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UN Commends Thailand’s Sustainable Development Achievements: Suttipong Juljarern Celebrates Milestone

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One cannot help but applaud the remarkable strides Thailand has made on its journey towards sustainable development, as acknowledged by none other than the United Nations (UN). In a recent commendation, the UN lauded Thailand’s exemplary progress in achieving the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This flourish of recognition was celebrated by Suttipong Juljarern, Permanent Secretary for Interior, and his esteemed spouse, Dr. Wandee Khunchornyakong Juljarern, President of the Ministry of Interior’s Ladies Association.

On the second anniversary of Thailand’s agreement with the UN in 2022 to pursue these goals, Mr. Suttipong took the stage. “This is indeed a moment of pride for us,” he declared. “The world is recognizing our endeavors, and it is no small feat.” Thailand has indeed carved a niche for itself as a model of sustainable development, prompting other nations to take note and learn.

Mr. Suttipong attributed this success to Thailand’s robust administrative structure, which delegates specific tasks to each ministry in line with their authority. With the Interior Ministry as the lynchpin, the nation’s diverse ministries contribute effectively to this grand mission, fostering a collaborative environment aimed at holistic development. The Interior Ministry, acting as the ‘chief officer’, has been pivotal in addressing a plethora of concerns ranging from waste management and environmental preservation to poverty alleviation and debt reduction.

In addition, the ministry has been diligent in nurturing sustainable villages, ensuring food security, and providing equal access to public services. Education, a cornerstone of development, has been vigorously promoted alongside clean drinking water, reliable electricity, and seamless transport systems. Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya’s Sustainable Fashion policy, which champions naturally dyed clothing, is another feather in the cap.

A key element of this admirable progress is the meticulous documentation of all SDG-related achievements within the ministry’s MOI War Room. This digital repository serves as a wellspring of knowledge, enabling other agencies to study and replicate successful practices.

With a sense of well-earned satisfaction, Mr. Suttipong reflected, “Have we been successful? Absolutely. Society recognizes our achievements, and this validation keeps us motivated to push the envelope further. Our unwavering commitment to the Sustainable Village royal project, among others, underscores our clear goals and vision.”

Back in 2015, the United Nations rallied 193 member states around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals—a comprehensive blueprint to address global challenges by 2030. These goals include eradicating poverty, ending hunger, promoting health and well-being, ensuring quality education, achieving gender equality, providing clean water and sanitation, and enabling access to affordable and clean energy, among others.

The SDGs also prioritize decent work and economic growth, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption, climate action, and the protection of life below water and on land. Furthermore, they champion peace, justice, and strong institutions, and emphasize the importance of partnerships for achieving these multifaceted goals.

Thailand’s discernible progress within this global framework is undeniable. With each step forward, the nation fuels its drive to enhance lives and foster a sustainable future—not just for its citizens but as a beacon for the world to follow.


  1. EcoWarrior69 July 11, 2024

    This is such a huge milestone for Thailand! It shows what can be achieved when a country is committed to sustainability.

    • Linda G July 11, 2024

      Totally agree! Thailand’s approach to sustainable development is something other nations should definitely emulate.

      • MaximusPrime July 11, 2024

        I hope my country adopts similar policies. We’re so far behind in this area, it’s embarrassing.

    • chalerm.y July 11, 2024

      But isn’t it a bit soon to celebrate? There are still many issues that Thailand needs to address. For example, corruption continues to be a significant problem.

    • EcoWarrior69 July 11, 2024

      True, corruption is an issue, but let’s not overlook the positive strides being made. It’s still a step in the right direction.

  2. Nina July 11, 2024

    Sustainable villages sound amazing! I wish we had more of those around the world.

    • Skeptic92 July 11, 2024

      Yeah, but are they really sustainable, or just a pretty face for PR?

      • Nina July 11, 2024

        Good question. I guess only time will tell, but the effort is still commendable.

  3. GreenGuru July 11, 2024

    Thailand’s focus on food security and clean drinking water is vital. These are basic necessities that everyone should have access to.

    • Larry Davis July 11, 2024

      I agree, but I also think that more education on the importance of these resources is necessary. People often take them for granted.

  4. Kayleigh July 11, 2024

    I love Princess Sirivannavari’s Sustainable Fashion policy! It’s wonderful to see someone in her position championing natural dyes.

    • John Doe July 11, 2024

      It’s nice, but how much of an impact can one fashion policy really make?

      • Fashionista01 July 11, 2024

        Every little bit helps! If more people follow her lead, we could see a significant reduction in the environmental impact of fashion.

  5. Sutha T July 11, 2024

    It’s great that they’ve created a digital repository of their achievements. Other countries can learn from their successes.

  6. Critic987 July 11, 2024

    I still think Thailand has a long way to go. This celebration seems premature and overly self-congratulatory.

  7. HappyCamper July 11, 2024

    Every country has room for improvement, but we should still celebrate the progress that’s been made so far.

    • Critic987 July 11, 2024

      Fair enough, but I believe in setting a high standard. Complacency is the enemy of progress.

  8. PeachyKeen July 11, 2024

    It’s impressive that Thailand is being recognized for its efforts in sustainable development. It gives me hope for the future.

    • Bobby_TB July 11, 2024

      Yes, but let’s not forget the international scrutiny they face. It’s a double-edged sword.

  9. Sarah M July 11, 2024

    Clean drinking water and electricity for all sounds like a dream. Imagine a world where no one has to worry about these basics.

  10. ThinkerBell July 11, 2024

    What I find noteworthy is the focus on equal access to public services. It levels the playing field for all citizens.

    • OldManJoe July 11, 2024

      Equal access is important, but implementation is key. It’s easier said than done.

  11. LisaSmith July 11, 2024

    Ending hunger should be the top priority for every country. It’s a fundamental human right.

  12. Ying_yang July 11, 2024

    The collaboration between various ministries is what makes Thailand’s approach effective. Other countries should take note.

  13. Gardener62 July 11, 2024

    Environmental preservation is vital for our future. Good to see Thailand taking this seriously.

  14. Amelia P July 11, 2024

    I wonder how other countries in Southeast Asia are responding to Thailand’s success. Are they inspired or skeptical?

    • Jason Liu July 11, 2024

      Some might be inspired, while others could see it as mere political posturing. It varies by country.

  15. WandererX July 11, 2024

    This is an important reminder that sustainable development is a global responsibility.

  16. PhilosopherKing July 11, 2024

    The UN’s recognition is significant, but we should remember that actual progress on the ground is what really matters.

    • Jade.Smith July 11, 2024

      Indeed. Recognition is one thing, but the lived experiences of the people are what count the most.

      • PhilosopherKing July 11, 2024

        Exactly. It should be about improving lives, not just ticking boxes.

  17. GeoExpert123 July 11, 2024

    Thailand’s effective waste management policies are something every city should look into. Our planet is drowning in waste!

    • HeatherBrown July 11, 2024

      So true! Waste management is one of the biggest environmental challenges we face today.

  18. BikeLover July 11, 2024

    Reliable transport systems are crucial for sustainable development. Reduce car use and you’ll see a big difference.

  19. MarcusLee July 11, 2024

    I think we also need to emphasize climate action. Thailand should continue to ramp up its efforts in this area.

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