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Urgent Search for Missing British National Simon Robinson in Thailand

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British national Simon Robinson, 27, has gone missing in Thailand. (Photo: Sam Champ Facebook account)

Help is being sought to find a 27-year-old British man who went missing in Thailand. Supposed to board a flight back to the United Kingdom (UK) last Friday, he unexpectedly lost contact with his family and friends, leaving them anxious and desperate for information. In a bid to find him, his loved ones have turned to social media for assistance.

Facebook user Sam Champ posted a heartfelt plea in the Thailand Travel Advice TH Facebook group:

“Hi guys. I need your help, please‼️‼️ One of my dear friends has gone missing in Bangkok. He hasn’t been heard from since the 26th of July. He was supposed to board a flight that day and didn’t show up. It was his 27th birthday yesterday, and everyone is growing very concerned.

“He has been reported as a missing person. I’ve attached a picture of him; his name is Simon Robinson, and he’s from Lincolnshire. If anyone could share this post onward to anyone in Bangkok or Thailand, I’d be so grateful.”

Her message spread like wildfire across social media.

Mr. Robinson had been enjoying his time in Thailand before his sudden disappearance. Initially planning to extend his stay until August, he adjusted his return flight to the UK to July 26. However, upon arrival at the airport on that day, he vanished without a trace.

His family tried frantically to reach him, but every effort was in vain. A signal trace from his mobile phone indicated that he was in Bangkok on July 26, but the signal ceased—or was turned off—just five minutes before reaching Suvarnabhumi Airport in Samut Prakan.

With mounting concern, his relatives contacted the British embassy in Bangkok for assistance. When there was still no word on Simon’s whereabouts, they sought further help via social media.

Sarah Robinson Dale, Simon’s younger sister, also took to her Facebook account to appeal for netizens’ help. The anguish and uncertainty are palpable as the family waits for any information that might lead them to Simon and bring him safely home.

If you have any information about Simon’s whereabouts, please reach out to his family or the nearest authorities. Your help could make all the difference.


  1. John Doe August 3, 2024

    This is just heartbreaking. I hope they find him soon.

    • Sarah_Jones August 3, 2024

      I agree. It must be so terrifying for his family.

      • John Doe August 3, 2024

        Absolutely, I can’t even imagine what they are going through right now.

    • QuickRick August 3, 2024

      Why do people travel alone in unsafe countries? This could’ve been avoided.

      • Deborah K. August 3, 2024

        Thailand isn’t inherently unsafe. He might have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Blaming him isn’t helping.

      • John Doe August 3, 2024

        Right, QuickRick? Maybe show some empathy instead?

      • QuickRick August 3, 2024

        Empathy and realism are key. Traveling alone always carries risks.

      • Mofok August 3, 2024

        Unsafe countries…? Thailand is probably 100% safer than UK. This post could’ve been avoided.

  2. Lyn Masterson August 3, 2024

    Really hope those social media posts turn up some information!

    • TimTim August 3, 2024

      Social media can be such a powerful tool. Let’s all share!

      • Sara Li August 3, 2024

        Already shared on all my accounts. The more people know, the better.

      • JSmith314 August 3, 2024

        Let’s hope, but sometimes all it does is spread panic and misinformation.

      • TimTim August 3, 2024

        True, but in cases like this, any spread of info is good info.

  3. Elle_Wood August 3, 2024

    It’s good they contacted the British embassy. Fingers crossed this leads to something.

    • Markus89 August 3, 2024

      Embassies can sometimes be slow. They should also try private investigators.

    • Elle_Wood August 3, 2024

      Good point. Anything that might expedite the search.

  4. SoloTravelerL33 August 3, 2024

    This is why I always travel with a buddy. Too many stories like this.

    • AdventurerAl August 3, 2024

      Traveling alone has its risks, but it’s not fair to generalize. Millions travel solo every year without issues.

      • SoloTravelerL33 August 3, 2024

        Sure, but precautionary measures like company can save lives.

