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Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group Wins 2024 Asia Marketing Excellence Award for Sustainable Practices

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The Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to sustainable business practices and social responsibility, recently earning the prestigious Marketing Company of the Year (MCOY) award at the 2024 Asia Marketing Excellence Awards. This accolade, presented by the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF), honors companies that set new benchmarks in marketing excellence across Asia. Notably, Phyathai-Paolo is the first Thai hospital group recommended by the Marketing Association of Thailand (MAT) and competed in Indonesia in May 2024, garnering international recognition and inspiring other organizations in the region.

The Marketing Association of Thailand (MAT) recently celebrated Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group’s success, with key executives including Marketing Executive Director Mr. Supakorn Phawanna, Corporate Brand Marketing & Public Relations Director Ms. Wanida Setthasawet, and Business Strategy & Special Projects Manager Ms. Supapron Ngerndee, at the helm. The award ceremony, originally held in Thailand, precedes the official presentation by the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) in the Philippines, slated for October 2024.

Mr. Supakorn Phawanna, Marketing Executive Director, highlighted the group’s leadership in health promotion through cutting-edge medical innovation and robust marketing strategies. In 2023, the Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group clinched the Gold Award for ‘Strategic Marketing’ with their ‘All You Can Check’ campaign at the MAT Award 2023, underscoring the group’s visionary approach to enhancing patient quality of life. This achievement paved the way for Phyathai-Paolo to represent Thailand at the Asia Marketing Excellence Awards, the highest organizational honor in the region.

The hospital group’s award-winning presentation showcased their strategic marketing and management prowess, underscoring their capacity to foster sustainable growth in the medical industry, embodying the essence of a true Marketing Company of the Year.

“This award epitomizes Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group’s dedication, vision, core values, and culture, all aligned strategically to support our business objectives,” said Mr. Supakorn. “Our post-COVID-19 transformation involves leveraging technology, such as AI, to enhance patient diagnostics and adapt to emerging trends. From 2021 to 2023, we’ve seen continuous growth, catering to 70% Thai and 30% international patients, particularly from CLMV countries, and we are setting a 10% growth target for this year.”

Ms. Wanida Setthasawet, Corporate Brand Marketing & Public Relations Director, emphasised the group’s success through innovative marketing and their focus on patient empowerment. Leading in holistic healthcare, Phyathai-Paolo prioritizes staff development, and a balanced approach to treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation aimed at improving overall health and life quality.

During the competition, Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group presented “Healthcare Innovation Making Patient’s Life Possible,” aligning with their mission to lead in innovative marketing and health technology, thereby empowering patients and enhancing healthcare quality throughout the Total Health Journey.

Ms. Wanida highlighted, “The key to our success is our dedicated team, who continually strive for improvement. As our CEO, Mr. Att Thongtang, fosters a ‘People Culture,’ our team is not only highly skilled but also compassionate and proactive in addressing patient needs and improving our services. We believe in ‘there’s no best, only better,’ committing to excel today and innovate for a better tomorrow. This is what we call ‘innovation.’

“Beyond winning the AMF award, the experience revolutionized our perspective, opening new horizons in marketing as we learned from experts across various industries,” she added.

Dr. Somchat Visitchaichan, Vice President and Chief of Learning Architect & Marketing Innovation at MAT, expressed his gratitude for Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group being honored as the ‘Marketing Company of the Year’ in Asia. This prestigious recognition applauds their exceptional performance in sales, profit, market share, and strategic vision that drives a positive societal impact, setting a new benchmark for health and wellness businesses in the region.

Dr. Somchat further remarked, “Receiving this award not only enhances the healthcare system but also motivates other companies to adopt similar strategies. It’s truly remarkable for a Health & Wellness business to achieve such prominence in the Asian marketing arena, showcasing the vital role of innovation and strategic marketing beyond traditional commercial enterprises.”

The Asia Marketing Federation (AMF), established in 1991, aims to promote marketing professionals and economic growth across Asia. Currently, it includes 18 national marketing organizations from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.


  1. Sarah J July 12, 2024

    Congrats to Phyathai-Paolo! It’s amazing to see healthcare providers being recognized for their marketing strategies.

