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Capt Thamanat Prompow: Inadequate 2025 Budget Threatens Thai Agricultural Sector

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The budget allocation for the 2025 fiscal year won’t be enough to effectively address the issues afflicting the agricultural sector, according to Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Capt Thamanat Prompow. Speaking during a parliamentary debate on the budget bill, he revealed that his ministry has been granted a budget of 125.8 billion baht to support more than 30 million farmers—translating to approximately 3,386 baht per person.

“Given the current economic climate, this sum falls short. We must acknowledge that the budget assigned isn’t aligned with the ministry’s responsibilities, particularly those related to land and water management,” Capt Thamanat highlighted. Despite these financial constraints, he reassured that the ministry would maximize its limited resources to empower farmers through diverse marketing strategies and innovations.

The ministry’s agenda includes measures like lowering production costs, promoting crops used as animal feed, and discouraging off-season rice farming in water-scarce areas, encouraging soybean growth instead. “These initiatives aim to triple farmers’ income by 2027, in line with the government’s plans,” Capt Thamanat stated confidently.

Deputy Minister Atthakorn Srilatthayakorn informed the House that over 70% of the ministry’s budget is earmarked for investment projects. However, he admitted that even this is insufficient to resolve the myriad challenges facing the sector.

Move Forward Party MP for Pathum Thani, Jetsada Dontreesanoa, criticized the ministry’s budget allocation, pointing out that the government has failed to set aside adequate funds to tackle severe flooding expected from the La Niña phenomenon in the latter half of the year.


  1. Mai June 22, 2024

    The budget is clearly insufficient. How can you expect farmers to survive on such a small amount?

    • Alex J. June 22, 2024

      Exactly. It’s ridiculous to expect miracles from them with such limited funds.

      • Pratchaya P. June 22, 2024

        I agree. They need more support, especially with climate change affecting crops so severely.

    • Kris June 22, 2024

      But isn’t innovation supposed to make up for the lack of funds?

      • Mai June 22, 2024

        Innovation helps, but it can’t completely replace the need for adequate funding.

      • Arun M. June 22, 2024

        True, without the money to implement these innovations, they’re just empty promises.

  2. Pat June 22, 2024

    Capt Thamanat might be right to prioritize innovative solutions. Throwing more money at the problem isn’t always the answer.

  3. Fah June 22, 2024

    Isn’t it ironic that other sectors get more budget allocation while agriculture, the backbone of our country, gets scraps?

    • Teerak June 22, 2024

      Agree 100%. It shows where the government’s priorities really lie.

    • BoatDriver52 June 22, 2024

      This has always been the case. Rural areas are neglected compared to urban development.

      • Fah June 22, 2024

        And it’s the rural population that keeps our food supply stable. The imbalance is infuriating.

  4. Nok June 22, 2024

    Can we really blame the current administration for this, or is it a longstanding issue?

    • Ploy June 22, 2024

      It’s definitely been a longstanding problem. This aggravation just highlights it more.

  5. Jetsada D. June 22, 2024

    Earmarking such a large portion for investment projects is smart, but tackling immediate issues like flooding should be a priority.

  6. FarmerJoe June 22, 2024

    If the government doesn’t step up, farmers like me will have no choice but to suffer.

    • Jaidee K. June 22, 2024

      I feel your pain. The sector needs urgent reforms!

      • FarmerJoe June 22, 2024

        Reforms will take time. Meanwhile, we’re struggling daily.

      • Porntip June 22, 2024

        Can’t you form cooperatives to increase your bargaining power?

  7. Somsak T. June 22, 2024

    Why doesn’t the ministry pursue more public-private partnerships?

  8. Kavin June 22, 2024

    The projected tripling of income by 2027 seems overly optimistic given the budget constraints.

  9. Larry D June 22, 2024

    In the end, who pays the price for this inadequacy? The consumers.

  10. Nut June 22, 2024

    Focusing on crops like soybeans is forward-thinking. Off-season rice farming isn’t sustainable.

    • PandaLove June 22, 2024

      But can farmers easily switch crops? It’s not that simple.

  11. Ananda June 22, 2024

    The government always promises but rarely delivers. What makes this any different?

  12. PurpleRain June 22, 2024

    More reason for farmers to protest. They have the power to demand better.

  13. Chaiya June 22, 2024

    When will politicians realize that the agricultural sector needs real, sustainable investments?

    • Pailin June 22, 2024

      Only when it impacts their votes. Until then, it’s all talk.

  14. Leila June 22, 2024

    This budget allocation is a slap in the face to those who work the hardest.

    • Boonmee June 22, 2024

      Couldn’t have said it better. Hard work doesn’t get recognized enough.

    • Sita June 22, 2024

      It’s demoralizing, especially for the younger generation of farmers.

  15. Ning June 22, 2024

    Maybe the real problem is the lack of proper planning and vision in the ministry.

  16. Jirawat June 22, 2024

    An insufficient budget now will lead to bigger problems down the line. We’ll all pay the price later.

  17. Sue June 22, 2024

    Floods are predictable, yet we’re unprepared year after year. It’s frustrating.

    • Micky123 June 22, 2024

      Flood management has always been poor. Change starts with proper accountability.

      • Sue June 22, 2024

        If only our leaders felt the pain of those affected by the floods, we might see real change.

    • BlueSky June 22, 2024

      Isn’t this where our emergency funds should come into play? Yet, every year is the same excuse.

  18. Jay June 22, 2024

    I think global economic factors are also straining our budget. It’s not just about local mismanagement.

  19. Grower134 June 22, 2024

    Let’s hope the ministry uses the little funds they have wisely. We’ve got no other choice.

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