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Itthidet Thanetwattana Leads Fight Against The iCon Group’s Alleged Consumer Fraud in Thailand

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Under the glaring lights of media cameras, Itthidet Thanetwattana, a stalwart champion for Thai and international victims, brandished a mountain of documents as he stood defiantly at the Central Investigation Bureau. He was there to blow the whistle loudly and clearly, lodging a formal complaint against The iCon Group, a company embroiled in a scandalous tale of consumer deceit.(Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)

The drama unfolded as a group of 40 individuals from diverse corners of the globe—spanning Asia and Europe—raised their voices in unison against the alleged misdeeds of The iCon Group. Claiming losses that ballooned to a whopping 20 million baht, these accusers represent just a sliver of the nearly 3,000 complaints that have piled up against this flashy online business enterprise.

With an air of determination, Mr. Itthidet marched into the hallowed halls of the Central Investigation Bureau in Bangkok, armed to the teeth with incriminating evidence. His arsenal included purchase receipts for the elusive iCon products, snapshots of hopeful shop owners who awaited shipments that never arrived, and even photos of victims posing unwittingly with Warathaphon “Boss Paul” Waratyaworrakul, The iCon Group’s charismatic yet controversial founder.

According to Mr. Itthidet, these 40 victims—who have made their homes in far-flung places like China, Hong Kong, Macau, Italy, Germany, Canada, Estonia, and Luxembourg—found themselves ensnared in a web of undelivered promises. Despite transferring large sums of money to order products simply to resell in local markets, their hands remained empty.

The group primarily consisted of industrious housewives who saw a golden opportunity in iCon’s glitzy advertisements, paraded across Facebook and featuring their celebrity figureheads. These polished promotions fostered a sense of trust and aspiration. Mr. Itthidet lamented that some victims even shared convivial encounters with Mr. Warathaphon and other prominent ‘bosses’ during overseas jaunts.

One particularly poignant tale is that of a Thai woman living in Hong Kong, who valiantly invested more than a million baht for cocoa powder, coffee, and collagen—yet received only a paltry fraction of her order. Her attempts to seek redress with the agent who seduced her into investing were rebuffed, leaving her efforts as fruitful as a chocolate teapot.

Communication barriers and the staggering costs of travel burden many victims, such as the Chinese and other foreigners, complicating their pursuit of justice. Mr. Itthidet explained that they might authorize kin or comrades in Thailand to convey their grievances to law enforcement.

Despite the turbulence, the tide of complaints against The iCon Group shows no sign of ebbing. A staggering 2,910 complainants have stormed the gates of justice, accusing the firm of orchestrating a devious pyramid scheme that has siphoned away a colossal 911 million baht. The disquiet reached fever pitch last Saturday when 85 fresh faces joined the chorus, claiming losses totaling 29 million baht.

Authorities took decisive action last Wednesday, apprehending Mr. Warathaphon and 17 other alleged conspirators, casting them as the villains of this tale woven from threads of public fraud and fictitious computer entries. Despite vehement denials, the shadow of suspicion looms over these 18 individuals, with only three attempting—and failing—to secure bail.

As the legal battle unfurls like the most gripping of sagas, the arrested parties, comprising 11 men and 7 women, remain behind bars, perhaps pondering the consequences of their grandiose ventures that now have them teetering on the brink of infamy.


  1. Lena43 October 19, 2024

    It’s about time someone took a stand against these fraudulent companies. Good on Itthidet for taking action!

    • Robert_B October 19, 2024

      While I agree, don’t you think Itthidet’s motives could be more than just altruistic? Maybe he’s looking for fame.

      • Lena43 October 19, 2024

        Even if he is, at least it’s shedding light on the issue. These victims deserve justice.

      • ThaiSun October 19, 2024

        Exactly, justice needs to be served. Even if he’s doing it for attention, the outcome benefits the victims.

    • Vic33 October 19, 2024

      How many times have we seen these scams happening? When will people learn to spot a pyramid scheme?

      • Lena43 October 19, 2024

        It’s not always that simple; these companies can be very convincing, especially with celebrity endorsements.

  2. Sophia J October 19, 2024

    Why do people still fall for these schemes? It’s 2024, not 2004! People need to be smarter with their money.

    • EconGuru October 19, 2024

      It’s not just about intelligence. These scams prey on trust and desperation.

    • Historybuff21 October 19, 2024

      Agreed, scams like these exploit people’s hopes and dreams. It’s the emotional aspect that’s targeted.

  3. Joe1234 October 19, 2024

    I wonder if The iCon Group will bounce back from this or if it’s the end for them. Thoughts?

    • Larry D October 19, 2024

      With over 900 million baht involved, I doubt they’ll recover. Too many people want justice now.

    • LucyM October 19, 2024

      Companies have survived worse, but this does seem like a total PR nightmare.

    • Grower134 October 19, 2024

      Reputation damage is probably irreparable in today’s social media-driven world.

  4. GaryXYZ October 19, 2024

    I’m genuinely curious, how could authorities not catch on to such a large-scale fraud operation sooner?

    • Anna October 19, 2024

      Corruption and negligence play a huge role. Sometimes authorities are the last to know, ironically.

      • GaryXYZ October 19, 2024

        It’s disheartening, to be honest. You’d think they’d be more vigilant with so much money involved.

  5. RationalThinker October 19, 2024

    Arrests have been made, but what about the lost money? Will the victims ever be compensated?

    • MoneyWiseMatt October 19, 2024

      Honestly, it rarely happens. Most victims just end up more broke and defeated than before.

    • RationalThinker October 19, 2024

      It’s a sad reality of these cases. We need stronger consumer protection laws globally.

  6. TechSavvy October 19, 2024

    Isn’t it amazing how these scammers manipulate social media so effectively? It’s quite terrifying.

    • NerdAlert October 19, 2024

      It’s terrifying indeed, but also a testimony to the evolving technology in scamming tactics.

    • TechSavvy October 19, 2024

      Sad that technology, which can do so much good, is also used in such destructive ways.

  7. MisterMagoo October 19, 2024

    I bet there were red flags all along and people just chose to ignore them. Typical!

    • SkepticalSteve October 19, 2024

      Maybe, but in the heat of excitement and glossy marketing, most people overlook those signs.

      • MisterMagoo October 19, 2024

        True, emotions cloud judgment. It’s a costly lesson for many.

    • MaryLou October 19, 2024

      Not everyone has the luxury of skepticism when their livelihood is at stake.

  8. Dennis_tinker October 19, 2024

    Does anyone else think these arrested elites will just buy their way out?

  9. Elaine77 October 19, 2024

    It’s a shame to see a smart businessman resort to fraud. Ought to have just run a legitimate business.

  10. Phil October 19, 2024

    Are pyramid schemes really still legal in some places? How is this not already outlawed everywhere?

  11. ZenMaster October 19, 2024

    Even in 2024, human greed knows no bounds. Let’s hope this is a lesson in ethics for others.

  12. Jared C October 19, 2024

    Will Mr. Warathaphon ever be seen as anything more than a villain now? This might be branding suicide.

  13. Melissa J October 19, 2024

    Whatever happened to due diligence? People should really research more before getting involved.

  14. TimTheSkeptic October 19, 2024

    Bet nothing significant will come of it in court. Too many loopholes and lawyers buying time.

  15. IvoryTower October 19, 2024

    Cases like these highlight the importance of financial literacy. It should be taught in schools!

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