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IRPC’s 170th Mobile Prosthetic Leg Unit Project in Trang: Touching Lives and Innovating for the Future

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In a heartwarming initiative, representatives from IRPC Public Co., Ltd. (IRPC) graced the 170th Mobile Prosthetic Leg Unit Project at Trang Technical College in Mueang Trang District, Trang Province, on the 18th-19th of August, 2024. Among the attendees were the ever-dedicated Ms. Chanida Sanhakorn, Senior Manager, and Ms. Chaleeya Chaiwattana, Senior Officer of Corporate Branding & Communication. The event was nothing short of spectacular as it was graced with the auspicious presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, who serves as the Honorary President of the Prostheses Foundation of H.R.H. the Princess Mother.

The ceremony was a significant milestone featuring Clinical Professor Dr. Niwes Nantachit, the Secretary-General of the Prostheses Foundation of H.R.H. the Princess Mother. This inspirational gathering saw 87 citizens in need receive new prosthetic legs, brimming with hope and possibilities.

IRPC has been a relentless force of goodwill, continuously donating polypropylene (PP) plastic pellets to the Prostheses Foundation for an impressive span of 13 years. These essential materials are the backbone for manufacturing top-tier prosthetic legs, offered free of charge to amputees. This remarkable partnership has birthed a staggering 39,000 prosthetic legs, each a testament to the life-changing impact of solidarity and social responsibility.

But the story doesn’t end there. Building on this legacy, IRPC and the Prostheses Foundation have embarked on collaborative research endeavors aimed at revolutionizing prosthetic leg components. Their shared goal is crystal-clear: to ensure that every amputee is equipped with a prosthetic leg of the highest standard and quality, thereby ushering in a significantly improved quality of life.

“IRPC Creates Good Things for the Future” — this isn’t just a slogan; it’s a promise that resonates through every act of kindness and generosity demonstrated by the company. With each donation and every research breakthrough, IRPC not only provides physical aid but also fosters a future brimming with possibilities, dignity, and hope for those most in need.


  1. John Doe August 30, 2024

    This project is truly heartwarming and shows the power of corporate social responsibility.

    • Skeptic123 August 30, 2024

      Isn’t it a bit too convenient for a company to do charity and get good PR? Makes me question their real intentions.

      • Jessica Smith August 30, 2024

        Even if their intentions are not purely altruistic, the end result is still positive for the amputees. That’s what matters most.

      • John Doe August 30, 2024

        I agree with Jessica. Motives might be mixed, but the recipients’ lives are genuinely improved.

    • Dr. Martin August 30, 2024

      As someone in the medical field, I can attest to how life-changing a high-quality prosthetic leg can be. Kudos to IRPC!

  2. KarenJ August 30, 2024

    I think it’s fantastic that they are donating materials for 13 years straight. Shows real commitment.

    • Tommyboy August 30, 2024

      Yeah, but aren’t they just trying to offload excess materials?

    • KarenJ August 30, 2024

      Even if they are, the materials are being put to great use. It’s a win-win situation.

  3. HealthNut97 August 30, 2024

    How sustainable is it to keep producing so many prosthetic legs using plastic? Is anyone looking into more eco-friendly materials?

    • EcoWarrior August 30, 2024

      Great point! We really need to consider the environmental impact of these projects too.

    • Jessica Smith August 30, 2024

      While eco-friendliness is important, it’s also crucial that these prosthetics are durable and affordable. It’s a complex issue.

    • HealthNut97 August 30, 2024

      True, but hopefully, with technological advancements, we can find a balance.

  4. Dave L August 30, 2024

    Why is IRPC only donating to this foundation? There are many amputees worldwide who need help. They should expand their reach.

  5. Elena R August 30, 2024

    The involvement of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn adds a lot of prestige to this project. It’s wonderful to see royals participating in such initiatives.

    • RoyalsAreBest August 30, 2024

      Absolutely! Her involvement definitely raises the profile and could inspire more donations and support.

    • Sarah T August 30, 2024

      It’s great to see figures of authority and influence advocating for such noble causes.

  6. GeekLord99 August 30, 2024

    I wonder what kind of research they are collaborating on for the future of prosthetics. Sounds super interesting!

    • TechieTom August 30, 2024

      Probably looking into more advanced materials and designs to make prosthetics more functional and comfortable.

    • John Doe August 30, 2024

      Precisely! Technological advancements in prosthetics could change lives significantly. I’m excited to see what comes next.

    • Skeptic123 August 30, 2024

      Let’s hope they don’t just use the research as another PR stunt.

  7. Sarah_B August 30, 2024

    Such initiatives should be more common. It’s inspiring to see big companies work towards social betterment.

    • WokeQueen August 30, 2024

      Yes, but we also need to hold these companies accountable for their other actions. One good deed doesn’t erase the bad.

    • John Doe August 30, 2024

      True, but acknowledging their positive impact can encourage other companies to follow suit.

  8. Mike P August 30, 2024

    What an emotional and inspiring story! Makes me want to get involved and volunteer too.

  9. DowneyJr August 30, 2024

    Would love to see more such collaborations across different sectors, not just health. Imagine the possibilities!

    • VisionaryVic August 30, 2024

      Indeed! Cross-sector collaborations can drive innovation and social impact on multiple fronts.

  10. NihilistNick August 30, 2024

    It’s all meaningless. Companies only care about profits. This is just a distraction.

  11. Fanboy45 August 30, 2024

    Hats off to IRPC and the Prostheses Foundation. This effort is making a real, tangible difference in people’s lives. So inspiring!

  12. CynicSue August 30, 2024

    Everyone’s praising IRPC, but what about other companies? Shouldn’t they be held to the same standard of social responsibility?

    • OpenMind August 30, 2024

      Agreed, more companies should step up. But celebrating the ones who do is a good start.

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