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Unforeseen Exodus: Over 9000 Karenni Flee Kayah State to Thai Borders! – Unveil the Horrific Untold War Saga!

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The northern province’s Governor, Chettha Mosikarat, in a press conference, revealed an astonishing figure of 9,064 Karenni individuals. These unfortunate souls had no choice but to flee Kayah State in search of safer pastures, resulting in them crowding the border area of Mae Hong Son. The trigger – an escalation in conflicts that started taking a turn for the worst in the early days of June.

Among the distressed and displaced, 4,473 have found temporary refuge in the Mae Sariang district. A marginally smaller count of 820 has sought safety in the Khun Yuam district. The Muang district was compelled to open its arms to a fairly larger contingent of refugees – 3,771 in number.

The approximity of the safe zones to the border is a little over one kilometre, as per insights from the governor. These bouquets of hope, run and managed by Thai authorities, have become temporary homes for these individuals cherishing their newfound peace.

Continued assistance from Thai authorities has ensured that the refugees are not wanting for food or rudimentary healthcare. Makeshift shelters have also sprung up, offering roofs to those fleeing turbulence. While the governor has been playing a crucial role in this scenario, he has clearly not been alone in these efforts. He commended the tireless participation of non-governmental organizations in supplementing his provincial administration’s efforts. Furthermore, the generosity of the province’s inhabitants has been a much-welcomed succour. It’s this concerted action that continues to alleviate the plight of the refugees.

But Chettha’s optimism is cautiously measured. If there wasn’t a ceasefire soon, he noted, the administration might need to recalibrate its current approach, owing to the increasing strain on resources.

The tension in the region, sources from the Karenni Army informed, has been a direct consequence of Myanmar’s junta piling on the violence, undeterred. Bombing of Karenni Army bases and civilian homes has become their new norm, with airstrikes running rampant for multiple days on end. The affected regions include two villages adjacent to the Pha Song district – a base across from Mae Sariang – all of which bore the brunt of fighter jet bombings.

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