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Julapun Amornvivat Unveils Revolutionary 10,000-Baht Digital Wallet Scheme in Thailand

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Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat elaborates on the digital wallet handout scheme at Government House on July 24. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)

The buzz around Thailand’s new 10,000-baht digital wallet handout scheme is more thrilling than a new blockbuster release! Unveiled by Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat at Government House on July 24, it promises to revolutionize the Thang Rath application and, quite possibly, your digital life. According to Digital Economy and Society Minister Prasert Chantararuangthong, daily usage of the Thang Rath app has skyrocketed. It’s grown a staggering 15-fold as eager citizens gear up for the registration, starting Thursday, for the much-anticipated digital wallet.

On Monday, Mr. Prasert couldn’t contain his excitement as he disclosed that the app’s average daily logins had surged from a modest 50,000-60,000 to a jaw-dropping 800,000-900,000. This surge came hot on the heels of the Finance Ministry’s announcement, a clarion call inviting smartphone users to register for the digital wallet scheme from Thursday right through to September 15. It’s as if every smartphone in Thailand is poised for action, ready to seize this financial windfall.

For those who want a smooth ride on registration day, Mr. Prasert has a pro-tip: complete the identity verification process on the Thang Rath app before Thursday. “Trust me, you’ll thank us later,” he seemed to say with knowing confidence. His crystal ball predicts a future where the app could experience an astronomical six million daily logins during this electrifying registration period. That’s right—buckle up for a digital stampede that might just test the resilience of the Internet itself.

In the midst of this digital frenzy, let’s not forget the rest of the citizenry. Mr. Prasert was quick to remind everyone that the registration period for those without smartphones kicks off on September 16 and runs until October 15. It’s a considerate gesture ensuring no citizen is left out of this digital bonanza.

Business owners and merchants, Mr. Prasert hasn’t forgotten about you either. Mark October 1 on your calendars for your chance to register via the Thang Rath app. It’s a one-stop-shop, bringing everyone into the digital fold.

If you’re scratching your head or feeling swamped by the details, worry not. The Digital Economy and Society Ministry has set up a 24-hour lifeline. Just dial 1111, and one of the 500 dedicated staff members will be at your service, ready to guide you through the process and answer all your burning questions.

As the clock ticks closer to Thursday, the excitement is palpable. Whether you’re a digital native ready to dive into this new era or someone taking your first step into the digital world, the 10,000-baht digital wallet cash handout scheme is opening doors and bridging gaps like never before. Stay tuned and stay connected. It’s about to get exhilarating!


  1. Nina P. July 29, 2024

    This digital wallet scheme could be a game-changer for Thailand’s economy. It’s about time we embraced digital transformation.

    • SkepticalSam July 29, 2024

      Really? It sounds like another government gimmick to me. How sustainable is this handout in the long run?

      • Sophia Li July 29, 2024

        I think it’s more than just a handout. It’s a way of pushing the country towards a digital economy. Sometimes, you need bold moves to ignite change.

      • Nina P. July 29, 2024

        Exactly, Sophia. It’s not just about the money. Think about the infrastructure improvements and the digital literacy this could foster.

    • ConcernedCiti July 29, 2024

      What about the elderly and people without smartphones? Aren’t they being left behind in this digital frenzy?

      • Julian D. July 29, 2024

        Did you even read the article? They have a plan for people without smartphones. Registration for them starts on September 16.

      • Nina P. July 29, 2024

        Correct, Julian. And let’s not forget the helpline they’ve set up. It’s quite comprehensive if you ask me.

  2. TechGuru88 July 29, 2024

    If the app crashes from high usage, that’ll be a real embarrassment for the government. I hope they’ve stress-tested the servers!

    • Mandy K. July 29, 2024

      Good point, TechGuru. I foresee a lot of frustrated people if that happens.

      • Sam July 29, 2024

        With six million predicted logins, there’s a high chance of that happening. Fingers crossed it doesn’t.

      • TechGuru88 July 29, 2024

        Exactly, Sam. This needs solid IT infrastructure and planning. Let’s see if they’ve got what it takes.

  3. Melanie Q. July 29, 2024

    Sounds exciting, but I’m worried about privacy. How secure is this Thang Rath app?

    • InfoWarrior July 29, 2024

      Your concerns are valid, Melanie. Government apps usually have a history of being skimming on security.

      • coder_jack July 29, 2024

        Not necessarily true, InfoWarrior. Modern apps are built with multiple layers of security. Let’s give it a chance.

      • Melanie Q. July 29, 2024

        Let’s hope you’re right, coder_jack. Our personal data needs to be protected at all costs.

  4. Sari July 29, 2024

    Will businesses actually benefit from this? Or is it just another way to control the economy?

    • Penny L. July 29, 2024

      From what I understand, this could boost local sales and modernize payment systems. It might be beneficial for everyone involved.

    • bootstraps59 July 29, 2024

      Sari has a point. Sometimes schemes like this have hidden agendas. Let’s stay vigilant.

  5. Chris T. July 29, 2024

    I’m just happy there’s a lifeline to call if things go wrong. That 24-hour helpline could save the day.

    • Andrea G. July 29, 2024

      So true, Chris! At least they’re planning to provide support, which is more than can be said for some initiatives.

    • Anna M. July 29, 2024

      I bet that helpline’s going to be swamped though. With 500 staff, it might still be tough to get through.

  6. Elena R. July 29, 2024

    I’m excited but also concerned. Is this sustainable, or are we just borrowing from the future?

    • economist_jp July 29, 2024

      Great question, Elena. The sustainability of such a scheme will depend on how it’s funded and managed.

  7. Thiti July 29, 2024

    Finally, a government initiative that’s forward-thinking. I’m all in!

    • Greg H. July 29, 2024

      I agree, Thiti. It’s about time we had something of this scale to push us into the digital age.

  8. Sara V. July 29, 2024

    I think this scheme has potential, but it has to be executed well. No room for errors here.

    • Liam July 29, 2024

      Absolutely, Sara. Execution is key. A good idea can fail if poorly managed.

  9. Andy P. July 29, 2024

    Would love to see how this plays out. Will this inspire similar initiatives in other countries?

  10. Nick D. July 29, 2024

    As a business owner, I’m cautiously optimistic. If it’s implemented well, it could modernize payments and increase sales.

    • Liv July 29, 2024

      Agreed, Nick. This has the potential to create a win-win situation for consumers and businesses.

  11. GreenEggsAndSam July 29, 2024

    The government needs to ensure that people from all walks of life can access this benefit. Inclusivity is crucial.

    • Ben T. July 29, 2024

      They’re trying, but there will always be people who slip through the cracks. No system is perfect.

  12. Jerry July 29, 2024

    What if the app just becomes a target for hackers? I don’t trust it one bit.

    • digital_dan July 29, 2024

      That’s a risk with any digital platform, Jerry. They need top-notch cybersecurity measures in place.

  13. Olivia H. July 29, 2024

    This could be just what we need to push forward economically. I’m hopeful!

  14. Hannah July 29, 2024

    I’m worried about the elderly and less tech-savvy people. Will they be able to navigate the app?

    • jessica_bee July 29, 2024

      That’s a valid concern, Hannah. It will all come down to how user-friendly the app is.

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