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Tragic Si Sa Ket Incident: Ex-School Director Pathaphee Meebang’s Deadly Rampage

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Police responded to a tragic event on Monday night in Si Sa Ket province, where an ex-school director from Buri Ram unleashed a fatal assault, leaving four people dead before he ended his own life as authorities pursued him. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)

The harrowing incident took place around 9:32 PM in a house located in tambon Nong Phai, Muang district, Si Sa Ket. The residence, once a haven for Duangduan Kokaphan, 41, who served as the director of Non Ipang Phonwua School, became the scene of the horrific massacre.

The late-night violence resulted in the deaths of Duangduan, her new lawyer husband Poramat Saman, 39, her mother Yokmanee Kokaphan, 66, and Yokmanee’s brother-in-law Bunluen Apaiphong, 61. Tragically, a 10-year-old boy in the house managed to escape the brutal attack and immediately sought help from neighbors.

The assailant was identified as Pathaphee Meebang, 42, formerly the director of Phanomrung School in Buri Ram, and, significantly, Duangduan’s former husband. Motivated by jealously and perhaps uncontainable rage, Pathaphee transformed an already tense situation into a bloodbath.

Residents murmured about the murky motives, hinting at jealousy as the potential catalyst. Relatives informed the police that Duangduan had remarried barely two months ago, a fresh start that provoked Pathaphee’s ire. He had even laid claim to the house and menacingly threatened to obliterate her and everyone she loved if they stayed.

As the news reached Pol Col Wissanu Arphonpong, head of Prakhon Chai police station, a swift and strategic plan was set into motion to intercept the killer. By 11:30 PM, officers had spotted Pathaphee’s Honda City, bearing Surin plates, on a secondary road in tambon Paisarn, Prakhon Chai district.

The high-speed chase ensued, intensifying at every turn. As the fugitive’s car neared Pinthong intersection, police successfully cornered the vehicle and ordered Pathaphee to exit. A chilling silence followed. Then, in an eerie heartbeat, a lone gunshot shattered the night.

Authorities surged forward and found Pathaphee lifeless in the driver’s seat. Confirming their grim suspicion, Pathaphee had taken his own life with a registered shotgun, firing into the left side of his chest.

Pol Maj Gen Rutthaphon Naowarat, overseeing Buri Ram police, disclosed that the investigation at Pathaphee’s residence yielded an additional three registered firearms. With Si Sa Ket police delving into the investigation, the full, heart-wrenching narrative of this catastrophe continues to unfold.

The horrific episode in Si Sa Ket leaves a community grappling with loss and unanswered questions. It serves as a sobering reminder of the destructive power of jealousy and the irrevocable damage it can leave in its wake.


  1. Ava Lincoln July 23, 2024

    This tragic event highlights the destructive power of unchecked jealousy. How can we prevent such situations in the future?

    • JohnDoe42 July 23, 2024

      It’s a complex issue, Ava. Maybe more mental health resources could help.

      • Sophia L. July 23, 2024

        Mental health resources are important, but it’s also about community support and intervention before things escalate.

      • Ava Lincoln July 23, 2024

        I agree, Sophia. We need a multifaceted approach that includes both mental health and community involvement.

    • Mike77 July 23, 2024

      It’s all about personal responsibility. People need to handle their emotions better.

  2. Chris P. July 23, 2024

    What a sad and terrible incident. Domestic issues can escalate to unimaginable levels.

    • Jane_Doe July 23, 2024

      Absolutely, Chris. Legal systems should offer better protection for those at risk.

    • Chris P. July 23, 2024

      Yes, Jane. Enhanced legal protections could potentially save lives.

  3. Rev. James July 23, 2024

    My prayers go out to the victims’ families. This is truly heartbreaking.

  4. thinker177 July 23, 2024

    I feel like modern society lacks the moral foundation to prevent these kinds of tragic events.

    • LogicLover July 23, 2024

      That’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think? This is more about individual circumstances than societal failures.

      • thinker177 July 23, 2024

        Disagree. A strong community and moral foundation can deter such behavior.

  5. Hannah M. July 23, 2024

    How terrifying for the poor 10-year-old boy. I hope he gets the help he needs.

    • CompassionateKate July 23, 2024

      Definitely. The trauma that this child will carry is heartbreaking.

  6. Tom98 July 23, 2024

    This is why we need stricter gun control. Too many lives lost because of easy access to firearms.

    • GunsAndRights July 23, 2024

      Gun control isn’t the answer. It’s about the person, not the weapon.

      • Tom98 July 23, 2024

        But if the access was restricted, such incidents might decrease.

  7. Sam V. July 23, 2024

    Jealousy is such a powerful and dangerous emotion. People need to learn how to manage it better.

    • NinaK July 23, 2024

      True, Sam. Emotional intelligence should be taught more extensively in schools and communities.

      • Sam V. July 23, 2024

        Absolutely, Nina. It could help in reducing such tragedies.

  8. Bluesky77 July 23, 2024

    Can’t believe this happened. What was going through his mind?!

    • Insightful_Ivy July 23, 2024

      Bluesky77, many things probably. Hatred, anger, betrayal. It’s tragic and unfortunate.

  9. Diana35 July 23, 2024

    Why didn’t anyone intervene sooner? The signs must have been there.

    • RealistRick July 23, 2024

      Intervening isn’t always easy, Diana. People often ignore warning signs until it’s too late.

      • Diana35 July 23, 2024

        That’s true, Rick. But better measures should be in place to identify and act on these warnings.

  10. Alex T. July 23, 2024

    This wasn’t just about jealousy; it’s also about ownership and control. Disturbing to see the lengths some will go to reclaim ‘what’s theirs’.

    • FreedomFighter July 23, 2024

      Exactly, Alex. This toxic sense of ownership is deeply problematic.

      • Alex T. July 23, 2024

        We need to address this mindset as a society to prevent future tragedies.

  11. Liam D. July 23, 2024

    What’s done is done. Blaming others isn’t going to change anything. Learn from it and move on.

  12. ConcernedMom July 23, 2024

    Having firearms registered or not doesn’t change the fact that lives were lost. Stricter measures need to be implemented.

    • MarkSmith July 23, 2024

      Agreed, ConcernedMom. We need a comprehensive review of gun laws.

  13. HistoryBuff21 July 23, 2024

    Such brutal events have sadly happened throughout history. We need to learn from the past to prevent these tragedies in the future.

  14. JaneDoe2 July 23, 2024

    How often do we hear these stories? It’s time we do something instead of just talking.

    • Activist_Amy July 23, 2024

      You’re right, JaneDoe2. Advocacy and action are crucial in bringing about change.

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