to take on global issues for a more sustainable tomorrow.” It’s not just about winning; it’s about innovating for change, for a better, greener future. And with SCGC returning as the title sponsor for the ninth consecutive year, their commitment to nurturing global startups and fostering a culture of sustainable development through green innovation shines brighter than ever.

Niwat Athiwattananont, the maestro behind SCGC’s Technology & Product Development, envisions this partnership as a beacon of hope for young entrepreneurs aiming to make a positive dent in the universe. SCGC’s dedication to crafting chemical solutions that cater to the planet’s needs while promoting the Circular Economy is truly commendable. From developing eco-friendly plastic alternatives under their SCGC GREEN POLYMER™ brand to driving the Low Waste, Low Carbon initiative, SCGC is genuinely paving the way towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.

The competition’s remarkable reception, with a 60% increase in applications leading to a diverse pool of 276 teams from 62 higher education institutions across 19 countries, is a testament to its growing influence and prestige. Out of these, 20 extraordinary teams have fought their way to the semifinals, each with the vision of sustainability and positive impact etched into their business models. Esteemed judges, like Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul of Toshiba Thailand Co., Ltd., are set to crown the champions, who will not only lay claim to the prestigious HM The King’s Award and the HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Sustainability Award, but will also share in a cash prize pool of over 42,000 USD.

From Mantra Kombucha’s effervescent vision in Vietnam to Wicked XR’s virtual reality marvels from Australia, each of the 20 semifinalists, including Thailand’s own CARSUP and XOBIFY, are gearing up to demonstrate how their ventures can make the world a better place. It’s a panorama of innovation, with ideas ranging from green energy solutions and healthcare advancements to tech-driven education and sustainable agriculture.

To all the dreamers, innovators, and change-makers out there, this is your chance to be part of the journey, to cheer on these incredible teams as they vie for glory and sustainability. Stay tuned to for the latest updates and witness the action unfold live on Facebook at Bangkok Business Challenge. The path to a sustainable future is being paved at the BBC 2024 – where ventures grow, impacts are made, and the future of entrepreneurship shines bright.


  1. EnviroPioneer May 29, 2024

    Sustainability and entrepreneurship coming together at the BBC 2024 sounds promising. It’s initiatives like these that can truly make a difference in the world.

    • TechieGeek May 29, 2024

      I’m a bit skeptical. How many of these ‘sustainable’ startups actually end up making a tangible impact? Seems like a lot of this is more for show.

      • EnviroPioneer May 29, 2024

        I understand the skepticism, but isn’t it better to try and fail than not to try at all? Some of these startups could lead the way to major breakthroughs.

      • Realist123 May 29, 2024

        It’s all about the follow-through. Winning a competition is one thing, but the real work starts afterward. Let’s see how many can walk the walk.

    • SustainableSue May 29, 2024

      Events like these are crucial for networking and getting funding. It’s not just about the immediate impact but building a foundation for long-term change.

  2. BusinessGuru May 29, 2024

    Interesting how the Sasin School and SCGC are doubling down on green innovation. It reflects a larger trend in the business world. The future is green, and it’s lucrative too.

    • CynicalSam May 29, 2024

      Lucrative for whom? Feels like greenwashing. Companies jump on the sustainability bandwagon for positive PR, but how many are actually changing their operations to be sustainable?

      • GreenHeart May 29, 2024

        Have to disagree with you there. Not all companies are about greenwashing. SCGC, for example, has been proactive in developing eco-friendly products. It’s not all talk.

  3. UndergradInnovator May 29, 2024

    As an undergrad, this is incredibly inspiring. Goes to show you don’t need decades of experience to make a difference. It’s about the idea and the drive to see it through.

  4. EcoWarrior May 29, 2024

    It’s great to see such international diversity in the teams. Sustainability is a global challenge that needs solutions from every part of the world.

    • Skeptic42 May 29, 2024

      Diversity in teams is one thing, but I wonder how inclusive they really are in terms of ideas. Sometimes, these competitions prioritize market-ready solutions over truly innovative but risky ideas.

      • EcoWarrior May 29, 2024

        It’s a valid point, but risk-averse strategies won’t address our current environmental crisis. Hopefully, initiatives like BBC will start valuing bold, out-of-the-box solutions more.

  5. GreenTechFan May 29, 2024

    60% increase in applications is huge! Shows how many young people are dedicated to making a sustainable future.

  6. FiscalHawk May 29, 2024

    42,000 USD in cash prizes sounds impressive, but I’m curious about the actual ROI for these startups. How many will get the investment they need to scale?

    • StartupSally May 29, 2024

      Competitions like these are often more about the exposure and networking opportunities than the prize money itself. It’s a stepping stone to bigger investments.

      • MoneyMatters May 29, 2024

        Exactly! The prize money is nice, but the real prize is catching the eye of a major investor or a VC firm. That’s when the ROI really hits.

  7. FutureFounder May 29, 2024

    Any advice for someone looking to compete in the BBC next year? What makes a project stand out?

    • MentorMike May 29, 2024

      Focus on scalability and clear impact metrics. Show how your startup not only solves a problem but can grow and remain sustainable over time.

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