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Pol Lt Gen Worawat Watnakhonbancha Leads Crackdown on Cambo-Led Gambling Syndicate: 6 Arrested

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In a dramatic crackdown that reads like a thriller novel, six individuals have been nabbed for their suspected ties to two illicit gambling sites believed to be connected with a criminal syndicate in Cambodia. The Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB) is on the case, led by the sharp-witted commissioner, Pol Lt Gen Worawat Watnakhonbancha. The bust comes after thorough detective work on the websites “” and “”, which were gaining notoriety for promoting online gambling actively.

With about 10,000 members each and a staggering ten million baht flowing through these platforms every month, these sites weren’t your ordinary hobbyists. After building a solid case, CCIB investigators knocked on the Criminal Court’s door, securing warrants for a dozen suspects. The weekend operation saw officers swoop down on four locations in Lop Buri and Nonthaburi. Amid the clattering streets and the hidden estates, six arrests were made, providing a glimmer of hope in the fight against organized cybercrime.

The spotlight turned on five suspects detained at a swanky Nonthaburi mansion: Thienchai, 34; Wechpisit, 26; Chitrapat, 27; Thitapa, 27; and Chaturaphat, 27. These characters were not just your run-of-the-mill hustlers; they were allegedly managing intricate betting schemes. Meanwhile, another twist in the plot unraveled in Lop Buri’s serene Phatthana Nikhom district, where Yuranan, 36, was arrested. His primary role? Managing regional bets, or so the investigators say.

In a treasure trove of a raid, police confiscated assets worth over 60 million baht. Imagine opening your door to a trove of five computers, six firearms loaded with 184 rounds, four cars, foreign currency worth 480,000 baht, and 5.67 million baht in crisp cash. And the glitter didn’t stop there; gold bars and an assortment of jewelry totaling more than 3 million baht, 29 high-end bags, and six luxury watches were part of the loot. The paper trail led them to title deeds for a house and 12 prestigious condominiums, along with eight bank books, 13 debit cards, and 19 mobile phones, making you wonder how many more secrets were hiding in plain sight.

Pol Lt Gen Worawat revealed that CCIB’s preliminary investigation indicated the criminals’ strategy wasn’t confined to high-stakes gambling; it also roped in familiar faces. Relatives and close friends, some with notable connections to local politicians, were allegedly on the payroll to conceal and launder the gambling revenue. The inkling of money transfers buzzing around these affiliates only thickened the plot.

As if this tale couldn’t get any more intriguing, the gang supposedly funneled money through an Art Toy store in Phatthana Nikhom, selling extravagant dolls like the limited-edition “Molly” dolls, which fetch between 40,000 and 50,000 baht each. Talk about high-priced playthings concealing dirty money.

Deputy Chief of Cyber Crime Investigation Division 3, Pol Lt Col Rojsak Naiphongsri, shared a backstory worth a binge-watch. The gang, allegedly slick operators, began the websites over a decade ago after acquiring rights from a Cambodian criminal outfit. This isn’t their first rodeo; it’s part of a much larger criminal tapestry.

The charges against the six individuals are serious: running an illegal gambling site, promoting gambling online, and money laundering. With the police sternly vowing to expand the investigation, the plot is bound to thicken with more suspense and possible arrests looming on the horizon. Stay tuned, as this high-stakes game unfolds.


  1. John Smith June 2, 2024

    It’s hard to believe these sophisticated operations can exist without some form of local authority involvement. Corruption might run deeper than we think.

    • Anna June 2, 2024

      Exactly! There’s no way local officials are completely in the dark. They should be held accountable too.

      • David L. June 2, 2024

        Agreed. If these activities were that blatant, local cops had to know something. Smells fishy to me.

    • TechieGuru June 2, 2024

      Y’all act like these things don’t happen everywhere. Corruption isn’t exclusive to any one region.

      • John Smith June 2, 2024

        True, but it’s still frustrating. Ideally, authorities everywhere should be held to a higher standard.

