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Innovative Gold Trading on K PLUS: MTS GOLD and KBank Lead the Way

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MTS GOLD has joined forces with KBank, paving the way for a groundbreaking channel of online gold investment in US dollars through the “K PLUS” platform for the very first time. This partnership affirms MTS GOLD’s status as an industry trailblazer in gold investment innovation. Investors can now navigate the world of gold investments with ease, thanks to this comprehensive and advanced service.

Mr. Nattapong Hirunyasiri, the CEO of MTS Gold Group, expressed his enthusiasm about the venture. He mentioned that trading gold online through “K PLUS,” under the proficient management of KBank, will revolutionize the landscape of online gold trading. The platform is designed to be trustworthy and efficient, guaranteeing convenience, swiftness, and top-notch security. This new channel will not only enrich the customer experience but also amplify their opportunities, positioning MTS GOLD as the pioneer gold shop offering online gold trading services through “K PLUS.”

Leveraging cutting-edge technology and holding a prestigious business license from the Bank of Thailand, MTS GOLD has earned the trust of Thailand’s top three financial institutions. It is the first and only gold shop in the country to offer online gold trading across various platforms, catering to a diverse group of investors. Apart from “K PLUS,” clients can also explore gold trading online via “Paotang” by Krungthai Bank and “Dime” by KKP Dime Securities Company Limited.

“MTS GOLD is steadfast in its commitment to introduce innovative solutions in online gold investment across all platforms, employing the latest technological advancements. Our goal is to ensure investors capitalize on every opportunity with a user-friendly, quick, and secure platform,” Mr. Nattapong highlighted. This dedication positions MTS GOLD as a contemporary gold shop resonating with all generations, in sync with the burgeoning trend of online gold trading.

In its quest to cement its standing as a leader in one-stop gold investment innovations and to seamlessly connect customers with future investment opportunities, MTS GOLD is eager to collaborate with potential partners. These partners include leading financial institutions and major private enterprises. This strategic initiative will offer investors a holistic investment framework, assisting them in navigating the digital era, and reinforcing gold’s status as a resilient asset capable of diversifying investment risks while yielding optimal returns.

The online gold trading service on “K PLUS” will be referencing real-time global market prices in US dollars, with currency exchanges facilitated through the “Currency Wallet” on K PLUS. Investors can dive into gold investments with an initial sum as modest as just 10 US dollars (roughly 360 baht). Purchasing gold with purities of 99.99% and 96.5% is streamlined to ensure convenience, safety, and ease, with no collateral or transaction fees required.

The growing acceptance of online gold trading is evident from the numbers. Last year, in 2023, there were about 700,000 online gold trading accounts, amounting to a trading value of 100 billion baht. MTS GOLD is optimistic about the trend and anticipates an addition of 100,000 new accounts this year—a 20% increase, showcasing robust investor interest and confidence in the online gold trading landscape. Investors recognize the enduring value and attractiveness of gold as a reliable asset amid varying market conditions.

Investors should diligently study and comprehend the product features, return conditions, and associated risk factors before making any investment.


  1. Maggie R. July 19, 2024

    This is such an exciting development! Finally, online gold trading in USD on a user-friendly platform. Kudos to MTS GOLD and KBank!

    • Leo23 July 19, 2024

      I agree, Maggie! But my concern is about the security. Is it really safe to trade gold online?

      • Maggie R. July 19, 2024

        Good point, Leo. The article says KBank ensures top-notch security, but I guess we won’t know until more people start using it.

      • P. Singh July 19, 2024

        If they have the backing of the Bank of Thailand and major financial institutions, I believe it should be fairly secure. These organizations wouldn’t risk their reputation.

    • Nate C. July 19, 2024

      Security concerns are always there. But the real issue is volatility in gold prices. Online trading might make it more volatile.

  2. Alan43 July 19, 2024

    I’ve been trading gold for years and this is a game-changer! But what about the transaction fees? Any hidden costs they’re not telling us?

