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Historic Coronation Day: New Royal Titles Bestowed in Grand Ceremony at Thailand’s Grand Palace

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On the bright and celebratory Sunday of May 5, 2019, the Grand Palace was bustling with an atmosphere of grandeur and tradition. It was the second day of the coronation ceremonies, and the Amarindra Vinijaya Throne Hall was the stage for a historic event under the new reign of His Majesty the King. The throne room was abuzz as new titles were conferred upon senior members of the royal family, marking a significant moment in the royal lineage.

The majestic ceremony honored Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn, Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali, Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha, Her Royal Highness Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana, His Royal Highness Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, Her Royal Highness Princess Siribha Chudhabhorn, and Her Royal Highness Princess Aditayadornkitikhun. Although Her Majesty Queen Sirikit could not attend in person, the presence of the other royals, alongside Their Majesties the King and Queen, added an air of solemnity and joy to the occasion.

The conferring of new titles was more than a ceremonial act; it symbolized the hierarchical relations and the evolving status within the royal family. Most notably, Her Majesty Queen Sirikit was bestowed the honorable title of Queen Mother, a testament to her enduring legacy and the respect she commands. For the princesses, their titles transitioned from indicating daughters of the previous King to reflecting their new standing as younger sisters to the reigning monarch. Similarly, the titles of Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha, Her Royal Highness Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana, and His Royal Highness Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti were updated from denoting “grandchild of the king” to “daughter or son of His Majesty,” signaling their esteemed positions in the royal hierarchy.

Adding to the gravity of the day, His Holiness the Supreme Patriarch delivered a profound sermon emphasizing the ten kingly virtues, integral to the coronation ceremony’s religious rites. These virtues serve as guiding principles for His Majesty to govern with wisdom, fairness, and benevolence. Among them, it highlighted the importance of upholding wisdom in administration, strictly following the five precepts of Buddhism, demonstrating sincere devotion to the state, and exhibiting patience and tolerance.

The sermon accentuated the necessity for the King to renounce anything unconstructive, embrace honesty, overcome defilement, be benevolent, and harbor no grudges, ensuring justice prevails in all actions. Such virtues are not only reminders of the moral expectations placed upon the King but also an inspiring call for the people to emulate these noble qualities.

In an unforgettable spectacle, the chant of “Long Live the King” resonated along a seven-kilometer procession route, as throngs of well-wishers lined the streets. It was more than a parade; it was a heartfelt affirmation of loyalty and admiration from the people. Dressed in yellow shirts, Thais and foreigners alike waited eagerly to catch a glimpse of their sovereign as he embarked on a post-coronation visit to three significant temples that magical afternoon.

Despite the glaring sun and high temperatures, the areas around Sanam Luang, the Grand Palace, and the Supreme Court were packed with ardent supporters right from the early hours. A poignant scene unfolded as a woman from Ayutthaya’s Tha Rua district prostrated in tears as His Majesty passed, expressing her deep respect and love for the King. Another devoted citizen from Krabi praised the King’s initiatives, drawing parallels to the visionary works of his revered father, the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great.

An attendee from Chiang Mai described His Majesty as an exceptional role model, noting that his projects and speeches vividly reflect his compassion and dedication to people of all levels. These testimonials underscored the profound connection between the King and his subjects, a bond strengthened by mutual respect and unwavering devotion.

As the procession wound its way through the streets, the unity and reverence of the people painted a picture of a nation deeply proud of its monarchy. The events of May 5th, 2019, were not just a ceremonial milestone but a celebration of legacy, continuity, and the cherished traditions that bind the Thai people and their royal heritage together.


  1. Rose Bennet July 8, 2024

    I honestly don’t get the whole monarchy thing. Isn’t it just a lot of pomp and ceremony without much substance?

    • Amelia T. July 8, 2024

      It’s a significant part of Thai culture and history. The monarchy represents continuity and unity for many Thai people.

      • historybuff93 July 8, 2024

        Exactly, Amelia. Monarchies aren’t just about ‘pomp’; they’re steeped in tradition and can bring a sense of national identity.

      • Rose Bennet July 8, 2024

        Okay, but isn’t it also a bit outdated? I mean, we’re living in the 21st century.