  2. Karen June 2, 2024

    Why are people so interested in gambling anyway? It’s ruining lives!

    • PokerPro77 June 2, 2024

      For some, it’s the thrill. For others, it’s the money. Like it or not, gambling has always been part of human nature.

    • Jane Doe June 2, 2024

      It’s also an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol. We need more education and awareness around it.

    • Greg June 2, 2024

      People need to make their own choices, Karen. As long as it’s responsible, let them be.

  3. Linda June 2, 2024

    The extravagant lifestyle these criminals led is just mind-blowing. Gold bars, luxury watches, high-end bags? Talk about living large.

  4. Jorge June 2, 2024

    It’s always baffling how people get so rich off illegal activities while hardworking citizens struggle. This world is so unfair.

    • RealistDude June 2, 2024

      That’s the sad reality. Sometimes crime really does pay, at least until you get caught.

    • Scholar June 2, 2024

      Governments need better policies to close these gaps—make legal avenues just as rewarding as the illegal ones.

  5. Mrs. Parker June 2, 2024

    Why isn’t the focus on how these criminals were able to operate for over a decade? That’s the real scandal!

  6. Nina June 3, 2024

    Amazing investigative work by the CCIB. Such thoroughness is commendable.

    • Kevin T. June 3, 2024

      Absolutely! But it also makes you wonder about cases that aren’t solved. How many more syndicates are out there?

  7. Luke June 3, 2024

    The use of an Art Toy store to launder money is pretty smart. Criminals these days are getting more creative.

  8. GamblerX June 3, 2024

    There are always going to be illegal gambling sites. Shutting one down won’t stop the demand. It’s a losing battle.

    • Jessica L. June 3, 2024

      Perhaps, but every shutdown sends a message. Law enforcement won’t just turn a blind eye.

  9. Mark June 3, 2024

    I’m more interested in how they caught these guys. Cyber investigations are so high-tech now. Fascinating stuff.

  10. Felicia June 3, 2024

    It’s really troubling to think close relatives and friends were involved. Families shouldn’t betray each other like this.

    • Maria June 3, 2024

      When money is involved, people can surprise you. Loyalty often flies out the window.

  11. Eduardo June 3, 2024

    The confiscated assets were insane. I hope the police put all that money to good use, like funding schools or hospitals.

  12. Politico June 3, 2024

    The alleged connection to local politicians is disturbing. Makes you wonder who you can trust in public office.

  13. SimpleLife June 3, 2024

    All this risk for what? Greed never leads to anything good. These folks should have just lived simpler, honest lives.

  14. UndercoverInsider June 3, 2024

    Trust me, these crackdowns are just the tip of the iceberg. Illegal gambling is part of a massive worldwide network.

  15. hannah_montana June 3, 2024

    All this over some internet gambling sites? Shouldn’t the police focus on more serious crimes?

  16. Samuel June 3, 2024

    Are the members of the gambling sites being prosecuted too? I’m curious about the legal precedent this sets.

  17. Laura D. June 3, 2024

    I’m surprised they were caught using such high-profile outlets like the Art Toy store. It’s almost like they wanted to get caught.

    • Chris B. June 3, 2024

      Or maybe they thought they were untouchable. The arrogance of some criminals is unbelievable.

  18. Paul P. June 3, 2024

    Shocking to see firearms involved too. These guys were clearly ready for combat.

    • Michelle90 June 3, 2024

      Makes you think though, how many more of these armed groups are out there?

  19. TheThinker June 3, 2024

    This is a case study in how globalization affects local crime. Note how an operation in Cambodia impacts Thailand.

  20. Peter P. June 3, 2024

    I bet there’s more to this story that we don’t know yet. Organized crime stories are always layered.

    • DetectiveD June 3, 2024

      For sure. The more you peel back, the deeper it goes.

  21. CynicalSam June 3, 2024

    They’ll probably get light sentences. Rich criminals always find a way to wriggle out of tight spots.

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