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Mysterious Deaths at Grand Hyatt Erawan: Six Vietnamese Nationals Found Dead in Bangkok

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Senior Bangkok police convened at the Lumpini police station Wednesday morning to discuss the mysterious deaths of six Vietnamese nationals at the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel in central Bangkok. The incident, which unfolded on Tuesday evening, has left the community and investigators searching for answers.

Pol Maj Gen Theeradet Thumsuthee, the investigation chief at the Metropolitan Police Bureau, revealed compelling insights that have emerged from the initial questioning of witnesses, including the daughter of one of the victims. According to Theeradet, “This tragic case is highly likely to stem from a severe debt problem. We’ve ruled out other possibilities. The culprit is undoubtedly among the six deceased, as no one else entered the room.”

The investigation, however, faces a significant challenge: the specific poison used in this shocking event remains unidentified.

The ill-fated individuals—four Vietnamese nationals and two holding dual Vietnamese-American citizenship—were discovered lifeless in room 502 on the fifth floor of the opulent Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel. A source familiar with the forensic investigation disclosed that an unidentified, naturally occurring substance, found in used cups in the room, was more potent and deadly than cyanide.

Interestingly, a seventh Vietnamese person, believed to be the younger sister of one of the victims, had reserved an adjacent room. This individual left Thailand on July 10 and is not considered a suspect. Authorities hypothesize that one of the victims poisoned the others before ending their own life.

Pol Lt Gen Trairong Phiewphan, the chief of police forensic science, added another layer to the puzzle on Wednesday. Toxins were detected in drinks resembling black coffee from two flasks located in the ill-fated room.

A security camera provided additional visual context, capturing images of the six ill-fated Vietnamese guests, laden with luggage, making their way to room 502 on the fifth floor of the luxury hotel on Monday afternoon—24 hours before being discovered dead.

The painful enigma surrounding their deaths continues to captivate and disturb the community. As forensic teams and investigators dig deeper into this chilling case, the tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the complex and often hidden struggles that many face, culminating in such heart-wrenching outcomes.


  1. David T. July 17, 2024

    This whole incident sounds like it belongs in a crime novel. So tragic and mysterious!

    • AmyD July 17, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s like an Agatha Christie plot. I hope the investigators uncover the truth soon.

      • David T. July 17, 2024

        I agree, though I can’t help but wonder if we will ever know the whole story.

      • DetectiveJoe July 17, 2024

        Real-life investigations are often more complex than novels. This case has so many layers.

  2. Natalie July 17, 2024

    Seems like a clear case of murder-suicide, but the mystery substance adds an eerie twist.

    • science_guy22 July 17, 2024

      I’ve read about naturally occurring toxins that are extremely potent. Wonder if it’s some rare plant extract.

      • Natalie July 17, 2024

        Could be! But that just raises more questions. Who had access to such a substance?

  3. john_smith45 July 17, 2024

    What a sad situation. Can’t believe someone would go to such extents over debt problems!

    • jenny_w July 17, 2024

      Debt can be an enormous burden. It can drive people to do desperate things. But this… it’s beyond tragic.

  4. Anne M. July 17, 2024

    Why would they reserve an adjacent room? Sounds suspicious to me.

    • Vicky July 17, 2024

      Maybe it was just a coincidence? Or maybe the seventh person was planning something too.

      • Anne M. July 17, 2024

        Could be a coincidence, but my gut says otherwise.

      • CuriousGeorge July 17, 2024

        If the seventh person had something to do with it, wouldn’t they be a suspect by now?

  5. historybuff July 17, 2024

    These kinds of cases remind me of historical events where entire groups were poisoned by a single person. It’s chilling.

    • pro-reader July 17, 2024

      History does seem to repeat itself, doesn’t it? I wonder if we’ll ever know the full story.

  6. Alexa P. July 17, 2024

    With modern technology, how can they not identify the poison quickly? Feels like we’re missing something.

    • Clark K July 17, 2024

      It’s not always that easy. The substance might be very rare or new to science.

  7. Micheal L. July 17, 2024

    The entire situation seems orchestrated. Too many coincidences to be random.

    • Justine July 17, 2024

      True. The detailed planning and execution indicate premeditation.

  8. CMD-87 July 17, 2024

    I live in Bangkok and this incident has everyone on edge. It’s unsettling to think something like this could happen in such a prominent place.

  9. Sam July 17, 2024

    Do you guys think the daughter had anything to do with it? It’s odd she was there but survived.

    • MindfulMom July 17, 2024

      I doubt it. She was probably just fortunate to be away at the time.

  10. Lara T. July 17, 2024

    The concept of naturally occurring poison stronger than cyanide is mind-bending. Any thoughts on what it could be?

    • chemistry_nerd July 17, 2024

      There are numerous toxic substances in nature. Some are even lethally potent in minute quantities.

  11. Beth July 17, 2024

    I can’t get over how tragic this is. Those poor people must have felt so hopeless.

  12. Frank S. July 17, 2024

    Why did they choose such an expensive hotel? If they had debt problems, wouldn’t they go somewhere cheaper?

    • Anita July 17, 2024

      Maybe they wanted to spend their final days in luxury, or it could have been a statement of some sort.

  13. HistoryFanatic July 17, 2024

    Reminds me of the Jonestown Massacre. The collective nature is chilling.

  14. Cathy JD July 17, 2024

    Can the police really solve this? Seems like there are so many loose ends.

    • Alice W. July 17, 2024

      Every investigation has its challenges. The forensic evidence will likely be key.

  15. Angela R. July 17, 2024

    What about the substance in their drinks? Why would they all drink it if there were obvious signs of poison?

    • TheRealKen July 17, 2024

      Could be they were coerced or it was mixed in a way they couldn’t detect.

    • Angela R. July 17, 2024

      True, but coercion usually leaves more evidence. This is just baffling.

  16. Drew July 17, 2024

    I feel for the surviving family members. This must be an absolute nightmare for them.

  17. Jackson July 17, 2024

    Why does the police chief sound so sure it was a debt problem? Could there be other motives?

  18. LilyC July 17, 2024

    Mental health issues coupled with financial stress can be a deadly combination.

  19. Maria L. July 17, 2024

    We need more mental health support systems to prevent tragedies like this.

    • Tom July 17, 2024

      No matter how much support is available, some people will slip through the cracks.

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