      • AdventurerAl August 3, 2024

        True…it’s always about balancing risk and reward.

  5. GracieM August 3, 2024

    I shared this post. Hoping it helps. Thailand is a big place.

    • HunterH August 3, 2024

      The more shares, the better. Let’s get this viral!

      • gracieM August 3, 2024

        Absolutely. We need authorities and locals both aware and looking.

      • Justin22 August 3, 2024

        Social media can make a huge difference. Remember the kidnapped girls in Nigeria?

  6. Anna Kendrick August 3, 2024

    Why aren’t stories like this getting more media attention? So frustrating.

    • MediaSavvy45 August 3, 2024

      Because it doesn’t fit their profitable narrative. Missing people stories don’t sell like celebrity gossip.

      • Anna Kendrick August 3, 2024

        Ugh, it’s so true. Priorities are so skewed.

  7. Sam123 August 3, 2024

    Maybe he just wanted to disappear? Sometimes people need a break from their lives.

    • FionaGreen August 3, 2024

      Not everyone wants to vanish, especially not on their birthday! Let’s focus on finding him.

      • Sam123 August 3, 2024

        Fair point. Hope he’s found safe regardless.

    • worryface August 3, 2024

      Disappearing without letting anyone know is very alarming. Doubt it’s intentional.

  8. Mike_H August 3, 2024

    I was in Bangkok around that time. Didn’t notice anything unusual at the airport.

    • Sandy_P August 3, 2024

      Good to know, but keep your eyes and ears open for any updates!

      • Mike_H August 3, 2024

        Definitely will. Hoping for the best for Simon.

  9. Concerned Parent August 3, 2024

    This story is every parent’s nightmare. Can’t imagine the anxiety.

    • Rick_Traveler August 3, 2024

      Absolutely. As a parent, you always worry when your kids are away.

      • Concerned Parent August 3, 2024

        Exactly. And when they’re adults, the worrying doesn’t stop.

  10. Jake_P August 3, 2024

    Maybe he met someone sketchy? Bangkok can be risky at night.

    • Janice77 August 3, 2024

      That’s a grim thought, Jake, but let’s stay positive.

      • Jake_P August 3, 2024

        Definitely staying hopeful. Just a theory.

  11. pli225 August 3, 2024

    What about CCTV footage from the airport?

    • DataJockey August 3, 2024

      Great point. Someone should request access or check if it’s being reviewed.

      • Pli225 August 3, 2024

        Exactly, we need all available resources in this search.

  12. SunnyDaze August 3, 2024

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts to his family.

    • TommyBoy August 3, 2024

      Same here. Stay strong, Robinson family.

      • SunnyDaze August 3, 2024

        It’s all we can do sometimes. Hope it’s enough.

  13. Mystic_Mama August 3, 2024

    Maybe he’s lost spiritually and needs light.

    • RationalThinker August 3, 2024

      Let’s stick to tangible solutions, okay?

      • Mystic_Mama August 3, 2024

        Light and positivity never hurt, RationalThinker.

        • RationalThinker August 3, 2024

          True, but we need concrete actions too.

  14. Allie_B August 3, 2024

    Hoping for a positive outcome. Bangkok locals, please keep an eye out!

    • BangkokBobby August 3, 2024

      We will, Allie. I’m sharing with my local community.

      • Allie_B August 3, 2024

        Thanks, Bobby! Every bit helps!

  15. Wanderlust_101 August 3, 2024

    So frightening. Travel can be unpredictable.

    • Nina August 3, 2024

      Indeed. That’s why it’s important to always keep a line of communication open just in case.

  16. Gareth August 3, 2024

    Does anyone know if he had any health issues? Maybe he fell ill and couldn’t contact anyone.

  17. TravelFanatic August 3, 2024

    This is why travel insurance that includes cover for emergency situations is a must!

  18. Sophia Williams August 3, 2024

    Any updates since this post? Hope he’s safe and sound.

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