    • John Doe July 12, 2024

      Totally! It’s crucial for healthcare to evolve with innovative marketing.

      • Admin123 July 12, 2024

        Let’s hope they use these practices to genuinely benefit patients, not just their profits.

      • Sarah J July 12, 2024

        I agree. It’s a fine line between marketing for growth and for patient care. Ideally, it’ll be balanced.

    • TechGuru76 July 12, 2024

      Healthcare merging with AI and marketing is the future. What a time to be alive!

  2. Dr. Emily July 12, 2024

    As a medical professional, I find it concerning that marketing is taking so much precedence over patient care.

    • BlueCrayon July 12, 2024

      Marketing is necessary to ensure better services and attract talent. It’s not always a bad thing!

    • HealthNut July 12, 2024

      It’s not about precedence, it’s about integration. Both can coexist to improve patient outcomes.

  3. James K July 12, 2024

    This whole award thing is probably just PR fluff. How do we know they’re really making a difference?

    • Rob July 12, 2024

      Numbers and international recognition can’t all be fake though.

    • Jessie88 July 12, 2024

      Look at their ‘All You Can Check’ campaign. It’s impressive and has shown real results.

    • James K July 12, 2024

      Campaigns can show results, but they don’t always paint the full picture of an organization’s integrity.

  4. HealthAdvocate July 12, 2024

    It’s inspiring to see a hospital group from Thailand getting such recognition. It sets a great example for the entire region.

    • Cynthia July 12, 2024

      Yes! It shows that excellence isn’t limited to Western countries.

    • AsiaMarketer July 12, 2024

      Regional success is pivotal. It helps in sharing knowledge and practices across borders.

  5. Mario July 12, 2024

    I’m skeptical about their ‘People Culture’. Sounds more like a corporate buzzword than actual practice.

    • Sophia July 12, 2024

      While that might be true in some cases, I’ve heard good things about their CEO’s approach.

    • MarketingGal July 12, 2024

      Skepticism is healthy. But sometimes, genuine practices are hidden behind corporate jargon.

    • Mario July 12, 2024

      Fair point. Actions will speak louder than words in the end.

  6. Paul Martin July 12, 2024

    This will surely motivate other hospitals to adopt better marketing and sustainable practices.

  7. AnnaP July 12, 2024

    Awards like these can drive real change. Kudos to Phyathai-Paolo for leading the way.

  8. David L July 12, 2024

    I hope their use of AI in diagnostics doesn’t lead to dehumanizing patient care. Technology can’t replace doctors!

    • TechSavvy July 12, 2024

      AI is a tool, not a replacement. It should enhance the abilities of doctors, not replace them.

    • Emily Grey July 12, 2024

      AI can help in diagnostics but the final decision should always be in human hands.

  9. GlobalCitizen July 12, 2024

    It’s impressive how Phyathai-Paolo attracts international patients. Healthcare is becoming a truly global market.

  10. ConcernedParent July 12, 2024

    Winning an award is great, but how is their actual patient care? Any testimonials from real patients?

    • TommyLee July 12, 2024

      They have a good reputation online, but firsthand accounts would be very helpful.

    • Nina July 12, 2024

      Patient testimonials are crucial for understanding the real impact. Hope more come forward.

  11. EcoWarrior July 12, 2024

    Another win for sustainability! It’s high time the healthcare sector contributed to environmental causes as well.

  12. Jake P July 12, 2024

    Awards should go to those who innovate for society, not just their profit margins.

    • Bea July 12, 2024

      True, but profits are often necessary to fund further innovation and improvements.

    • Jake P July 12, 2024

      Agreed, as long as they’re reinvested into real progress and not just CEOs’ pockets.

  13. AnalystBob July 12, 2024

    Phyathai-Paolo’s growth trajectory post-COVID is really something to study. Other businesses could learn from them.

  14. MedicalMaven July 12, 2024

    Kudos to Phyathai-Paolo, but what’s more important is how they handle everyday operations, patient complaints, etc. Awards can only reflect so much.

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