      • ScholarSmith July 9, 2024

        Modernity doesn’t necessarily invalidate traditional institutions. They can adapt and still play crucial societal roles.

    • Nate July 8, 2024

      I kinda agree with Rose. It seems like a show for tourists more than anything else.

  2. Eliza M. July 8, 2024

    I was there! It was such a beautiful and touching ceremony. You could feel the respect and love people have for their King.

  3. Jimbo27 July 8, 2024

    Did anyone else find the chanting of ‘Long Live the King’ kinda cultish?

    • ThaiTraditions July 8, 2024

      Not at all. It’s a traditional expression of loyalty and respect. You should visit Thailand to understand better.

      • CulturalCritic July 9, 2024

        Expressions of loyalty can be sincere or mandated. Context matters.

      • Jimbo27 July 9, 2024

        Fair point, but I think any type of repetitive chanting has a cult-like vibe.

    • Lydia Guerra July 8, 2024

      Please be respectful. Every culture has its way of showing respect, and this is theirs.

  4. Sophia July 8, 2024

    The idea of ‘kingly virtues’ is fascinating. It puts a moral dimension to leadership that’s sorely lacking in many modern governments.

    • Derek July 9, 2024

      True, but moral leadership is also about actions, not just ideals. Let’s see if he lives up to those virtues.

    • intellectually curious July 9, 2024

      Exactly! Grand ideals and sermons are great, but the real test is in day-to-day decisions.

  5. Maya July 8, 2024

    Why are the royal titles so important? Do they impact how the royal family members live their lives?

    • Ron July 9, 2024

      Titles reflect their roles and responsibilities within the monarchy. It’s not just about prestige but also duty.

    • historian101 July 9, 2024

      Titles also symbolize the continuity of the royal lineage and the heritage passed down through generations.

  6. Chris J. July 9, 2024

    I find it so interesting how some people are so deeply moved by these events, while others see them as irrelevant.

    • Anne Watson July 9, 2024

      It’s all about perspectives and cultural background. What seems profound to one person may seem insignificant to another.

    • Chris J. July 9, 2024

      True, but isn’t there a common ground where tradition and progress can coexist?

  7. Pat Keene July 9, 2024

    Do these royal events cost a lot of taxpayers’ money?

    • Emily Rivers July 9, 2024

      Yes, they do. But many Thais feel it’s worth it for the cultural and national significance.

      • ThaiObserver July 9, 2024

        And the monarchy brings in a lot of revenue through tourism. It’s an investment in the country’s image.

    • policy_wonk July 9, 2024

      Public funds can be better spent on healthcare and education rather than ceremonial events.

  8. Kayleigh Z. July 9, 2024

    I loved seeing the photos of the procession. The unity and colors were mesmerising.

  9. Samir Khoury July 9, 2024

    His Majesty’s speech about virtues was inspiring. We need more leaders who uphold such values.

    • Analyst47 July 9, 2024

      Words are easy. Governance is where real challenges lie.

    • Samir Khoury July 9, 2024

      Agreed, but a leader who speaks of high values sets a positive example for the populace.

  10. Alastair M. July 9, 2024

    Does the King actually have any real political power, or is it mostly symbolic?

    • PhD_in_Politics July 9, 2024

      The King has limited direct political power but significant influence. The monarchy is deeply woven into Thailand’s political and cultural fabric.

    • BritLad July 9, 2024

      Similar to the British monarchy, it’s more about influence and less about direct control.

  11. Prince Fan July 9, 2024

    Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti seems like a promising young royal. Excited to see his future contributions.

  12. Jeanne July 9, 2024

    With all these changes in titles, do the royals have to undergo some kind of formal training or preparation for their roles?

  13. gerald72 July 9, 2024

    The emotional responses from the crowds were really touching. Shows the deep connection between the monarchy and the people.

    • SkepticSue July 9, 2024

      Or it shows how good the propaganda is. Emotional responses can be cultivated through nationalistic education.

  14. Diego July 9, 2024

    The history of these ceremonies is fascinating. Even if you’re not a monarchist, you have to appreciate the tradition.

    • Billie July 9, 2024

      Absolutely! There’s something profound about participating in a ritual that’s been around for centuries.

    • Lucy A. July 9, 2024

      Tradition for the sake of tradition can be stifling, though. Change is necessary, too.

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