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Thailand’s New Multilingual Emergency Alert System Launching Early 2024: A Public Safety Revolution

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An instant alert message

An instant alert message appears on a mobile phone in five languages during the live test by True mobile operator last Wednesday. (Photo: True Corporation)

Brace yourselves, Thailand! A groundbreaking alert system promising to revolutionize public safety is gearing up for an early 2024 debut. Initially slated for a mid-2025 release, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has amped things up, aiming for a much earlier launch.

Imagine receiving life-saving alerts in a snap, whether you’re a local or just sightseeing. You’ll hear the crucial news in five dynamic languages—Thai, English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian—without the need to download any additional apps. The notifications will be delivered through striking images and crisp audio to ensure everyone is fully informed.

Government spokesman Chai Wacharonke couldn’t contain his excitement as he confirmed the expedited timeline. The collaborative effort spans multiple agencies, including mobile phone operators and the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. True Corporation led the pack with a dazzling live test last Wednesday, successfully broadcasting to real users for the first time in Thailand.

But the innovations don’t stop there. Rivals Advanced Info Service (AIS) also dabbled with the technology, albeit without involving users, back in March. Together, they are proving the efficacy of cell broadcast technology—an ultra-reliable system that can push notifications to every mobile device in designated areas or across the entire nation, activating when it truly matters.

Cell broadcast technology isn’t just a Thai novelty. It’s been a life-saver in tech-savvy nations like Japan and South Korea, signaling the public during natural disasters or health crises. Thailand’s adoption of this advanced system marks a significant leap toward enhancing public safety standards.

Despite the successful tests, a few hurdles remain. The NBTC is calling for the establishment of a dedicated command center to manage the new alert system effectively. Once in place, this hub will serve as the nerve center for all emergency broadcasts, ensuring they reach you promptly and efficiently.

As you go about your day, you may not always think about the “what ifs.” But starting next year, whether it’s a seismic tremor, a sudden storm, or some other imminent threat, this cutting-edge alert system ensures that you’ll be among the first to know—multiple languages and all.

So there you have it! A proactive step towards a safer, well-informed Thailand. Keep your eyes peeled as this innovative alert system rolls out, transforming how we respond to emergencies in the Land of Smiles.

Stay alert, stay safe, and here’s to a better-prepared tomorrow!


  1. Sophia Chang July 7, 2024

    This is a fantastic advancement for Thailand. Multilingual alerts can save countless lives during emergencies.

    • John_Doe July 7, 2024

      True, but how reliable will this system actually be in real-world scenarios? Network congestion could still be an issue.

      • Sophia Chang July 7, 2024

        That’s a valid concern, but they mentioned that similar systems in Japan and South Korea have been effective. I’m hopeful for similar results in Thailand.

      • TechieTom July 7, 2024

        Cell broadcast technology is designed to bypass congestion. That’s why Japan and South Korea have been successful. Let’s give it a chance.

  2. Manoj K. July 7, 2024

    I don’t get how they can afford to roll this out so quickly. These systems are expensive!

    • TrueFan89 July 7, 2024

      Maybe it’s because Thailand really needs better disaster management. Prioritizing public safety is worth the investment.

    • Renee D. July 7, 2024

      Government budgets can be mysterious. But if they’re willing to fast-track this, it must be a priority.

  3. grower134 July 7, 2024

    What about older people and those who aren’t tech-savvy? They might not even know what these alerts mean.

    • Alexa H. July 7, 2024

      They could use community outreach programs to educate the elderly and less tech-savvy about the system.

    • grower134 July 7, 2024

      That’s a good point, but it needs to be continuous. Just one-off sessions won’t cut it.

  4. Elena J. July 7, 2024

    Honestly, they should focus on improving general infrastructure first before investing in fancy alert systems.

    • Makoto July 7, 2024

      Infrastructure improvements take time and resources. An alert system can be a quicker win to save lives now.

    • Elena J. July 7, 2024

      Sure, but without solid roads and buildings, what’s the point of knowing about a disaster if we’re trapped regardless?

  5. Larry D July 7, 2024

    This should’ve been done years ago! Better late than never, I guess.

  6. Kristin_W July 7, 2024

    I’m worried about privacy. How much data are these operators collecting to send these alerts?

    • DataDiva July 7, 2024

      Privacy concerns are valid, but these are emergency alerts. The goal is to keep us safe, not to invade our privacy.

    • Kristin_W July 7, 2024

      Still, it’s a slippery slope. We need transparency about data use, even in emergencies.

    • Larry D July 7, 2024

      I doubt they’ll misuse the data for this specific purpose. It’s all about safety.

  7. Sonya P. July 7, 2024

    Multilingual alerts are a nice touch. Tourists and expatriates will benefit greatly.

  8. Zara M. July 7, 2024

    This system should be integrated with social media platforms too. People are always on their phones using apps.

    • James July 7, 2024

      You’re right, but delivering alerts directly to the phone without needing an app is more effective in emergencies.

    • Zara M. July 7, 2024

      Fair point, but people often check social media first. An integrated approach would cover all bases.

  9. Steve75 July 7, 2024

    I hope they have a way to test this regularly without causing panic among the public.

  10. Karen L. July 7, 2024

    I lived in China, and I loved how quickly the authorities there could alert us about emergencies. Thailand’s system sounds promising.

    • Philip_T July 7, 2024

      But don’t you think it’s a bit over the top? Regular people rarely face such emergencies. This might be overkill.

    • Karen L. July 7, 2024

      Maybe, but in the rare event of a disaster, it’s better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.

  11. EcoWarrior July 7, 2024

    I wonder if they’ll use this system to send out alerts on environmental hazards too, like air pollution levels.

  12. J.T. July 7, 2024

    Finally, a positive use of technology! Kudos to Thailand for this initiative.

  13. Barry July 7, 2024

    I hope this includes alerts for medical emergencies as well. Imagine how useful this can be during a pandemic.

  14. Liam_H July 7, 2024

    What about language dialects? Thailand has many regions with different dialects. Will those be covered too?

    • Sara P. July 7, 2024

      That’s a good question. Covering major languages is a start, but regional dialects might pose a challenge.

    • Liam_H July 7, 2024

      Exactly! They need to consider this to make sure everyone understands the alerts.

  15. Jane D. July 7, 2024

    How will they handle false alarms? Those can cause unnecessary panic.

  16. Andrew July 7, 2024

    It’s good to hear that True Corporation and AIS are both involved. Competition is always good for quality.

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