    • Lily Q. July 19, 2024

      Alan, it clearly says no transaction fees are required. The real catch might be in the currency exchange through the Currency Wallet.

    • lucyd July 19, 2024

      Even if there are no transaction fees, hidden costs always find their way in. Banks always have a way to make profits.

    • Alan43 July 19, 2024

      True, Lucy. It’s wise to stay cautious. Always read the fine print!

  3. Samir K. July 19, 2024

    This initiative sounds beneficial but how do they plan to handle the exchange rate fluctuations? Converting USD to THB and back can be tricky.

    • Ruth M. July 19, 2024

      Samir, that’s what the Currency Wallet is for, right? If KBank is managing it, I hope they have a mechanism to buffer exchange rate losses.

    • Samir K. July 19, 2024

      Buffering may mean absorbing costs or charging slightly higher. Watch out for those exchange rate margins!

  4. GrowerTom July 19, 2024

    $10 entry point is amazing! Makes gold investment accessible to everyone, not just the rich folks.

    • Mary Lee July 19, 2024

      Tom, I love that it’s inclusive, but small investors should still be cautious. With smaller amounts, fees and taxes can eat into returns quickly.

    • Investor123 July 19, 2024

      Exactly, Mary. The lower the investment, the higher the risk of losing out due to hidden costs.

    • GrowerTom July 19, 2024

      Agreed, but it’s still a great way to introduce people to gold investment. Got to start somewhere!

  5. Elena Smith July 19, 2024

    Online gold trading is the future! With everything going digital, it’s about time the gold market caught up.

    • Nate C. July 19, 2024

      Sure, but let’s not forget the tangibility aspect of gold. Physical gold always feels different than just numbers on a screen.

    • Elena Smith July 19, 2024

      You’re right, Nate. But as long as it’s backed by real gold and proper institutions, it’s a worthwhile innovation.

  6. John Doe July 19, 2024

    This is all fine but can someone explain how they guarantee the purity of the gold? 99.99% and 96.5% sound just too good to be true.

  7. Benji P. July 19, 2024

    All these platforms sound great, but I miss the human interaction. Sometimes you can’t trust everything to be handled digitally.

    • George K. July 19, 2024

      That’s why customer service and online support are critical. Hopefully, MTS GOLD and KBank have strong support teams.

    • Benji P. July 19, 2024

      Agreed, George. But the human touch in finance is irreplaceable for me.

  8. analyst_Jane July 19, 2024

    Considering the positive growth from last year, a 20% increase in new accounts is ambitious but achievable. The market is ready for such innovation.

  9. Richie R. July 19, 2024

    What’s the point of investing in gold when crypto is the future? Gold is a relic for traditionalists.

    • Cynthia M. July 19, 2024

      Richie, gold has stood the test of time and will continue to be a fallback for investors wary of crypto’s volatility.

    • crypto_fan2021 July 19, 2024

      Cynthia, Richie is right to some extent. Gold is stable, but crypto is where the big wins are, if you can handle the risk.

    • Mary Lee July 19, 2024

      Both have their merits. Diversifying in both gold and crypto could be a smart move for long-term gain.

  10. Peter Yan July 19, 2024

    Are there really 700,000 online gold trading accounts? Sounds like an inflated number to me. Can anyone verify this?

    • Tom S. July 19, 2024

      Peter, those numbers probably come from multiple platforms summed up. Helps make the industry look bigger.

    • Kelly T. July 19, 2024

      True, Tom. But gold trading is quite popular in Thailand, especially given the recent market fluctuations.

  11. historian123 July 19, 2024

    Let’s not forget about the environmental impact of gold mining. Online platforms are great, but ethical sourcing should still be a focus.

  12. Larry Dav July 19, 2024

    This sounds too good to be true. Digital gold trading with no fees? There’s always a catch.

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