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Heroic Pattaya Rescue: Cambodian Worker Jin Saved from Trench Collapse

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Rescuers are swiftly clearing the compacted soil from a collapsed trench where a Cambodian worker had been buried alive. This incident unfolded in Pattaya on Wednesday, and it had everyone holding their breath—quite literally. The dramatic rescue took place under the scorching Thai sun, witnessed by a slew of onlookers, their hearts palpitating with anxiety. According to a Facebook post by JS100 Radio, the rescue was nothing short of miraculous.

The 28-year-old worker, identified as Jin, found himself in a dire predicament while laboring in a drainage channel in front of Wat Boon Samphan in tambon Nong Phrue, located in Chon Buri’s Bang Lamung district. One moment he was working, the next, the trench, a behemoth at 5 meters deep, gave way, entombing him in an avalanche of moist earth.

When heroes-in-orange from the Sawang Boriboon Foundation arrived, they encountered a scene of desperate urgency. Metal tools had been tossed aside, and Jin’s coworkers were attacking the soil with nothing more than their fingers and hoes. Frenetic, yet determined, they forged a human chain to save their trapped colleague. The tension was palpable, each second ticking away like thunder in a storm.

The operation was anything but easy. Jin was ensnared in a dense shroud of dirt, making the task like untangling an impossibly knotted chain. But help arrived with a mechanical savior—a backhoe mounted on a truck. As it heaved and shoveled the sandy soil, the team bore witness to the first hopeful signs—Jin’s head and hands finally piercing through the earthy barrier.

For about ten agonizing minutes, Jin had been deprived of fresh air, his breaths shallow and suffocating. When his rescuers finally reached him, they wasted no time in strapping an oxygen mask onto his dusty face. Imagine the communal sigh of relief when, after half an hour of relentless digging, they freed the rest of his body and lifted him to safety. It was as if the earth itself had relinquished its grip, conceding to their sheer willpower.

Despite the ordeal, Jin remained remarkably resilient. He was short of breath but miraculously still conscious, his eyes flickering with life. He was responsive, and managed to answer questions amidst gasps for air. He bore abrasions, telling tales of his struggle, but was otherwise in a stable condition. He was promptly whisked away to Bang Lamung Hospital for further examination and treatment.

The trench, standing at an intimidating 5 meters, had succumbed to recent torrential rains, saturating the soil to a tipping point. The collapse was as sudden as it was unexpected, catching everyone off guard. The head contractor at the site confirmed that there had been no warning signs, reinforcing the cruel reality of nature’s unpredictability.

In the aftermath, there’s much to reflect upon—the fragility of human life, the strength of camaraderie, and the incredible fortitude displayed by both Jin and his rescuers. As the dust settles, one can’t help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the everyday heroes among us. Words may recount the events, but the emotions of that day? They will linger long, just like the sands of time.


  1. grower134 September 4, 2024

    Miraculous rescue indeed, but this just highlights the incredibly dangerous conditions these workers face daily. Isn’t anyone else enraged by the lack of proper safety protocols?

    • Sue September 4, 2024

      Absolutely! It seems like these companies only care about profit and not the well-being of their workers. This tragedy could have been avoided.

      • SammyH September 4, 2024

        But it’s not always the company’s fault. The natural disasters like torrential rains can sometimes hit unexpectedly. Can we really blame the contractor?

      • grower134 September 4, 2024

        SammyH, while natural events are uncontrollable, there are still preventive measures that could be put in place. Ignoring these measures just puts lives at unnecessary risk.

    • Larry D September 4, 2024

      The companies should be held accountable for such incidents, period.

  2. Joe September 4, 2024

    I can’t help but admire the bravery of those rescuers. They truly are real-life heroes.

    • Matthew September 4, 2024

      Totally! And the fact that the coworkers started digging with just their hands shows true human solidarity.

    • Lisa M. September 4, 2024

      Heroism is great, but it doesn’t change the root cause of the problem. These workers should never had to face such danger in the first place.

    • Joe September 4, 2024

      Absolutely, Lisa. It’s a bittersweet scenario when heroism is the result of something that shouldn’t have happened.

  3. XxGamingProxX September 4, 2024

    I wonder why they don’t just use more advanced tech to prevent such incidents. It feels like the construction industry is stuck in the past.

    • TechGal September 4, 2024

      You’re right. While we have tons of tech advancements, the adoption rate in construction is terribly slow compared to other sectors.

    • Theo J September 4, 2024

      Implementing advanced tech is expensive and time-consuming, especially in developing countries. It’s easier said than done.

    • XxGamingProxX September 4, 2024

      I get that it’s a challenge, Theo J, but isn’t human life worth the investment?

  4. Anna September 4, 2024

    The human chain formed by the workers is so touching. It’s a great example of teamwork and resilience.

    • Logan September 4, 2024

      Yes, but it also shows how unprepared they were. They had to rely on sheer manpower in a life-threatening situation.

    • Anna September 4, 2024

      True, Logan. It’s impressive but simultaneously highlights the flaws in their safety setup.

  5. Patricia September 4, 2024

    Sending thoughts and prayers to Jin and his family. Hope he recovers soon!

    • Harriet F. September 4, 2024

      Prayers are good, but real changes need to be made to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

    • Patricia September 4, 2024

      Of course, Harriet. I’m just trying to offer some immediate support here.

  6. Roger September 4, 2024

    I was on vacation in Pattaya around the same time. Can’t believe something so terrifying happened.

  7. Brandon L September 4, 2024

    This just shows life is so unpredictable. We should appreciate every moment.

  8. EngineerGuy92 September 4, 2024

    As someone who works in construction, these scenarios are my worst nightmare. Safety standards need to be universally improved.

    • mechanic96 September 4, 2024

      Totally agree, man. But the reality is, most small contractors cut corners to save money.

    • EngineerGuy92 September 4, 2024

      Which is why we need stricter regulations and enforcement.

  9. Veronica September 4, 2024

    Why isn’t there an official statement from the contractor yet? Feels like they’re hiding something.

    • Charlie T. September 4, 2024

      As usual, they’ll probably wait till the dust settles. Damage control at its finest.

  10. Chris14 September 4, 2024

    Heartbreaking story. It’s a miracle Jin survived such an ordeal.

    • NatureLover September 4, 2024

      Yes, but what’s being done to make sure it doesn’t happen again? We need more than just emotional stories.

    • Chris14 September 4, 2024

      I get your point, NatureLover. These stories should serve as a wake-up call for all stakeholders involved.

  11. Eleanor September 4, 2024

    This situation just stresses how crucial emergency response units are. Big shoutout to the Sawang Boriboon Foundation.

  12. Odessa September 4, 2024

    It’s good that Jin survived, but what about his mental health? Traumatic experiences like this can leave lasting scars.

  13. Tommy W. September 4, 2024

    Once he’s physically recovered, Jin should receive counseling to deal with any traumatic stress. Employers should provide this.

  14. Bella September 4, 2024

    Great to see a happy ending for once, but we shouldn’t have to rely on miracles.

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