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**Phuket’s Old Quarter Submerged: Heavy Rains Spark Flash Flood Warnings**

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The picturesque old quarter of Phuket found itself submerged after an unrelenting deluge on October 16, 2023. Photos shared on the Phuket PR office’s Facebook page gave a glimpse into the severity of the flooding, turning the bustling streets into canals reminiscent of Venice. It was an image that spoke a thousand words, highlighting the vulnerability of this historic area during extreme weather events.

Phuket’s old town, renowned for its Sino-Portuguese architecture and vibrant streets, is among 49 locations identified as high-risk zones for flash floods and landslides. This information was released by the Mineral Resources Department, presenting a sobering reality for residents and tourists alike as they braced for yet another round of inclement weather. The department’s extensive research employed sophisticated mathematical models and geographic data to ascertain which villages and communities were most susceptible to these natural disasters.

Among the many areas flagged for potential disaster were the old quarter and the Chartered Bank community, both nestled within the Muang district. These locations are not just beloved by locals but are also frequented by tourists, making the stakes even higher. This came on the heels of a tragic incident on August 23, when torrential rains triggered landslides that claimed the lives of 13 individuals, left 19 injured, and wreaked havoc on more than 50 homes. The devastating landslides were linked to deforestation on Nak Koet hill for the construction of a mammoth statue known as the Big Buddha, a monument that has now become a somber symbol of unintended consequences.

With weather predictions signaling more heavy rains and turbulent seas stretching through to Saturday, Phuket Governor Sophon Suwannarat has mobilized all relevant agencies. They’ve been tasked with gearing up for potential flash floods, sudden runoff, and landslides, ensuring that emergency measures are in place to mitigate any impending chaos. It’s a race against time as the island’s inhabitants fortify their homes and businesses, hoping to weather the storm.

Despite the gloomy forecast, the indomitable spirit of Phuket shines through. The community’s resilience in the face of adversity is nothing short of remarkable. Local businesses are taking extra precautions, sandbags are being stacked, and evacuation plans are being reviewed with meticulous care. It’s a scene of organized chaos as everyone prepares for the worst while hoping for the best.

The old town of Phuket, with its charming alleyways and heritage buildings, is a place dripping with history and culture. As it braces for nature’s wrath, there is a palpable sense of solidarity. The residents understand the risks but also acknowledge the necessity of preserving the town’s unique character and the livelihoods it supports. From the colorful shop fronts to the bustling markets, there’s a collective effort to safeguard this gem of an area, ensuring it remains a testament to the island’s storied past and resilient future.

The coming days will put this unity to the test. Will the floodwaters recede without inflicting too much damage, or will the old quarter of Phuket bear the brunt of nature’s fury once more? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: this community is ready to face whatever comes its way with unwavering courage and a touch of island spirit. Stay tuned for updates as Phuket navigates through these stormy seas, standing tall in the face of adversity.


  1. Sam W. September 3, 2024

    It’s heartbreaking to see such a beautiful area flooded yet again. Why aren’t more preventative measures being taken?

    • ecoWarrior2022 September 3, 2024

      Preventative measures cost money and political will. Neither seem to be in abundance.

      • Sam W. September 3, 2024

        True, but can we afford not to invest in them with all the lives at risk?

    • Tourist123 September 3, 2024

      As a regular visitor, it’s terrifying to think of what could happen if I were there during such a disaster. Is it even safe to plan a trip to Phuket now?

      • PhuketLocal September 3, 2024

        Tourism is a big part of our economy. It’s not just about safety; it’s about supporting the local community too.

  2. Joan September 3, 2024

    Blame the deforestation for these disasters! When will governments learn?

    • ProDevelopment September 3, 2024

      Development is necessary for progress. We can’t halt growth because of unpredictable natural events.

      • NatureLover September 3, 2024

        Unpredictable? These events are increasing because of human activities!

      • Joan September 3, 2024

        Exactly! Sustainable development is the key, not mindless deforestation.

  3. Tom September 3, 2024

    I can’t believe the Big Buddha project is linked to such destruction. It’s shocking!

    • CulturalAdvocate September 3, 2024

      While the Big Buddha is an important cultural site, the deforestation that accompanied it should have been better managed.

    • MonsoonMiker September 3, 2024

      The floods would have happened regardless. It’s not just about one project.

  4. Sophia4 September 3, 2024

    The resilience of the Phuket community is truly inspiring.

    • DoomAndGloom September 3, 2024

      Until the next disaster strikes. How long can they keep picking themselves up?

      • Sophia4 September 3, 2024

        With the right support, indefinitely. Communities survive by standing together.

  5. Nature’s fury September 3, 2024

    Mother Nature doesn’t play favorites. We need to respect her more.

  6. expatJoe September 3, 2024

    I’ve lived here for 10 years. Flooding’s getting worse. What are we doing wrong?

    • govSupport September 3, 2024

      It’s a combination of changing weather patterns and lack of sufficient infrastructure.

      • expatJoe September 3, 2024

        So what’s the solution? Rebuild the infrastructure better?

      • FloodExpert September 3, 2024

        Yes, plus reforestation and better urban planning.

  7. RyanD September 3, 2024

    I hope the residents can recover quickly. The old quarter is irreplaceable.

  8. Patty September 3, 2024

    Sandbags and evacuation plans are great, but they seem so temporary. Is there a more permanent solution?

    • Engineer4Life September 3, 2024

      Permanent solutions like better drainage systems and flood barriers are much needed but take time and investment.

  9. Sunny September 3, 2024

    Why does it seem like every year we hear about natural disasters becoming more intense?

    • ClimatologistLou September 3, 2024

      Climate change is real and it’s exacerbating natural weather patterns.

    • SkepticJohn September 3, 2024

      Or maybe it’s just better media coverage catching your attention more often now.

  10. BeachLover September 3, 2024

    What a shame. Phuket used to be my favorite vacation spot, but now it seems like it’s just one disaster after another.

  11. LocalHero September 3, 2024

    Our community will get through this. We always do.

    • Skeptik September 3, 2024

      It’s becoming harder every year though. How sustainable is this way of coping?

    • LocalHero September 3, 2024

      It’s as sustainable as our community spirit. We adapt and overcome.

  12. TravelFreak2000 September 3, 2024

    I was planning a trip to Phuket next month. Should I cancel it?

    • TravelAgentLisa September 3, 2024

      Check with your travel agency and local advisories. Safety first!

  13. Janet H. September 3, 2024

    How many more lives need to be lost before serious action is taken?

    • RealistRich September 3, 2024

      Sad reality is, probably many more. Governments are slow to act.

    • ActiveCitizen September 3, 2024

      Pressure from citizens and NGOs can accelerate actions. Don’t underestimate people power.

  14. HistoryBuff September 3, 2024

    If they lose the old quarter, they lose a major part of their cultural heritage.

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