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Minor International Debuts Avani Brand in Singapore with New Hotel Development

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Minor International Public Company Limited (MINT) is thrilled to announce a milestone achievement in its hotel expansion strategy with its inaugural entry into Singapore—a bustling metropolis and pivotal Asian gateway. This landmark move comes through a collaborative partnership with Kajima Development Pte. Ltd. (“Kajima”) and Alwathba Investment LLC (“Alwathba”), paving the way for a lifestyle hotel in the heart of Singapore, adjacent to the Central Business District (CBD) and Chinatown.

Forging this path, MINT, Kajima, and Alwathba leverage their longstanding partnerships, spanning projects across Thailand and beyond. Once the transaction is finalized, the ownership of the hotel will be split among Kajima (50%), MINT (25%), and Alwathba (25%).

Marking MINT’s debut in Singapore’s hospitality arena, the plan is to develop a 13-story hotel with 200 keys at 24 Peck Seah Street, a prime location near Tanjong Pagar MRT. The hotel proudly carries the “Avani” brand, making its maiden appearance in Singapore. With an anticipated opening in Q1 2027, Avani aims to establish itself in this pivotal gateway city, attracting millions of global travelers. This initiative is a crucial part of MINT’s broader strategy to enhance its presence in major international gateway cities.

MINT’s investment for this ambitious project stands at approximately USD 19 million. It aims to deliver an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) in the mid-teens, signifying expected steady income, robust cash flows, and considerable asset value appreciation potential.

“Avani Singapore marks a strategic market entry for Minor Hotels, and we are honored to embark on this journey with our esteemed partners Kajima and Alwathba,” remarked Dillip Rajakarier, Group CEO of Minor International and CEO of Minor Hotels. “Their industry acumen and market knowledge will ensure an unparalleled hotel experience, creating a vibrant haven for both business and leisure travelers.” 

Mr. Shuichi Oishi, CEO of Kajima Development Pte. Ltd., added, “We are excited to advance our partnership with MINT and introduce the Avani brand to Singapore. By marrying Kajima’s established presence in Singapore with MINT’s expertise in branding and hospitality, along with its global network, we are confident that this project will set new standards in the hospitality sector.” 

Furthermore, Mohamed Saif Ghanem Saif Alsuwaidi, Managing Director of Alwathba, commented, “We have immense confidence in MINT’s ability to deliver stellar performance and returns. We are proud to support this Singaporean venture, underscoring our commitment to fostering international development and reinforcing our strategic global alliances.” 

This expansion means that MINT will now boast both hotel and restaurant operations in Singapore, building on the success of its nearly 100 restaurant outlets across the city. This dual presence underscores MINT’s unwavering commitment to the Singapore market and highlights the company’s prowess in delivering exceptional experiences across hospitality and dining sectors.


  1. John Doe September 2, 2024

    This is amazing news for Singapore! Another luxury hotel in the heart of the city will definitely boost tourism.

    • Jane Smith September 2, 2024

      But do we really need more luxury hotels? Housing prices are already skyrocketing, and this will only make things worse for locals.

      • John Doe September 2, 2024

        I get your concern, Jane, but hotels bring in tourists, which supports local businesses. It’s a trade-off.

      • EconomicThinker September 2, 2024

        John is right. Tourism growth has a multiplicative effect on the economy. It’s not just about the hotels.

  2. TravelerTom September 2, 2024

    Finally! An Avani hotel in Singapore. I’ve stayed at Avani properties before, and they are top-notch.

    • LuxuryLover September 2, 2024

      I am looking forward to experiencing their hospitality. Reports suggest Avani hotels have fantastic service.

    • ConcernedLocal September 2, 2024

      But what about the local heritage? These hotels often overshadow Singapore’s cultural spots.

  3. SkepticalSteve September 2, 2024

    Minor International and all these big corporations just care about profits. What about the environmental impact?

    • SustainabilitySusan September 2, 2024

      Good point. These developments should be mindful of their carbon footprint. Green initiatives should be mandatory.

    • CorporateKenny September 2, 2024

      Corporations are not inherently evil. They also bring job opportunities and improve infrastructure.

  4. HappyTourist September 2, 2024

    Can’t wait to book a stay at Avani Singapore. The location seems perfect!

    • LocalResident September 2, 2024

      Perfect for tourists, maybe. For us locals, it means more crowded MRTs.

  5. BusinessTraveler September 2, 2024

    A new hotel near the CBD is a boon for business travelers like me. Less commuting hassle!

    • Jane Smith September 2, 2024

      Not everyone benefits from the convenience, BusinessTraveler. It could drive up local rent prices.

    • BusinessTraveler September 2, 2024

      True, but it also creates jobs and improves local amenities. It’s a complex issue.

  6. Mandy M September 2, 2024

    Wow, an IRR in the mid-teens is impressive! This looks like a solid investment.

    • InvestorJoe September 2, 2024

      Exactly, Mandy. This is lucrative for those investing in the hospitality sector.

    • EcoWarrior September 2, 2024

      Why are we talking about returns when the planet is burning? Priorities, people.

    • Mandy M September 2, 2024

      Balancing financial returns and environmental sustainability is crucial. Investors and developers need to find a middle ground.

  7. TourismAdvocate September 2, 2024

    Singapore’s continued focus on growing its tourism sector is commendable. This development adds to the city’s global appeal.

  8. grower134 September 2, 2024

    Why should we care about this? Just another hotel by some rich guys.

    • SkepticalSteve September 2, 2024

      Exactly. It’s just more corporate greed masking as ‘development.’

    • EconomicThinker September 2, 2024

      It’s not just about profits. These developments have broader economic benefits. We need to look at the bigger picture.

  9. Larry D September 2, 2024

    Another concrete jungle addition. Are we losing our green spaces to high-rise buildings?

    • GreenAdvocate September 2, 2024

      Larry, we must push for more sustainable urban planning. Green spaces are crucial for our well-being.

  10. FoodieFan September 2, 2024

    MINT’s nearly 100 restaurant outlets in Singapore are great. Hopefully, this hotel includes some of their renowned dining options.

  11. HistoryBuff September 2, 2024

    Developing near Chinatown; I hope they preserve the heritage and cultural significance.

  12. SingaporeLocal September 2, 2024

    These international projects always promise jobs, but I rarely see the benefits trickling down to ordinary citizens.

  13. AvaniFan September 2, 2024

    Fantastic news! Avani Singapore will surely maintain the high standards set by other Avani hotels worldwide.

  14. CrossCountry September 2, 2024

    I wonder how competitive the pricing will be. Singapore is already known for its high cost of living.

    • TravelerTom September 2, 2024

      Good point. Will it cater only to luxury travelers, or will there be affordable options too?

  15. HotelCritic September 2, 2024

    Location near Tanjong Pagar MRT is strategic. But will it live up to the hype?

    • LuxuryLover September 2, 2024

      Given Avani’s track record, I’m optimistic. They rarely disappoint.

    • SkepticalSteve September 2, 2024

      Track records mean nothing if they don’t adapt to local needs.

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