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Thailand’s Role in South Korea’s Drug Seizures in 2024: The Canine Heroes Leading the Fight

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Last year, two sniffer dogs from South Korea embarked on a crucial mission alongside Thai customs officials to combat the smuggling of illicit drugs into Thailand. These highly trained canines, along with their Thai handlers, honed their skills at the KCS Detector Dog Training Centre in Incheon city, South Korea. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard)

Thailand continues to stand at the forefront of the battle against illicit drug trafficking, as evidenced by recent data from the Korea Customs Service (KCS). According to the Yonhap news agency, Thailand was responsible for a staggering 25% of the 298 kilograms of narcotics seized at South Korean entry points during the first half of 2024. This astounding figure places the kingdom ahead of even the United States, which came in second at 20%.

The report further highlights that Thailand was the primary source of smuggled narcotics into South Korea last year, maintaining its notorious reputation. Although there was a 9% decline in the total volume of drugs seized compared to the first half of 2023, South Korean authorities observed a notable shift in smuggling patterns. “We’ve seen an increasing number of small-scale smuggling cases, while large-scale attempts have fallen due to tighter border controls,” a KCS official commented.

The modus operandi of the drug smugglers has also evolved. The news agency reports that a significant 22% of the drug smuggling attempts were made by air travelers, a colossal 53% through international mail, and the remaining 24% via express cargo. This diversification in smuggling methods underscores the persistent and adaptive nature of drug traffickers, making the job of customs officials increasingly complex and demanding.

As the grim dance between law enforcement and drug traffickers continues, the remarkable efforts of the KCS and their canine counterparts stand as a beacon of hope. These dedicated animals and their handlers are on the front lines, sniffing out danger and helping to keep the illicit substances at bay. It’s a relentless battle, but one that demonstrates the innovative and unyielding spirit of those committed to this vital cause.

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