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Norasak Suphakorntanakit Appointed Head of Capital Markets & Investment at Cushman & Wakefield Thailand

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Cushman & Wakefield (NYSE: CWK), the world’s premier real estate services consultancy, has unveiled a major announcement that’s bound to turn heads across the globe. Starting June 24, 2024, the dynamic Norasak Suphakorntanakit will take the reins as Head of Capital Markets & Investment in Thailand. This noteworthy appointment will see Norasak reporting directly to Gareth Powell, the Country Head for Thailand. Known for his acumen and strategic thinking, Norasak’s induction is poised to significantly bolster the company’s ability to meet evolving customer demands with panache.

“Thailand’s commercial real estate market is currently on an exhilarating upward trajectory,” remarked Gareth Powell. This surge is spurred by a triumphant revival of the tourism sector, mammoth infrastructure investments, and a favorable shift in interest rates. “With Norasak’s deep reservoir of expertise and skills, Cushman & Wakefield is in prime position to capitalize on this burgeoning market. Our clientele is increasingly in search of specialized partners adept in areas like technology, health and well-being, as well as those proficient in fundraising,” Powell elaborated with enthusiasm.

The buzz doesn’t stop there. The market is drawing eyes from both international and institutional investors. Gareth Powell beamed with confidence, stating, “I am certain that Norasak’s leadership will not just bolster our capital market capabilities but also drive positive ripples throughout the sector. His impressive 15-year dossier, enriched by his stints at industry giants such as Energy Absolute Public Company Limited, BBL Asset Management Company Limited, and Soneva Group, makes him an indomitable force.”

Norasak himself exudes excitement about this new chapter. “The commercial real estate market in Thailand is undergoing dynamic shifts and presenting new demands for intricate solutions, all thanks to a rapidly evolving commercial landscape, capital flow changes, and advancements in IT,” he shared. He highlights Cushman & Wakefield’s global stature as a beacon for capital fund resources and international partnerships, which bodes well for glimpse growth in Thailand. “Our strength is anchored in a nuanced understanding of market insights and local proficiency. I am committed to steering progressive growth and delivering unparalleled value to our customers, both within Thailand and on the global stage,” Norasak concluded passionately.


  1. Marlene Thomas June 24, 2024

    I can’t believe they’re giving so much power to one person. What if Norasak messes up?

    • Kevin June 24, 2024

      Norasak has an impressive track record. His 15 years in the industry speak for themselves.

      • RealEstateGuru08 June 24, 2024

        Track records are great, but the real measure is current performance. Let’s see how he does.

      • Marlene Thomas June 24, 2024

        Exactly! Only time will tell if he can handle this role.

  2. Alex N. June 24, 2024

    Why is everyone obsessed with these high-profile appointments? This doesn’t really impact us at ground level.

    • Sarah L June 24, 2024

      Actually, it does. Leadership decisions can affect market trends and, eventually, the economy we live in.

      • Alex N. June 24, 2024

        I still think it’s overrated, but I guess we’ll see.

    • constructionKidd June 24, 2024

      It’s important to keep an eye on these moves. High-profile appointments can reshape industries.

  3. Jenny K June 24, 2024

    Exciting news for Thailand’s commercial real estate market! Go, Norasak!

    • Duke June 24, 2024

      Yeah, but what about the local talent? Shouldn’t we focus on people who have been working hard here?

    • Kenny June 24, 2024

      Norasak is a local talent! He knows the Thai market inside out.

    • Jenny K June 24, 2024

      Exactly. He’s the perfect balance of local and global expertise.

  4. TechSavvy123 June 24, 2024

    I’m more interested in how technology will shape Cushman & Wakefield’s strategies under Norasak’s leadership.

  5. Samantha June 24, 2024

    Norasak’s blend of experience in various sectors is what Cushman & Wakefield need right now.

    • Tyler June 24, 2024

      Good point! His diverse background will bring fresh perspectives.

    • Samantha June 24, 2024

      Exactly. The market’s evolving, and so should the strategies.

  6. Jacob W. June 24, 2024

    Capital markets and investment influence a lot more than we realize. This is a big deal for Thailand.

    • Daria June 24, 2024

      True, but isn’t there too much focus on capital markets and not enough on sustainability?

      • Jacob W. June 24, 2024

        Good point. Hopefully, Norasak integrates sustainability into his strategies.

      • EcoWarrior June 24, 2024

        Agreed. We need more emphasis on eco-friendly investments.

  7. InvestingPro June 24, 2024

    With the market on an upward trajectory, this could mean massive gains for those who know how to play their cards right.

  8. Michael B June 24, 2024

    I just hope this shift doesn’t make real estate more unaffordable for locals.

  9. Andrew Coleman June 24, 2024

    Smart move by Cushman & Wakefield. Norasak is a powerhouse and will drive the market forward.

    • Liam June 24, 2024

      Let’s just hope he sticks with it and doesn’t jump ship in a few years.

  10. Natalie J. June 24, 2024

    All these corporate changes are exhausting to keep track of. Does it really change anything for the consumer?

    • Felix June 24, 2024

      Ultimately, yes. Better leadership can translate to better services and opportunities for consumers.

      • Natalie J. June 24, 2024

        Hmm, fair point. Guess we’ll see.

  11. SkepticalSam June 24, 2024

    Corporate statements always sound too good to be true. Let’s judge Norasak by his actions, not words.

  12. Sophia R. June 24, 2024

    Bringing in heavyweights like Norasak shows how serious Cushman & Wakefield is about solidifying their market position in Thailand.

    • Mark June 24, 2024

      It’s a competitive market. They need strong leadership now more than ever.

  13. Heather P June 24, 2024

    Does this mean more job opportunities in the market?

    • Samuel June 24, 2024

      Potentially, yes. Strong leadership can drive growth, and that can lead to more jobs.

  14. Confused123 June 24, 2024

    What exactly does the Head of Capital Markets & Investment do?

    • Emma June 24, 2024

      Essentially, they oversee investment strategies, manage client relationships, and ensure profitable growth.

    • Confused123 June 24, 2024

      Got it. Thanks for the explanation!

  15. Victor June 24, 2024

    Norasak’s background seems impressive, but I hope he considers the grassroots-level impacts of his decisions.

  16. Lisa M. June 24, 2024

    Norasak is a perfect fit for this role, given his extensive background and proven track record.

    • Olivia June 24, 2024

      Totally agree. His experience will be invaluable for navigating the complexities of the Thai market.

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